sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

Colección Amplificadores Operacionales

Colección Amplificadores Operacionales
Amplificadores operacionales -Arthur B. Williams
Amplificadores Operacionales y Circuitos Integrados Lineales -Coughlin-Driscoll
Amplificadores Operacionales Y Filtros Activos -Antonio Pertence
Diseño Con Amplificadores Operacionales Y Circuitos Integrados Analógicos -Sergio Franco
Handbook Of Operational Amplifier Applications -Burr and Brown
Op Amps for Everyone Design Guide -Ron Mancin

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Colección Potencia / Industrial

Colección Potencia / Industrial
Curso De Electronica De Potencia -Leopoldo García Franquelo
Curso de Eletronica Industrial y Automatizacion -CEKIT
Curso De Sistemas Electrónicos De Potencial -Aena
Electronica de Potencia -Muhammad Rashid 3º
Electronica de potencia -Ned Mohan.pdfl
Electronica Industrial -Escuela IADE
Electronica Industrial -Maloney
Electrónica de Potencia -Daniel W. Hart
Electrónica de potencia componentes -Martínez García, Gualda Gil
Electrónica de Potencia -Teoria y Aplicaciones -Benavent -Abellán -Figueres
Introduccion A La Electronica De Potencia - EUITI EIBAR

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Crystal Diode Circuits

Crystal Diode Circuits
Sylvania Electric Products
In this booklet, we present 40 germanium diode applications, tried and proven, which did not appear in the several crystal booklets published previously by our Company We believe the engineer, service technician, transmitting radio amateur, and hobbyist all will find items of interest in this new collection of circuits and data It is believed further that the items contained in this booklet will provoke further thought and experimentation on the part of readers activity which will lead to development of even more applications of the already prolific germanium diode.
In recent years, the crystal voltmeter and miscellaneous crystal meters have attained an identity of their own For this reason, a separate chapter has been devoted to meters.
En este folleto, se presentan 40 aplicaciones de diodo de germanio, probado y comprobado, que no aparecen en los fascículos de cristal diversas publicaciones previamente por nuestra empresa creemos que el ingeniero, técnico, aficionados, _ radioaficionado los aficionados se darán cuenta de los elementos de interés esta nueva colección de circuitos y datos se cree, además, que los elementos contenidos en este folleto le alentar la reflexión y la experimentación por parte de la actividad de los lectores lo que conducirá al desarrollo de aplicaciones aún más del diodo de germanio ya prolífica.
En los últimos años, el voltímetro de cristal y varios medidores de cristal han alcanzado una identidad propia Por esta razón, un capítulo aparte se ha dedicado a medir.
  • CHAPTER I. Crystal Meters and Meter Accessories. Linear Voltmeter for Built-in Instrumentation. Tube- Driven Linear Crystal Voltmeters. High-Resistance Crystal Voltmeters. Square-Law D C Voltmeter. Ballistic Meter for Single Transients. Simple A C Millivoltmeter. Trans- former-Coupled A F Millivoltmeter. Audio-Frequency Microvolter. D C Meter Compressor. Peak-to-Peak Television Voltmeter Probe. Full-Wave Current Meters. Series-Connected Diodes for High-Voltage A C Meters. 
  • CHAPTER II. Communication Applications. Improved Low-Level Frequency Multiplier. Harmonic Accentuator for Exciters. Simple Cueing Receiver. Amplifier Protective Relay. Carrier-Operated Receiver Muting System. Voice (Modulation) Controlled Relay. Monitor Receiver for Broadcast Transmitter Location. AM Receiver Noise Limiter
  • CHAPTER III. TV and Radio Service Devices. TV Antenna Orientation Meter. Self-Contained Field Strength Meter. Demodulator Probe for TV Oscilloscope. Tuned Crystal -Type Signal Tracer. Television Video Detector. FM-TV Discriminator. FM Dynamic Limiter. TV Cascade Sync Clipper. AGC Peak Detector. TV Vertical Pulse Separator
  • CHAPTER IV. Experimental Applications. Amplitude Modulator. Bridged-T Phase Modulator. Spike Generator. Pulse Generator. Sawtooth Generator. Germanium Triode Power Supply. Miniature Light-Intensity Meter. Indicating Audio Frequency Meter. Voltage- Selective Circuit. Germanium Diodes as Curve Straighteners. 
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viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

