viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

Lessons in Electric Circuits - Vol 2 - AC

Lessons in Electric Circuits - Vol 2 - AC
Tony R. Kuphaldt

Fuente: Open Book Project

The Open Book Project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topics. The advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web are making collaboration among educators on a global scale possible for the first time. We want to harness this exciting technology to promote learning and sharing.

  • Basic AC Theory. 
  • Complex Numbers. 
  • Reactance And Impedance – Inductive. 
  • Reactance And Impedance – Capacitive. 
  • Reactance And Impedance – R, L, And C. 
  • Resonance. 
  • Mixed-Frequency Ac Signals. 
  • Filters. 
  • Transformers. 
  • Polyphase AC Circuits. 
  • Power Factor. 
  • AC Metering Circuits. 
  • AC Motors. 
  • Transmission Lines

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  • BASIC AC THEORY. What is alternating current (AC)?. AC waveforms. Measurements of AC magnitude. Simple AC circuit calculations. AC phase. Principles of radio.
  • COMPLEX NUMBERS. Introduction. Vectors and AC waveforms. Simple vector addition. Complex vector addition. Polar and rectangular notation. Complex number arithmetic. More on AC ”polarity”. Some examples with AC circuits.
  • REACTANCE AND IMPEDANCE – INDUCTIVE. AC resistor circuits. AC inductor circuits. Series resistor-inductor circuits. Parallel resistor-inductor circuits. Inductor quirks. More on the “skin effect”.
  • REACTANCE AND IMPEDANCE – CAPACITIVE. AC resistor circuits. AC capacitor circuits. Series resistor-capacitor circuits. Parallel resistor-capacitor circuits. Capacitor quirks.
  • REACTANCE AND IMPEDANCE – R, L, AND C. Review of R, X, and Z. Series R, L, and C. Parallel R, L, and C. Series-parallel R, L, and C. Susceptance and Admittance. Summary.
  • RESONANCE. An electric pendulum. Simple parallel (tank circuit) resonance. Simple series resonance. Applications of resonance. Resonance in series-parallel circuits. Q and bandwidth of a resonant circuit.
  • MIXED-FREQUENCY AC SIGNALS. Introduction. Square wave signals. Other waveshapes. More on spectrum analysis. Circuit effects.
  • FILTERS. What is a filter?. Low-pass filters. High-pass filters. Band-pass filters. Band-stop filters. Resonant filters. Summary.
  • TRANSFORMERS. Mutual inductance and basic operation. Step-up and step-down transformers. Electrical isolation. Phasing. Winding configurations. Voltage regulation. Special transformers and applications. Practical considerations.
  • POLYPHASE AC CIRCUITS. Single-phase power systems. Three-phase power systems. Phase rotation. Polyphase motor design. Three-phase Y and Delta configurations. Three-phase transformer circuits. Harmonics in polyphase power systems. Harmonic phase sequences.
  • POWER FACTOR. Power in resistive and reactive AC circuits. True, Reactive, and Apparent power. Calculating power factor. Practical power factor correction.
  • AC METERING CIRCUITS. AC voltmeters and ammeters. Frequency and phase measurement. Power measurement. Power quality measurement. AC bridge circuits. AC instrumentation transducers.
  • AC MOTORS. Introduction. Synchronous Motors. Synchronous condenser. Reluctance motor. Stepper motors. Brushless DC motor. Tesla polyphase induction motors. Wound rotor induction motors. Single-phase induction motors. Other specialized motors. Selsyn (synchro) motors. AC commutator motors. 
  • TRANSMISSION LINES. A 50-ohm cable?. Circuits and the speed of light. Characteristic impedance. Finite-length transmission lines. “Long” and “short” transmission lines. Standing waves and resonance. Impedance transformation. Waveguides.
Lecciones de Circuitos Eléctricos - Vol. 2 - AC
Tony R. Kuphaldt

El Proyecto Libro Abierto está dirigido a la comunidad educativa y busca incentivar y coordinar la colaboración entre estudiantes y profesores para el desarrollo de alta calidad, los libros de texto de libre distribución y materiales educativos sobre una amplia gama de temas. El advenimiento de la Internet y la World Wide Web están haciendo la colaboración entre los educadores a escala mundial es posible, por primera vez. Queremos aprovechar esta excitante tecnología para promover el aprendizaje y el compartir.

  • Teoría básica de CA.
  • Números complejos.
  • Reactancia e impedancia - inductivo.
  • Reactancia e impedancia - capacitivas.
  • Reactancia e impedancia - R, L y C.
  • Resonancia.
  • Mezcla de frecuencias de señales AC.
  • Filtros.
  • Transformadores.
  • Circuitos Polifásicos de corriente alterna.
  • Factor de Potencia.
  • Circuitos de medición de AC
  • Los motores de CA.
  • Líneas de Transmisión

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