sábado, 14 de julio de 2012

30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius Simon Monk

30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius
Simon Monk 
30 Ways to Have Some Computer-Controlled Evil Fun!
This wickedly inventive guide shows you how to program and build a variety of projects with the Arduino microcontroller development system. Covering Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms, 30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius gets you up to speed with the simplified C programming you need to know--no prior programming experience necessary.
Using easy-to-find components and equipment, this do-it-yourself book explains how to attach an Arduino board to your computer, program it, and connect electronics to it to create fiendishly fun projects. The only limit is your imagination!
30 maneras de pasar un buen rato mal controlado por ordenador!
Esta guía de malvada la invención que muestra cómo programar y construir una gran variedad de proyectos con el sistema de desarrollo Arduino microcontrolador. Cubriendo Windows, Mac y Linux, de 30 Proyectos Arduino para el Genio Malvado que se levanta al día con el procedimiento simplificado de programación C que necesita saber - no es necesario experiencia previa en programación.
Uso fácil de encontrar componentes y equipos, este hágalo usted mismo el libro explica cómo conectar una placa Arduino a su equipo, que programa, y conectar la electrónica para crear proyectos endiabladamente divertidos. El único límite es tu imaginación!
  • Quickstart
  • A Tour of Arduino
  • LED Projects
  • More LED Projects
  • Sensor Projects
  • Light Projects
  • Sound Projects
  • Power Projects
  • Miscellaneous Projects
  • Your Projects
  • Appendix      
Consulta el Libro (8 MB) por TurboBit y MediaFire:

  • Quickstart. Powering Up. Installing the Software. Configuring Your Arduino Environment. Downloading the Project Software. Flashing LED. Breadboard. Summary.
  • A Tour of Arduino. Microcontrollers. What’s on an Arduino Board?. The Arduino Family. The C Language. Summary.
  • LED Projects. Morse Code S.O.SFlasher. Loops. Arrays. Morse Code Translator. High-Brightness Morse Code Translator. Summary.
  • More LED Projects. Digital Inputs and Outputs. Model Traffic Signal. Strobe Light. S.A.DLight. High-Powered Strobe Light. Random Number Generation. LED Dice. Summary.
  • Sensor Projects. Keypad Security Code. Rotary Encoders. Model Traffic Signal Using a Rotary Encoder. Sensing Light. Pulse Rate Monitor. Measuring Temperature. USB Temperature Logger. Summary.
  • Light Projects. Multicolor Light Display. Seven-Segment LEDs. Seven-Segment LED Double Dice. LED Array. LCD Displays. USB Message Board. Summary.
  • Sound Projects. Oscilloscope. Sound Generation. Tune Player. Light Harp. VU Meter. Summary.
  • Power Projects. LCD Thermostat. Computer-Controlled Fan. H-Bridge Controllers. Hypnotizer. Servo Motors. Servo-Controlled Laser. Summary.
  • Miscellaneous Projects. Lie Detector. Magnetic Door Lock. Infrared Remote. Lilypad Clock. Evil Genius Countdown Timer. Summary.
  • Your Projects. Circuits. Components. Tools. Project Ideas.
  • Appendix Components and Supplies. Suppliers. Starter Kit of Components.

viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

22 Radio and Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius

22 Radio and Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius
Thomas Petruzzellis
More than just slightly evil: Safe, inexpensive,. Educational . . . And fun! 
22 Radio and Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius features a unique collection of projects that teach you radio and electronics essentials such as the radio spectrum, how to read schematics, and how to solder. After each project is completed, you can enjoy listening to and using their new receiver. 

