jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

555 Timer its Applications

555 Timer its Applications
Editorial BPB
TIME ON YOUR HANDS ! With the monolithic integrated circuit 555 you can get accurate timing ranges of microseconds to hours, independent of supply voltage variations. This versatile device has a large number of interesting practical applications, especially for electronic hobbyists.
Basically, the 555 timer is a highly stable integrated circuit capable of functioning as an accurate time-delay generator and as a free running multivibrator. 
El Tiempo en sus manos! Con el circuito integrado monolítico 555 se puede obtener intervalos precisos de tiempo de microsegundos a horas, independiente de las variaciones de tensión de alimentación. Este dispositivo versátil tiene un gran número de interesantes aplicaciones prácticas, especialmente para aficionados a la electrónica.
Básicamente, el temporizador 555 es un circuito integrado altamente estable capaz de funcionar como un reloj de precisión retraso generador y como un multivibrador de funcionamiento libre.
  • A 555 Timer and Applications
  • Photo Timer
  • Touch Plate Controller
  • Auto Wiper Control
  • Delayed Switching of Auto Head Lights After Parking
  • Tiny Flasher
  • Solid-State Flasher
  • Sense-of-Time Tester
  • Square-Wave Generator
  • Linear Saw-Tooth Generators
  • Warble Tone Generator
  • Delayed Automatic Power Off
  • Delayed Automatic Power On
  • Ni-Cd Battery Charger
  • Wide Range Pulse Generator
  • Frequency Divider
  • Missing Pulse Detector
  • Light Operated Relay
  • Temperature Controller
  • Brightness Control of LED Display
  • Sequential Switching
  • Long Duration Timer
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