martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

41 Projects using IC 741 OP AMP
41 Projects using IC 741 OP AMP
M C Sharma
Editorial BPB
The Operational Amplifier 1C741 is perhaps one of the most inexpensive IC available in the market Yet it is comparable to the best of such IC's in respect of versatility and superb performance It is, therefore, natural that there is hardly any electronic magazine in the world which does not contain a project using this IC
This book which is now in your hands contains 41 projects employing this IC You will find the electrical details of this IC in the book itself, which make them so versatile.
El amplificador operacional IC 741 es quizás uno de los más baratos IC disponible en el mercado Sin embargo, es comparable a los mejores de este IC en relación con la versatilidad y excelente rendimiento, es, por tanto, es natural que casi no hay revista electrónica en el mundo que no contiene un proyecto con este IC
Este libro que ahora está en sus manos contiene 41 proyectos que utilizan este IC Usted encontrará los detalles eléctricos de este circuito integrado en el propio libro, que los hacen tan versátil.
  • Power Supplies
  • Inverting DC Amplifier
  • Non-Inverting DC Amplifier
  • Inverting AC Amplifier
  • Non-Inverting AC Amplifier
  • DC Voltage Follower
  • AC Voltage Follower
  • Xtal Pickup Preamplifier
  • Magnetic Pickup Preamplifier
  • Magnetic Mike Preamplifier
  • Guitar Preamplifier
  • Telephone Pickup Preamplifier
  • Mixer Amplifier
  • Tone Control
  • Signal Tracer
  • 3W Amplifier
  • Intercom
  • 12W Amplifier
  • DC Motor Control
  • AC Motor Control
  • Schmitt Trigger
  • Square Wave Generator
  • Pulse Generator
  • Multitone Bell
  • Electronic Siren
  • Monostable Multivibrator
  • Bistable Multivibrator
  • Trigger Pulse Generator
  • Hasher
  • Timer
  • Light Operated Relay
  • Power Failure Indicator
  • Touch Controller
  • FM Tuning Indicator
  • Positive Reference Voltage
  • Negative Reference Voltage
  • Regulated Power Supply
  • DC Voltmeter
  • AC Millivoltmeter
  • Microampere Meter
  • Engine RPM Counter
  • Analog to Digital Converter
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