Más que sólo un poco mal: seguro, de bajo costo,. Educativo. . . Y divertido!
22 Proyectos de Radio y receptor para el Genio Malvado cuenta con una colección única de proyectos que te enseñan lo esencial de radio y electrónica, tales como el espectro radioeléctrico, cómo leer esquemas, y la forma de soldadura. Después de cada proyecto se ha completado, se puede disfrutar de la escucha y el uso de su nuevo receptor.
  • Radio Background and History
  • Identifying Components and Reading Schematics
  • Electronic Parts Installation and Soldering
  • AM, FM, and Shortwave Crystal Radio Projects
  • TRF AM Radio Receiver
  • Solid-State FM Broadcast Receiver
  • Doerle Single Tube Super-Regenerative Radio Receiver
  • IC Shortwave Radio Receiver
  • 80/40 Meter Code Practice Receiver
  • WWV 10 MHz “Time-Code” Receiver
  • VHF Public Service Monitor (Action-Band) Receiver
  • 6 & 2-Meter Band Amateur Radio Receiver
  • Active and Passive Aircraft Band Receivers
  • VLF or Very Low Frequency Radio Receiver
  • Induction Loop Receiving System
  • Lightning Storm Monitor
  • Ambient Power Receiver
  • Earth Field Magnetometer Project
  • Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (SIDs) Receiver
  • Aurora Monitor Project
  • Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) Receiver
  • Jupiter Radio Telescope Receiver
  • Weather Satellite Receiver
  • Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs)
  • Appendix: Electronic Parts Suppliers                        

Consulta el Libro (6 MB) por TurboBit y MediaFire:


jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius

15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius
Simon Monk
Unleash your inner mad scientist!
This wickedly inventive guide explains how to design and build 15 fiendishly fun electronics projects. Filled with photos and illustrations, 15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius includes step-by-step directions, as well as a construction primer for those who are new to electronics projects.
Using easy-to-find components and equipment, this do-it-yourself book shows you how to create a variety of mischievous gadgets, such as a remote-controlled laser, motorized multicolored LEDs that write in the air, and a surveillance robot. You'll also learn to use the highly popular Arduino microcontroller board with three of the projects.
Dé rienda suelta a su científico loco que llevas dentro!
Esta guía explica cómo malvadamente la invención para diseñar y construir 15 proyectos de electrónica endiabladamente divertidos. Lleno de fotos e ilustraciones, 15 proyectos peligroso para el loco Genio Malvado incluye paso a paso, así como un manual de construcción para aquellos que son nuevos en proyectos de electrónica.
Uso fácil de encontrar componentes y equipos, hágalo usted mismo libro te muestra cómo crear una gran variedad de aparatos traviesos, como un láser de control remoto, los motorizados LED multicolor que escriben en el aire, y un robot de vigilancia. También aprenderá a usar la placa Arduino microcontrolador muy popular con tres de los proyectos.
  • Coil Gun
  • Trebuchet
  • Ping-Pong Ball Minigun
  • Mini Laser Turret
  • Balloon-Popping Laser Gun
  • Touch-Activated Laser Sight
  • Laser-Grid Intruder Alarm
  • Persistence-of-Vision Display
  • Covert Radio Bug
  • Laser Voice Transmitter
  • Flash Bomb
  • High-Brightness LED Strobe
  • Levitation Machine
  • Light-Seeking Microbot
  • Surveillance Robot
  • Appendix                   

Consulta el Libro (16 MB) por TurboBit y MediaFire:

  • Coil Gun. What You Will Need. Assembly. Test Firing.
  • Trebuchet. What You Will Need. Assembly. Fire!. Tuning the Trebuchet.
  • Ping-Pong Ball Minigun. What You Will Need. Assembly.
  • Mini Laser Turret. What You Will Need. Assembly. Ideas.
  • Balloon-Popping Laser Gun. Assembly. The Ray Gun. The Balloon Popper. Can Shooter.
  • Touch-Activated Laser Sight. What You Will Need. Assembling the Sight. Testing and Calibration.
  • Laser-Grid Intruder Alarm. What You Will Need. Assembly. Testing. Installation.
  • Persistence-of-Vision Display. Arduino. Persistence-of-Vision Display. Motor Controller. Platform. Putting It All Together. Changing the Message.
  • Covert Radio Bug. The Bug. Assembly. Using the Bug. A Bug Detector. Assembly.
  • Laser Voice Transmitter. The Receiver. Assembly of the Receiver. The Laser Transmitter. Assembly of the Transmitter. Using the Project.
  • Flash Bomb. What You Will Need. Assembly. Using the Project.
  • High-Brightness LED Strobe. What You Will Need. Assembly.
  • Levitation Machine. What You Will Need. Assembly.
  • Light-Seeking Microbot. What You Will Need. Assembly (Robot). Assembly (Charger).
  • Surveillance Robot. Assembly. Assembling the Motor Drivers. Assembling It All.
  • Appendix: Electronics Construction Primer. Circuits. Components. Tools.  

miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

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123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius

123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius
Myke Predko
123 steps needed to bring out the genius in every basement hobbyist! 
If you enjoy tinkering in your workshop and have a fascination for robotics, you? ll have hours of fun working through the 123 experiments found in this innovative project book. More than just an enjoyable way to spend time, these exciting experiments also provide a solid grounding in robotics, electronics, and programming. Each experiment builds on the skills acquired in those before it so you develop a hands- on, nuts-and-bolts understanding of robotics? from the ground up. 
123 pasos necesarios para llevar a cabo la genialidad en todos los aficionados del sótano!
Si te gusta el bricolaje en tu taller y tienen una fascinación por la robótica, que? Tendrás horas de diversión de trabajo a través de los 123 experimentos que se encuentran en este libro innovador proyecto. Más que una forma agradable de pasar el tiempo, estos experimentos interesantes también proporcionan una base sólida en la robótica, la electrónica y programación. Cada experimento se basa en los conocimientos adquiridos en los anteriores a él por lo que desarrollar un práctico, la comprensión de tuercas y tornillos de la robótica? desde el principio.
  • Myke's Rules of Robotics
  • Introduction To Robots
  • Robot Structures
  • Basic Electrical Theory
  • Magnetic Devices
  • Drivetrains. Motor-Driven Crane
  • Semiconductors
  • Our Friend, The 555 Chip
  • Optoelectronics
  • Audio Electronics
  • Digital Logic
  • Power Supplies
  • Sequential Logic Circuits
  • Learning to Program Using the Parallax BASIC Stamp 2
  • Interfacing  Hardware to the BASIC Stamp 2
  • Sensors
  • Mobile Robots
  • Navigation                  

Consulta el Libro (40 MB) por TurboBit y MediaFire:

  • Myke's Rules of Robotics
  • Robot Structures. Experiments Cutting Plywood. Strengthening Structures. Finishing Wood. Experiments A Gaggle of Glues. Nuts and Bolts. Soldering and Splicing Wires. Assembling the Included PCB
  • Basic Electrical Theory. Electrical Circuits and Switches. Electrical Circuits and Switches. Voltage Measurement. Resistors and Voltage Drops. Current Measurement and Ohm's Law. Kirchoff's Voltage Law and Series Loads. Variable Resistors. Kirchoff's Current Law and Parallel Loads. Thevenin's Equivalency. Power. Batteries
  • Magnetic Devices. Electromagnets. Relays. Measuring the Earth's Magnetic Field. Direct Current (DC) Motor
  • Drivetrains. Motor-Driven Crane. Pulleys Added to Crane. Switch DC Motor "H-Bridge". Differential Drive Robot Chassis. Stepper Motors. Muscle Wire
  • Semiconductors. Diodes. Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs). NPN Transistor and Two-LED Lighting Control. Driving a Motor with a Transistor. Bipolar PNP Transistor Motor Control. Transistor Motor H-Bridge
  • OUR FRIEND, THE 555 CHIP. BLINKING LEDS. 555 Button Debounce. Experiment 41 R/C Servo Control 114. Light-Seeking Robot
  • Optoelectronics. Different Color LEDs. Changing an LED's Brightness. Multisegment LEDs. Optoisolator Lock and Key. White/Black Surface Sensor. Line-Following Robot
  • Audio Electronics. Buzzers. Basic Transistor Oscillator Code Practice Tool. Electronic Stethoscope. Sound-Level Meter
  • Digital Logic. Basic Gate Operation. CMOS Touch Switch. Bipolar Transistor-Based TTL "NOT" Gate. Sum of Product Circuits. Common Logic Built from the NOR Gate. XORs and Adders. Pull-Ups/Pull-Downs. Mickey Mouse Logic
  • Power Supplies. Zener Diodes. Linear Power Supply. Switch Mode Power Supply
  • Sequential Logic Circuits. RS Flip Flops. Edge-Triggered Flip Flops. Full D Flip Flop. Flip Flop Reset. PARALLEL DATA. TRAFFIC LIGHTS. SHIFT REGISTERS. Christmas Decoration. Random Movement Robot. Counters. Schmitt Trigger Inputs and Button Debounce. PWM Generation
  • learning to Program Using the Parallax BASIC Stamp 2. Loading BASIC Stamp Windows Editor Software on Your PC. Connecting the PCB and BS2 to Your PC and Running Your First Application. Saving Your Applications on Your PC. The "Hello World!" Application Explained. Variables and Data Types. Number Data Formats. ASCII Characters. VARIABLE ARRAYS. Using Mathematical Operators in the Assignment Statement. Creating Simple Program Loops. Conditionally Looping. "Power Off" Application. Conditionally Executing Code. Advanced Conditional Execution. Using the "for" Loop in Your Application. Saving Code Space Using Subroutines
  • Interfacing  Hardware to the BASIC Stamp 2. Controlling an LED. Cylon Eye. Hitachi 44780-Controlled Liquid Crystal Display. Musical Tone Output. Electronic Dice. Keypad Input. Resistance Measurement. PWM Analog Voltage Output. R-2R Digital-to-Analog Converter
  • Sensors. bLiza, the Snarky Computer. Multiple Seven-segment Displays. RCtime Light Sensor. Differential Light Sensors. SOUND CONTROL. Robot "Whiskers". IR Object Sensors
  • Mobile Robots. DC Motor Control Base with H-Bridge Drivers. Stale Machine Programming. Robot Moth Example. Random Movement Explained. Remote-Control Car Robot Base. R/C SERVO SETUP. Controlling Multiple Servos. Robot Artist. Parallax's "GUI-Bot" Programming Interface. Stepper Motor Control. Infrared Two-Way Communications
  • Navigation. Line-Following Robot. Wall-Following Robot. Ultrasonic Distance Measurement. Hall Effect Compass. NMEA GPS Interface. PHASIC Reference 