Build Your Own Disco Projects

Build Your Own Disco Projects
Editorial BPB
The word psychedelic, used by the author in Chapter 1 pertains to a state of relaxation and pleasure with heightened perception. Such relaxation and pleasure can be experienced by observing various patterns of coloured lights In the good old days, mechanical devices using rotating discs or drums used to be employed to produce various patterns of light effects Such psychedelic light effects are known as DISCO.
In modern projects, Disco affects are provided by digital electronics The present book written by Mr M C Sharma is all about these projects You will find them both fascinating and instructive.
La psicodélica palabra, utilizada por el autor en el capítulo 1 se refiere a un estado de relajación y placer con mayor percepción. Tal flexibilidad y placer puede ser experimentado por la observación de diversos patrones de luces de colores en los buenos tiempos, los dispositivos mecánicos que utilizan discos giratorios o de los tambores utilizados para ser empleados para producir diversos patrones de efectos de luz Tales efectos psicodélicos de luz que se conoce como DISCO.
En los proyectos modernos, Disco afecta son proporcionados por la electrónica digital El presente libro escrito por el Sr. MC Sharma es todo acerca de estos proyectos en los que va a encontrar a la vez fascinante e instructivo.
  • Clocks
  • Power Supplies
  • Lamp Drivers
  • Radio Interference
  • Precautions
  • Lamp Flashers
  • Strobe Lights
  • 7495 Shift Register
  • CD 4035 Shift Register
  • Spellers
  • Running Handwriting Displays
  • Moving Curtains
  • Sequential Switching
  • Interrupted Movement
  • Variable Movement
  • Up/Down Counters
  • Decoders
  • Roulettes
  • Snake Chasers
  • Intensity Modulators
  • Inverse Modulators
  • Colour Organ
  • Bar Graph Generators
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    jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

    555 Timer its Applications

    555 Timer its Applications
    Editorial BPB
    TIME ON YOUR HANDS ! With the monolithic integrated circuit 555 you can get accurate timing ranges of microseconds to hours, independent of supply voltage variations. This versatile device has a large number of interesting practical applications, especially for electronic hobbyists.
    Basically, the 555 timer is a highly stable integrated circuit capable of functioning as an accurate time-delay generator and as a free running multivibrator. 
    El Tiempo en sus manos! Con el circuito integrado monolítico 555 se puede obtener intervalos precisos de tiempo de microsegundos a horas, independiente de las variaciones de tensión de alimentación. Este dispositivo versátil tiene un gran número de interesantes aplicaciones prácticas, especialmente para aficionados a la electrónica.
    Básicamente, el temporizador 555 es un circuito integrado altamente estable capaz de funcionar como un reloj de precisión retraso generador y como un multivibrador de funcionamiento libre.
    • A 555 Timer and Applications
    • Photo Timer
    • Touch Plate Controller
    • Auto Wiper Control
    • Delayed Switching of Auto Head Lights After Parking
    • Tiny Flasher
    • Solid-State Flasher
    • Sense-of-Time Tester
    • Square-Wave Generator
    • Linear Saw-Tooth Generators
    • Warble Tone Generator
    • Delayed Automatic Power Off
    • Delayed Automatic Power On
    • Ni-Cd Battery Charger
    • Wide Range Pulse Generator
    • Frequency Divider
    • Missing Pulse Detector
    • Light Operated Relay
    • Temperature Controller
    • Brightness Control of LED Display
    • Sequential Switching
    • Long Duration Timer
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      miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012

