viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

22 Radio and Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius
22 Radio and Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius
Thomas Petruzzellis
More than just slightly evil: Safe, inexpensive,. Educational . . . And fun! 
22 Radio and Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius features a unique collection of projects that teach you radio and electronics essentials such as the radio spectrum, how to read schematics, and how to solder. After each project is completed, you can enjoy listening to and using their new receiver. 

Más que sólo un poco mal: seguro, de bajo costo,. Educativo. . . Y divertido!
22 Proyectos de Radio y receptor para el Genio Malvado cuenta con una colección única de proyectos que te enseñan lo esencial de radio y electrónica, tales como el espectro radioeléctrico, cómo leer esquemas, y la forma de soldadura. Después de cada proyecto se ha completado, se puede disfrutar de la escucha y el uso de su nuevo receptor.
  • Radio Background and History
  • Identifying Components and Reading Schematics
  • Electronic Parts Installation and Soldering
  • AM, FM, and Shortwave Crystal Radio Projects
  • TRF AM Radio Receiver
  • Solid-State FM Broadcast Receiver
  • Doerle Single Tube Super-Regenerative Radio Receiver
  • IC Shortwave Radio Receiver
  • 80/40 Meter Code Practice Receiver
  • WWV 10 MHz “Time-Code” Receiver
  • VHF Public Service Monitor (Action-Band) Receiver
  • 6 & 2-Meter Band Amateur Radio Receiver
  • Active and Passive Aircraft Band Receivers
  • VLF or Very Low Frequency Radio Receiver
  • Induction Loop Receiving System
  • Lightning Storm Monitor
  • Ambient Power Receiver
  • Earth Field Magnetometer Project
  • Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (SIDs) Receiver
  • Aurora Monitor Project
  • Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) Receiver
  • Jupiter Radio Telescope Receiver
  • Weather Satellite Receiver
  • Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs)
  • Appendix: Electronic Parts Suppliers                        

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