martes, 10 de julio de 2012

Energía y Electricidad - Primaria

Energía y Electricidad
Discovery Box
Este material de trabajo se diseñó con el fin de guiar a los profesores y profesoras de cuarto y quinto de primaria de los Colegios Distritales que participaron en el proyecto Discovery Box en la escuela
Su intención es guiar el desarrollo de actividades con la caja de Energía y Electricidad, ofreciendo herramientas disciplinares, didácticas y metodológicas que orienten el trabajo en el salón de clase.

  • La cartilla
  • Introducción ECBI (Enseñanza de las cienciasbasada en indagación) 
  • La energía y la electricidad
  • Los materiales de la caja
  • Instrucciones de uso
  • Consejos de seguridad
  • 1. Explorando la electricidad
  • 2. Circuitos eléctricos (I)
  • 3. Circuitos eléctricos (II)
  • 4. Conductores y no conductores
  • 5. El interruptor
  • 6. Actividad de seguimiento: ¡No tocar!
  • 7. Conectando en serie
  • 8. Conectando en paralelo
  • 9. Una alarma para el salón
  • 10. La resistencia eléctrica
  • 11. Luz, calor y fusibles
  • 12. Sin baterías
  • 13. Actividad de seguimiento: Carrito a control remoto                       

Consulta el Libro (1 MB) por:
Para los que usan Gestores de Descarga

  • 1 Explorando la Electricidad
  • Cuarenta y cinco minutos La experiencia inicia proponiendo a los niños y a las niñas que discutan, dibujen y escriban las cosas y las situaciones que imaginan cuando piensan en la electricidad. De allí aparecen ideas que indicarán lo que saben, lo que se imaginan y lo que aún no se imaginan.
  • 2 Circuitos Eléctricos I
  • Cuarenta y cinco minutos En esta experiencia los niños y las niñas construyen circuitos eléctricos simples utilizando elementos eléctricos básicos: baterías, cables y bombillas.
  • 3 Circuitos Eléctricos II
  • Cuarenta y cinco minutos En esta actividad probarán diferentes maneras de conectar un motor eléctrico a una batería para hacerlo girar en sus dos sentidos, según el orden en que se conecten los bornes.
  • 4 Conductores y no conductores
  • Cuarenta y cinco minutos Los niños y las niñas descubrirán que hay algunos materiales que conducen la electricidad y otros que no, partiendo de recordar experiencias cotidianas,
  • 5 El interruptor
  • Cuarenta y cinco minutos. Los y las niñas identificarán el interruptor como el medio de control más usado en circuitos eléctricos.
  • 6 ¡No tocar!
  • Cuarenta y cinco minutos En esta actividad los niños y las niñas resuelven un reto de circuitos eléctricos partiendo de lo que han experimentado y aprendido en las sesiones anteriores.
  • 7 Conectando en Serie
  • Noventa minutos En esta actividad se recoge la experiencia de las sesiones anteriores para empezar la exploración de circuitos eléctricos en diferentes configuraciones.
  • 8 Conectando en paralelo
  • Noventa minutos La configuración que se prueba ahora es la conexión en paralelo, donde hay tantos caminos de corriente como componentes conectados en paralelo al circuito.
  • 9 Una alarma en el salón
  • Noventa minutos En esta actividad se exploran las conexiones mixtas, es decir, conexiones de tipo serie y paralelo en un mismo circuito eléctrico.
  • 10 La resistencia eléctrica
  • Noventa minutos En esta actividad se retoma el concepto de materiales conductores y no conductores para explorar en detalle el fenómeno de la resistencia eléctrica.
  • 11 Luz y Calor
  • Noventa minutos Los estudiantes podrán observar tres fenómenos: luz, calor y fusión, los tres debidos al paso de una corriente eléctrica muy alta a través de un segmento corto de hilo de esponjilla.
  • 12 Sin baterías
  • Noventa minutos Esta actividad introduce a un tema de amplio trabajo y de diversas discusiones actuales: las fuentes alternativas de energía. Se exploran tres métodos de producción de energía eléctrica a partir de transformaciones de tres tipos de energía: mecánica, solar y química.
  • 13 Carrito a Control Remoto
  • Noventa minutos Los niños y las niñas diseñarán y construirán un carro a control remoto para solucionar un reto, de manera que apliquen lo aprendido acerca de circuitos eléctricos.

123 PIC Microcontroller Experiments for the Evil Genius

123 PIC Microcontroller Experiments for the Evil Genius
Myke Predko

Microchip continually updates its product line with more capable and lower cost products. They also provide excellent development tools. Few books take advantage of all the work done by Microchip. 123 PIC Microcontroller Experiments for the Evil Genius uses the best parts, and does not become dependent on one tool type or version, to accommodate the widest audience possible.

Microchip continuamente actualiza su línea de productos con productos de coste más capaces y más bajo. También proporcionan una excelente herramienta de desarrollo. Pocos libros aprovechar todo el trabajo realizado por Microchip. 123 experimentos de microcontroladores PIC para el Genio Malvado utiliza las mejores partes, y no depender de un tipo de herramienta o la versión, para dar cabida a la mayor audiencia posible.

  • Under the Covers of the PIC16F684.
  • Introductory C Programming
  • Simple PIC® MCU Applications
  • C Language Features
  • PIC16F684 Microcontroller Built-in Functions.
  • Interfacing Projects for the PIC® Microcontroller
  • Sample C Microcontroller Applications
  • Introduction to PIC® MCU Assembly Language Programming
  • PIC® Microcontroller Assembly Language Resource Routines
  • Sensors
  • Motor Control
  • Solving Programming Problems in PIC® Microcontroller Assembly Language
  • ZipZaps® Robot                      

Consulta el Libro + CD con aplicaciones (110 MB) por TurboBit y MediaFire:

  • Under the Covers of the PIC16F684. I/O Pins. Configuration Word. PIC MCU VARIABLE Memory, Registers, and Program Memory. Simulating cFlash. c in MPLAB IDE
  • Introductory C Programming. Variable Declaration Statements. C DATA TYPES. Constant Formatting. Assignment Statements. Expressions. Bitwise Operators. Logical Expressions. Conditional Execution Using the If Statement. Nested Conditional Statements. The Switch Decision Statement. Conditional Looping. The For Statement
  • Simple PIC® MCU Applications. Basic Delays. Sequencing PICkit I Starter Kit LEDs. Binary Number Output Using PICkit 1 Starter Kit LEDs. Basic Button Inputs. Debouncing Button Inputs. MCLR Operation. Ending Applications
  • C Language Features. Functions and Subroutines. Global and Local Variables. Defines and Macros. Variable Arrays. Structures and Unions. Pointers and Lists. Character Strings. Library Functions
  • PIC16F684 Microcontroller Built-in Functions. BROWNOUT RESET. ADC Operation. Comparator Operation. WATCHDOG TIMER. Short Timer Delays Using TMRO. Using the TMRO Prescaler. Long Timer Delays Using TMR1. Comparing Clock Oscillators 106. Pin Resistance Measurements. Generating PWM Signals. Storing and Retrieving Data
  • Interfacing Projects for the PIC® Microcontroller. Driving a Seven-Segment LED Display Directly from the PIC16F684. Multiple Seven-Segment LED Displays. LED Matrix Displays. LCD DISPLAY. Producing Random Numbers. Two-Bit LCD Display. Switch Matrix Keypad Mapping
  • Sample C Microcontroller Applications. Pumpkin LED Display. reaction-time Tester. Rokenbok® Monorail/Traffic Lights. Seven-Segment LED Thermometer. PIC MCU "Piano". Model Railway Switch Control. PC Operating Status Display
  • Introduction to PIC® MCU Assembly Language Programming. The asmTemplate. asm File and Basic Directives. Specifying Program Memory Addresses. Loading the WREG and Saving Its Contents. Defining Variables. Bitwise Instructions. Addition Instructions. AddLibs: Strange Simulator Results. Subtraction Instructions. Bank Addressing. Bit Instructions. Bit Skip Instructions. Conditional Execution. decfsz Looping. Subroutines. Defining and Implementing Arrays
  • PIC® Microcontroller Assembly Language Resource Routines. Logic Simulation Using the PIC16F684. THE C "SWITCH" STATEMENT. Defines. Conditional Assembly. Macros. 16-Bit Values/Variables. Universal Delay Macro. high-level Programming. Implementing Read-only Arrays. DATA STACKS. Circular Buffers. Reading and Writing the EEPROM Data Memory
  • Sensors. PIC MCU BS2 User Interface. PIC MCU BS2 KEYPAD INTERFACE. PIC MCU Instrument Interface. Sound Detection. Multiple Microswitch Debouncing. Light Sensors. Infrared (IR) Surface Sensor. Interfacing to Sharp GP2D120 Ranging Object Sensors. Do-It-Yourself IR Object Sensor. IR Object-Ranging Sensor. Ultrasonic Distance-Range Sensor. Robot IR Tag