      51 Projects Using CD4011

      51 Projects Using CD4011
      Editorial BPB
      As far as we are aware, there is no book in the market which provides a large number of practical projects using only one type of CMOS IC. The author has selected CD4011 for his projects.
      CMOS is a versatile device and the IC CD4011 can be put to many applications. It is the basic building block chip consisting of four NAND gates and is more versatile than the CMOS IC 74.
      As you can see from the contents, the IC can be used as linear amplifiers, multivibrators, schmitt triggers, pulse generators, and crystal oscillators. Besides, fascinating projects such as light flashers, blinkers, metronones burglar alarms and a host of other projects can be built out of this single IC employing only a few external components. We hope that our readers will enjoy building these projects and find them useful as well.
      Por lo que sabemos, no hay ningún libro en el mercado que ofrece un gran número de proyectos prácticos con un solo tipo de CMOS IC. El autor ha seleccionado CD4011 para sus proyectos.
      CMOS es un dispositivo versátil y el CD4011 IC se puede poner a muchas aplicaciones. Es el chip de bloque de construcción básico que consta de cuatro puertas NAND y es más versátil que el CMOS IC 74.
      Como se puede ver en los contenidos, la IC se puede utilizar como amplificadores lineales, multivibradores, disparadores Schmitt, generadores de pulso, y osciladores de cristal. Además, los proyectos fascinantes como luces intermitentes, luz, alarmas antirrobo metronones y una serie de otros proyectos puede construirse a partir de este IC único que emplea sólo unos pocos componentes externos. Esperamos que nuestros lectores podrán disfrutar de la construcción de estos proyectos y sean de utilidad también.
      • Astable Multivibrator
      • Pulse Generator
      • Wide-Range Oscillator
      • Xtal Oscillator
      • Schmitt Trigger Oscillator
      • Flip-flop Oscillator
      • Cod Practice Oscillator S
      • LED Blinker
      • LED Winker
      • Sleeping Demon
      • Christmas Tree Flasher
      • High Power Flasher
      • Aural Metronome
      • Visual Metronome 15- Metrotone
      • Tone Modulator
      • Tone Demodulator
      • Battery-on Reminder
      • Siren
      • Water Level Alarm
      • Burglar Alarm
      • Automatic shut-off
      • Alarm Sound Generator
      • Overvoltage Indicator
      • Undervoltage Indicator
      • Mains Failure Indicator
      • Contact Debouncer
      • Alternate Action Switch
      • 2-Input OR/NOR Gate
      • 3-Input AND/NAND Gate
      • Exclusive-OR Gate
      • Pulse Sharpener
      • Pulse Stretcher
      • Cock Edge Shaper
      • Frequency Doubler
      • Touch Sensitive Switch
      • Proximity Switch
      • Shift Register
      • Miniature Traffic Lights
      • Light Operated Relay
      • Light Operated Latching Relay
      • Automatic Parking Light Switch
      • Electronic Timer
      • Pulsed Output Timer
      • Enlarger Timer
      • Long Duration Tuner
      • Continuity Tester
      • Logic Level Indicator
      • High Impedance Voltmeter
      • Heads or Tails
      • Electronic Game  
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        martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

        41 Projects using IC 741 OP AMP

        41 Projects using IC 741 OP AMP
        M C Sharma
        Editorial BPB
        The Operational Amplifier 1C741 is perhaps one of the most inexpensive IC available in the market Yet it is comparable to the best of such IC's in respect of versatility and superb performance It is, therefore, natural that there is hardly any electronic magazine in the world which does not contain a project using this IC
        This book which is now in your hands contains 41 projects employing this IC You will find the electrical details of this IC in the book itself, which make them so versatile.
        El amplificador operacional IC 741 es quizás uno de los más baratos IC disponible en el mercado Sin embargo, es comparable a los mejores de este IC en relación con la versatilidad y excelente rendimiento, es, por tanto, es natural que casi no hay revista electrónica en el mundo que no contiene un proyecto con este IC
        Este libro que ahora está en sus manos contiene 41 proyectos que utilizan este IC Usted encontrará los detalles eléctricos de este circuito integrado en el propio libro, que los hacen tan versátil.
        • Power Supplies
        • Inverting DC Amplifier
        • Non-Inverting DC Amplifier
        • Inverting AC Amplifier
        • Non-Inverting AC Amplifier
        • DC Voltage Follower
        • AC Voltage Follower
        • Xtal Pickup Preamplifier
        • Magnetic Pickup Preamplifier
        • Magnetic Mike Preamplifier
        • Guitar Preamplifier
        • Telephone Pickup Preamplifier
        • Mixer Amplifier
        • Tone Control
        • Signal Tracer
        • 3W Amplifier
        • Intercom
        • 12W Amplifier
        • DC Motor Control
        • AC Motor Control
        • Schmitt Trigger
        • Square Wave Generator
        • Pulse Generator
        • Multitone Bell
        • Electronic Siren
        • Monostable Multivibrator
        • Bistable Multivibrator
        • Trigger Pulse Generator
        • Hasher
        • Timer
        • Light Operated Relay
        • Power Failure Indicator
        • Touch Controller
        • FM Tuning Indicator
        • Positive Reference Voltage
        • Negative Reference Voltage
        • Regulated Power Supply
        • DC Voltmeter
        • AC Millivoltmeter
        • Microampere Meter
        • Engine RPM Counter
        • Analog to Digital Converter
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          lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012

