jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Lessons in Electric Circuits - Vol 1 - DC

Lessons in Electric Circuits - Vol 1 - DC
Tony R. Kuphaldt

Fuente: Open Book Project

The Open Book Project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topics. The advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web are making collaboration among educators on a global scale possible for the first time. We want to harness this exciting technology to promote learning and sharing.

  • Basic Concepts Of Electricity
  • Ohm's Law
  • Electrical Safety
  • Notation And Metric Prefixes
  • Series And Parallel Circuits
  • Divider Circuits And Kirchhoff's Laws. 
  • Series-Parallel Combination Circuits. 
  • Dc Metering Circuits. 
  • Electrical Instrumentation Signals. 
  • Dc Network Analysis. 
  • Batteries And Power Systems. 
  • Physics Of Conductors And Insulators. 
  • Capacitors. 
  • Magnetism And Electromagnetism
  • Inductors. 
  • RC And L/R Time Constants. 

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  • BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICITY. Static electricity. Conductors, insulators, and electron flow. Electric circuits. Voltage and current. Resistance. Voltage and current in a practical circuit. Conventional versus electron flow.
  • OHM's LAW. How voltage, current, and resistance relate. An analogy for Ohm's Law. Power in electric circuits. Calculating electric power. Resistors. Nonlinear conduction. Circuit wiring. Polarity of voltage drops. Computer simulation of electric circuits.
  • ELECTRICAL SAFETY. The importance of electrical safety. Physiological effects of electricity. Shock current path. Ohm's Law (again!). Safe practices. Emergency response. Common sources of hazard. Safe circuit design. Safe meter usage. Electric shock data. SCIENTIFIC NOTATION AND METRIC PREFIXES. Scientific notation. Arithmetic with scientific notation. Metric notation. Metric prefix conversions. Hand calculator use. Scientific notation in SPICE.
  • SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITS. What are "series" and "parallel" circuits? Simple series circuits. Simple parallel circuits. Conductance. Power calculations. Correct use of Ohm's Law. Component failure analysis. Building simple resistor circuits.
  • DIVIDER CIRCUITS AND KIRCHHOFF'S LAWS. Voltage divider circuits. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL). Current divider circuits. Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL).
  • SERIES-PARALLEL COMBINATION CIRCUITS. What is a series-parallel circuit? Analysis technique. Re-drawing complex schematics. Component failure analysis. Building series-parallel resistor circuits.
  • DC METERING CIRCUITS. What is a meter? Voltmeter design. Voltmeter impact on measured circuit. Ammeter design. Ammeter impact on measured circuit. Ohmmeter design. High voltage ohmmeters. Multimeters. Kelvin (wire) resistance measurement. Bridge circuits. Wattmeter design. Creating custom calibration resistances.
  • ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTATION SIGNALS. Analog and digital signals. Voltage signal systems. Current signal systems. Tachogenerators. Thermocouples. PH measurement. Strain gauges.
  • DC NETWORK ANALYSIS. What is network analysis? Branch current method. Mesh current method. Introduction to network theorems. Millman's Theorem. Superposition Theorem. Thevenin's Theorem. Norton's Theorem. Thevenin-Norton equivalencies. Millman's Theorem revisited. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. A-Y and Y-A conversions.
  • BATTERIES AND POWER SYSTEMS. Electron activity in chemical reactions. Battery construction. Battery ratings. Special-purpose batteries. Practical considerations.
  • PHYSICS OF CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS. Introduction. Conductor size. Conductor ampacity. Fuses. Specific resistance. Temperature coefficient of resistance. Superconductivity. Insulator breakdown voltage. Data.
  • CAPACITORS. Electric fields and capacitance. Capacitors and calculus. Factors affecting capacitance. Series and parallel capacitors. Practical considerations.
  • MAGNETISM AND ELECTROMAGNETISM. Permanent magnets. Electromagnetism. Magnetic units of measurement. Permeability and saturation. Electromagnetic induction. Mutual inductance.
  • INDUCTORS. Magnetic fields and inductance. Inductors and calculus. Factors affecting inductance. Series and parallel inductors. Practical considerations.
  • RC AND L/R TIME CONSTANTS. Electrical transients. Capacitor transient response. Inductor transient response. Voltage and current calculations. Why L/R and not LR? Complex voltage and current calculations. Complex circuits. Solving for unknown time.
Lecciones de Circuitos Eléctricos - Vol. 1 - CC
Tony R. Kuphaldt

El Proyecto Libro Abierto está dirigido a la comunidad educativa y busca incentivar y coordinar la colaboración entre estudiantes y profesores para el desarrollo de alta calidad, los libros de texto de libre distribución y materiales educativos sobre una amplia gama de temas. El advenimiento de la Internet y la World Wide Web están haciendo la colaboración entre los educadores a escala mundial es posible, por primera vez. Queremos aprovechar esta excitante tecnología para promover el aprendizaje y el compartir.

  • Conceptos básicos de electricidad
  • Ley de Ohm
  • Seguridad eléctrica
  • Notación y prefijos métricos
  • Circuitos en serie y paralelo
  • Circuitos divisor y leyes de Kirchhoff.
  • Serie-paralelo Circuitos Mixtos.
  • Circuitos de medición de CC
  • Las señales eléctricas de instrumentación.
  • Análisis de Redes CC.
  • Baterías y sistemas de energía.
  • Física de conductores y aislantes.
  • Condensadores.
  • Magnetismo y electromagnetismo
  • Inductores.
  • constantes de tiempo RC y L/R .

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