  • Motor Control. DC Motor Driven Using the CCP PWM and Using a Potentiometer Control. DC Motor Control with Simple TMR0 PWM. Controlling Multiple Motors with PWM and BS2 Interface. Bipolar Stepper Motor Control. Unipolar Stepper Motor Control. Radio-Control Model Servo Control. Multiple Servo Control Software Structure. Two-Servo Robot Base with BS2 Interface
  • Solving Programming Problems in PIC® Microcontroller Assembly Language. Eight-Bit Multiplication with a 16-Bit Product. Division of a 16-Bit Value by an Eight-Bit Value. Squaring a Number Using Finite Difference Theory. Find the Square Root of a 16-Bit Number. Converting a Byte into Three Decimal, Two Hex, or Eight Binary ASCII Bytes. Produce the Even Parity Values for a Byte. Sort a List of 10 Eight-Bit Values Using the Bubble-Sort Algorithm. Encrypt and Decrypt an ASCIIZ String Using a Simple Substitution Algorithm. Generate a Fibonacci Number Sequence. Find the Largest Common Factor of Two Eight-Bit Numbers
  • ZipZaps® Robot. Characterizing the ZipZaps. PIC MCU Power Supply. PIC MCU Electronics PCB. IRTV Remote Control. Motor and Steering Control. Basic Task-Control Software. IR Remote Control. Light Sensors and Following. IR Object-Detection Sensors. IR Line-Following Sensors

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius

101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius
Brad Graham, Kathy McGowan

101 spy devices for serious snooping.
Utilizing inexpensive, easily obtainable components, you can build the same information gathering, covert sleuthing devices used by your favorite film secret agent. Projects range from simple to sophisticated and come complete with a list of required parts and tools, numerous illustrations, and step-by-step assembly instructions.

101 dispositivos de espionaje de espionaje serias.

La utilización de componentes de bajo costo, fáciles de conseguir, se puede construir la misma recopilación de información, dispositivos encubiertos detective que utiliza el agente secreto favorito de la película. Los proyectos van desde simples a complejos, y vienen con una lista de las piezas necesarias y las herramientas, numerosas ilustraciones y paso a paso las instrucciones de montaje. 
  • Introduction
  • Audio Eavesdropping and Recording
  • Hard-wired Telephone Devices.
  • Digital Camera Hacking.
  • Video Cameras and Recording.
  • Covert and Hidden Spy Cameras.
  • Video Camera Pan and Tilt Control.
  • Night Vision Devices. Using Low Lux Cameras.
  • Audio Bugs and Transmitters.
  • Video Transmitters. Hacking a Video Sender.
  • Computer Monitoring. Where Have You Been Today?.
  • RF Scanners.
  • Protection and Countermeasures.
  • Laser Spy Gadgets.
  • Build a Mini Video Controlled Spy Robot.                       