          121 Electronic Projects

          121 Electronic Projects
          This 1974 issue of "101" the Editors have gathered a number of new circuits tabled passive It is a group of 20 circuits usually consisting only of resistors, capacitors, diodes or inductors We define passive circuits as those that do not connect directly to a battery, AC supply, solar cell or similar power source Amplification devices such as discrete transistors or operational IC amplifiers are not used in passive circuits.
          La edición de 1974 del "101" Proyectos, los editores han reunido una serie de nuevos circuitos pasivos. Presentando un grupo de 20 circuitos, que por lo general consta sólo de resistencias, condensadores, diodos o inductores nos definen circuitos pasivos como los que no se conectan directamente a una batería, suministro de corriente alterna, células solares o similares dispositivos de amplificación de potencia de fuentes tales como transistores discretos o de funcionamiento amplificadores de CI no se utilizan en circuitos pasivos.
          Audio Wattmeter. Load Matcher. Remote Speaker Setup. FM Tuning Meter. Record Restorer. Mike Desensitizer. Stereo Shutoff. CB Sniffer Probe. Tape Dubbing Filter. Tweeter Crossover. AC Line Regulator. Z-Matcher. Tube Quick Check. Can Controller. Speaker Extender. RF Sniffer. BC-CB Duplexer. RF Probe. RF Filter. SWLs Squelch. Rebroadcaster. Motel Alarm. Professional Burglar Alarm. Automatic AC-DC Power Supply. Power Megaphone. Easy Auto Theft Alarm. Photo Light Control. FM Wireless Mike. Twang-A-Matic. Speak-A-Mike Preamp. Power Failure Alarm. BCB Mini Booster. Probe Calibrator. Powerhouse Larynx. Modulated 100 kHz Calibrator. Budget CPO. Fish Caller. Open Circuit Burglar Alarm. Stop Motion. Electronic Combo Lock. Stereo Balancer. "Serutan" Crystal Big. Slide Synchronizer. FM Interference Filter. Simple IF Signal Generator. Enlarger Meter. Voltage Tripler. Preamp Low-Ripple Supply. Low-V Remote Control. Voltage Doubler. Supply for SS Projects. Regulated 9-V Supply. Car Voltage for Q Radios. Zener Regulator. Carbon Mike Converter. Dry-Cell Charger. Sideband Scrambler. 100-kHz Freq. Standard. Headset Q-Peaker. Audio Signal Tracer. Easy Radio Control. Field Strength Meter. No Farts BC Booster. 3-Way Tone Generator. Electronic Keyer. Square Shaper. Headlight Minder. Tenna-Blitz Light. S-9er for SWLs. Sine Wave Squarer. Scope Calibrator. Uni-Torque Speed Control. Treasure Locator. Latching Burglar Alarm. Light-Controlled Switch. Scream Generator. Budget Lamp Dimmer. RF Probe for VOM. Sideband Sideman. Budget 10V Swinger. Mike Matcher. Super Mike Mixer. Dynamic Brake. Headphone Limiter. Portable CB Antenna. Budget Mike Mixer. Scope Calibrator. NiCad Battery Charger. Appliance Tester. Low-Voltage Diode Tester. Silicon Rectifier Tester. CB Tuning Adapter. Speech Snipper. CB Modulation Lamp. CB Scope Stretcher. CB Xmission Line Monitor. Candle Power Control. Remote Flash. RPM Speed Control. Wink and Blink. Modulation Monitor. Click Clack Timer. Radio Pager. FM Alignment Oscillator. Shortwave Spotter. Mike Beeper. Photoflood Dimmer. Direct-Coupled Radio. CB Modulation Meter. Mike Powerhouse. Budget FSM. Audio Distortion Meter. Fancy Fuzzbox. Nixie Numbers. Funk Box. Two-Way Signaller. Miladaptor. Off-Air CW Monitor. Low-Z Mike Preamp. Headphone Amplifier. Crystal Tester. 
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          domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

