sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

Crystal Diode Circuits

Crystal Diode Circuits
Sylvania Electric Products
In this booklet, we present 40 germanium diode applications, tried and proven, which did not appear in the several crystal booklets published previously by our Company We believe the engineer, service technician, transmitting radio amateur, and hobbyist all will find items of interest in this new collection of circuits and data It is believed further that the items contained in this booklet will provoke further thought and experimentation on the part of readers activity which will lead to development of even more applications of the already prolific germanium diode.
In recent years, the crystal voltmeter and miscellaneous crystal meters have attained an identity of their own For this reason, a separate chapter has been devoted to meters.
En este folleto, se presentan 40 aplicaciones de diodo de germanio, probado y comprobado, que no aparecen en los fascículos de cristal diversas publicaciones previamente por nuestra empresa creemos que el ingeniero, técnico, aficionados, _ radioaficionado los aficionados se darán cuenta de los elementos de interés esta nueva colección de circuitos y datos se cree, además, que los elementos contenidos en este folleto le alentar la reflexión y la experimentación por parte de la actividad de los lectores lo que conducirá al desarrollo de aplicaciones aún más del diodo de germanio ya prolífica.
En los últimos años, el voltímetro de cristal y varios medidores de cristal han alcanzado una identidad propia Por esta razón, un capítulo aparte se ha dedicado a medir.
  • CHAPTER I. Crystal Meters and Meter Accessories. Linear Voltmeter for Built-in Instrumentation. Tube- Driven Linear Crystal Voltmeters. High-Resistance Crystal Voltmeters. Square-Law D C Voltmeter. Ballistic Meter for Single Transients. Simple A C Millivoltmeter. Trans- former-Coupled A F Millivoltmeter. Audio-Frequency Microvolter. D C Meter Compressor. Peak-to-Peak Television Voltmeter Probe. Full-Wave Current Meters. Series-Connected Diodes for High-Voltage A C Meters. 
  • CHAPTER II. Communication Applications. Improved Low-Level Frequency Multiplier. Harmonic Accentuator for Exciters. Simple Cueing Receiver. Amplifier Protective Relay. Carrier-Operated Receiver Muting System. Voice (Modulation) Controlled Relay. Monitor Receiver for Broadcast Transmitter Location. AM Receiver Noise Limiter
  • CHAPTER III. TV and Radio Service Devices. TV Antenna Orientation Meter. Self-Contained Field Strength Meter. Demodulator Probe for TV Oscilloscope. Tuned Crystal -Type Signal Tracer. Television Video Detector. FM-TV Discriminator. FM Dynamic Limiter. TV Cascade Sync Clipper. AGC Peak Detector. TV Vertical Pulse Separator
  • CHAPTER IV. Experimental Applications. Amplitude Modulator. Bridged-T Phase Modulator. Spike Generator. Pulse Generator. Sawtooth Generator. Germanium Triode Power Supply. Miniature Light-Intensity Meter. Indicating Audio Frequency Meter. Voltage- Selective Circuit. Germanium Diodes as Curve Straighteners. 
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