Consulta el Libro (41 MB) por TurboBit y MediaFire:

  • Introduction
  • Audio Eavesdropping and Recording. Microrecorder Hacking. Ultrahigh-Gain Microphone Preamp. Bionic Stereo Spy Ears. Parabolic Dish Microphone. Working with Audio on Your Computer. Filtering Out Background Noises. Wiring Your Body to Record Audio
  • Hard-wired Telephone Devices. Telephone Audio Interface. Automatic Call Recorder. Sound Activated Computer Call Logger. Super Stealth Line Tap. Telephone Input/Output Box. Using Computer Effects to Disguise Your Voice. Simple Digital Voice Disguiser Circuit. Ultimate Telephone Voice Changer. Let Your Computer Do the Talking. World Wide Telephone Tap
  • Digital Camera Hacking. Enhancing Digital Photos. Hacking the Digital Camera's Trigger. Covert Handbag Digital Camera. Time-Lapse Camera Trigger. Motion Sensing Camera Trigger. Digital Camera Gun Sight. Long-Range Digital Photography
  • Video Cameras and Recording. Video Signal and Camera Basics. Recording Video Signals. Hack a VCR for Time-Lapse Recording. Motion Controlled Auto Record. Multiple Camera Auto Switcher. Working with Video on a Computer. Web Cameras as Security Cameras
  • Covert and Hidden Spy Cameras. Working with Microvideo Cameras. Classic Nanny Cam. Night Vision Fire Detector Cam. Covert Marker Cam. WYSIWYG Sunglasses. Long-Range Video Cameras. Microscope Video Camera
  • Video Camera Pan and Tilt Control. RC Servo Pan and Tilt Camera Base. Remote Controlled Servo Base. Manua I ControlIed Servo Base. Microcontroller Controlled Servo Base. Motion Tracking Camera
  • Night Vision Devices. Using Low Lux Cameras. Infrared, the Invisible Light. LED Night Vision Illuminator. Pulsed LEDS for Higher Output. Outdoor Night Vision Illuminator. Infrared Laser Illuminator. Long-Range Laser Illuminator. Night Vision Headgear
  • Audio Bugs and Transmitters. Hacked Baby Monitor Bug. FRS Radio Long-Range Bug. Simple FM Room Bug. Ultrasensitive Room Bug. Micro Stealth Transmitter. Telephone Line Transmitter. Invisible Light Transmitter
  • Video Transmitters. Hacking a Video Sender. Micro Spy Transmitters. Simple TV Transmitter. TV Transmitter with Audio. The Movie That Watches You. Wall Wart Video Bug. Covert Hat Cam. Wall Clock Camera. Kamikaze Video Transmitter
  • Computer Monitoring. Where Have You Been Today?. Resurrecting Deleted Data. Installing a Software Key Logger. Build a High-Tech Hardware Key Logger. Computer Screen Transmitter
  • RF Scanners. Scanning the Neighborhood. Scanner Auto Recording Switch. Scanner-to-Computer Interface. Better Reception. BugDetection
  • Protection and Countermeasures. Intruder Sentinel. White Noise Generator. Infrared Device Jammer. Spy Camera Killer. Shocking Device. Ultra Small Shocking Device. Motion Activated Shocker
  • Laser Spy Gadgets. Lasernoculars. Laser Beam Transmitter. Laser Beam Receiver. Laser Microphone Experiment. Laser Perimeter Alarm. Remote Control Sniper
  • Build a Mini Video Controlled Spy Robot. Hacking a Remote Control Toy Base. Creating the Weatherproof Shell. Adding a Panning Camera Head. Video Camera and Night Vision System. RC Receiver to Servo Bridge Circuit. Adding an Ultrasensitive Audio Preamp. Pay load Delivery Function. Payload Delivery Hardware. Creating a Portable Base Station. Base Station Wiring and Installation. Spy Robot Mission Testing