          103 Projects Using LED's

          103 Projects Using LED's
          T.R. Mishra
          Electroluminescent semiconductor devices are assuming a great importance in electronic world. There are now many devices related to this family. The electroluminescent panels, laser diode, infra red diode, light emitting diode (LED) and LED Displays are some of the important members of this family.
          The electroluminescence is a phenomenon occurring when a semiconductor material emits light under the influence of electric field.
          We are concerned here with the LEDs and the LED Displays which are now increasingly used by the equipment manufacturers. The LEDs have very wide variety of applications, especially in read-out circuits and indicators. They are now used where fast and low power devices of the greatest possible life—10, 000 to 10, 00, 000 hours—are required.
          Los dispositivos electroluminiscentes de semiconductores están asumiendo una gran importancia en el mundo de la electrónica. Ahora hay muchos dispositivos relacionados con esta familia. Los paneles electroluminiscentes, diodo láser, diodos infrarrojos, diodos emisores de luz (LED) y Displays LED son algunos de los importantes miembros de esta familia.
          La electroluminiscencia es un fenómeno que ocurre cuando un material semiconductor emite luz bajo la influencia del campo eléctrico.
          Nos ocupamos aquí de los LED y las pantallas de LED, que son cada vez más utilizados por los fabricantes de equipos. Los LEDs tienen muy amplia variedad de aplicaciones, especialmente en lectura fuera circuitos e indicadores. Ahora se usan en dispositivos de potencia rápidos y de bajo del mayor número posible de la vida-10000 a 1000000 horas son requeridos.
          • Common LED Symbols
          • LED Pilot Lamp
          • Test Instruments Using LEDs
          • LED Indicators
          • Voltage Monitors
          • LED Flashers
          • LED as a Reference Voltage Element
          • LED with Logic Elements
          • OPTO-EIectronic Projects
          • LED Display Projects
          • LED Games & Novelty Projects
          • Miscellaneous LED Application Circuits                       
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          • Common LED Symbols. Electrical Characteristics. Driving LED with D.C. Voltage Source. Driving LED with A.C. Source. Experimental Power Supply Unit. 5 Volt Logic Power Supply Unit. Verifying LED's Characteristics. Experimental Set up.. 
          • LED Pilot Lamp. Pilot Lamp in Battery Eliminators. Pilot Lamp for Battery Powered Equipment-. Milli-watt Flashing Pilot Lamp. Low Power Flashing Pilot Lamp. Flashing Pilot Lamp. LED Pilot for A.C. Mains. LED Night Lamp. Low Current ON/OFF Indicator. Low Current Flashing Pilot Lamp Using.  CMOS Timer Mains Operated LED. 
          • Test Instruments Using LEDs. D.C. Continuity Checker. Versatile Diode Tester. Diode Polarity Senser cum Continuity Checker. Junction Verifier. Simple PNP/NPN Transistor Checker. LED Tester and Evaluator. Ultra-mini Logic Probe. Operational Amplifier Checker. SCR Tester Using D.C. Gate Control. SCR Tester with A.C. Gate Control. Electrolytic Capacitance Meter. Soil Moisture Meter.. 
          • LED Indicators. Blown Fuse Indicator. Water Level Indicator. Sound Source Indicator. Add-on Recording Level Indicator Using.  Timer NE 555 Level Indicator. Polarity Reversal Indicator. Current Flow Indicator. F.M. Tuning Indicator. Zero Beat Indicator.  Null Indicator. 
          • Voltage Monitors. Simple Battery Voltage Monitor. LED/Zener Voltage Monitor. Battery Voltage Warning Device. Efficient Battery Voltage Monitor. Under Voltage Indicator. CMOS Voltage Monitor. Nicad Battery Indicator. 
          • LED Flashers. Complementary Transistor Flasher. Low Current Flasher Unit. Collector Coupled Multivibrator Flasher. Twin LED Flasher. Unijunction UJT Flasher. Flasher Using P.U.T.. Logic LED Flasher. Dual Flasher with TTL 74123.  Low Power CMOS Flasher. NE555 Emergency Flasher.
          • LED as a Reference Voltage Element. LED as a Low Voltage Zener Diode. Stable Reference Voltage Source. Regulated Power Supply Unit (1.5V). Stabilised Bench Power Supply. Simple Nicad Battery Charger. Full wave Nicad Battery Charger. Constant Current Nickel Battery Charger. Stable Reference Voltage Source. Compensated Reference Voltage Source. Multiple Reference Voltage Source. 
          • LED with Logic Elements. Monostable Multivibrator. Flip-Flop. Astable Multivibrator. Random Output Generator. LED Pulser. Low Cost Logic Probe. Precedence Detector. 
          • OPTO-EIectronic Projects. LDR Probe. Opto-Isolator. Light Sensing Probe. LED Triggered SCR. LED Photo Timer. Light Switch. Darkness Detector. LED/LDR Compressor/Expander Unit. LED/LDR Solid State Relay. LED Power Controller.
          • LED Display Projects. Number Displaying Toy.  Logic Probe Displays Logic Level "1" or '0'. Tri-State Logic Probe. Sequence Generator and Timer. Simple Binary Counter.. 
          • LED Games & Novelty Projects. Strength Meter. Flashing Seconds Display. CMOS Die. Simple Touch Plate. Novel Sequential LED Flasher. Head or Tail Using CMOS Counter. Head or Tail Using 555 Timer. Novel Disco Display. Who Won the Toss. Wheel of Fortune. 
          • Miscellaneous LED Application Circuits. LED Metronome. Live Circuit Tester. Magnet Operated LED. Telephone Memory. LED Light Sequential Display. LED Level Indicator. Three-way Remote LED Control. LED RF Indicator. Crystal Checker. LED Function Indicator.  Protection Circuit for Battery Operated Equipment. Psychedelic Light Display.  Appendix.