jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius

15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius
Simon Monk
Unleash your inner mad scientist!
This wickedly inventive guide explains how to design and build 15 fiendishly fun electronics projects. Filled with photos and illustrations, 15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius includes step-by-step directions, as well as a construction primer for those who are new to electronics projects.
Using easy-to-find components and equipment, this do-it-yourself book shows you how to create a variety of mischievous gadgets, such as a remote-controlled laser, motorized multicolored LEDs that write in the air, and a surveillance robot. You'll also learn to use the highly popular Arduino microcontroller board with three of the projects.
Dé rienda suelta a su científico loco que llevas dentro!
Esta guía explica cómo malvadamente la invención para diseñar y construir 15 proyectos de electrónica endiabladamente divertidos. Lleno de fotos e ilustraciones, 15 proyectos peligroso para el loco Genio Malvado incluye paso a paso, así como un manual de construcción para aquellos que son nuevos en proyectos de electrónica.
Uso fácil de encontrar componentes y equipos, hágalo usted mismo libro te muestra cómo crear una gran variedad de aparatos traviesos, como un láser de control remoto, los motorizados LED multicolor que escriben en el aire, y un robot de vigilancia. También aprenderá a usar la placa Arduino microcontrolador muy popular con tres de los proyectos.
  • Coil Gun
  • Trebuchet
  • Ping-Pong Ball Minigun
  • Mini Laser Turret
  • Balloon-Popping Laser Gun
  • Touch-Activated Laser Sight
  • Laser-Grid Intruder Alarm
  • Persistence-of-Vision Display
  • Covert Radio Bug
  • Laser Voice Transmitter
  • Flash Bomb
  • High-Brightness LED Strobe
  • Levitation Machine
  • Light-Seeking Microbot
  • Surveillance Robot
  • Appendix                   

Consulta el Libro (16 MB) por TurboBit y MediaFire:

  • Coil Gun. What You Will Need. Assembly. Test Firing.
  • Trebuchet. What You Will Need. Assembly. Fire!. Tuning the Trebuchet.
  • Ping-Pong Ball Minigun. What You Will Need. Assembly.
  • Mini Laser Turret. What You Will Need. Assembly. Ideas.
  • Balloon-Popping Laser Gun. Assembly. The Ray Gun. The Balloon Popper. Can Shooter.
  • Touch-Activated Laser Sight. What You Will Need. Assembling the Sight. Testing and Calibration.
  • Laser-Grid Intruder Alarm. What You Will Need. Assembly. Testing. Installation.
  • Persistence-of-Vision Display. Arduino. Persistence-of-Vision Display. Motor Controller. Platform. Putting It All Together. Changing the Message.
  • Covert Radio Bug. The Bug. Assembly. Using the Bug. A Bug Detector. Assembly.
  • Laser Voice Transmitter. The Receiver. Assembly of the Receiver. The Laser Transmitter. Assembly of the Transmitter. Using the Project.
  • Flash Bomb. What You Will Need. Assembly. Using the Project.
  • High-Brightness LED Strobe. What You Will Need. Assembly.
  • Levitation Machine. What You Will Need. Assembly.
  • Light-Seeking Microbot. What You Will Need. Assembly (Robot). Assembly (Charger).
  • Surveillance Robot. Assembly. Assembling the Motor Drivers. Assembling It All.
  • Appendix: Electronics Construction Primer. Circuits. Components. Tools.  

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