sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012

Lessons in Electric Circuits - Vol 3 – Semiconductors

Lessons in Electric Circuits - Vol 3 – Semiconductors

Tony R. Kuphaldt

Fuente: Open Book Project

The Open Book Project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topics. The advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web are making collaboration among educators on a global scale possible for the first time. We want to harness this exciting technology to promote learning and sharing.

  • Amplifiers And Active Devices. 
  • Solid-State Device Theory
  • Diodes And Rectifiers. 
  • Bipolar Junction Transistors
  • Insulated-Gate Field-Effect Transistors. 
  • Thyristors. 
  • Operational Amplifiers
  • Practical Analog Semiconductor Circuits. 
  • Active Filters.
  • Dc Motor Drives.
  • Inverters And Ac Motor Drives.
  • Electron Tubes

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  • AMPLIFIERS AND ACTIVE DEVICES. From electric to electronic. Active versus passive devices. Amplifiers. Amplifier gain. Decibels. Absolute dB scales.
  • SOLID-STATE DEVICE THEORY. Introduction. Quantum physics. Band theory of solids. Electrons and "holes". The P-N junction. Junction diodes. Bipolar junction transistors. Junction field-effect transistors. Insulated-gate field-effect transistors. Thyristors. Semiconductor manufacturing techniques. Superconducting devices. Quantum devices. Semiconductor devices in SPICE.
  • DIODES AND RECTIFIERS. Introduction. Meter check of a diode. Diode ratings. Rectifier circuits. Clipper circuits. Clamper circuits. Voltage multipliers. Inductor commutating circuits. Zener diodes. Special-purpose diodes. Other diode technologies.
  • BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS. Introduction. The transistor as a switch. Meter check of a transistor. Active mode operation. The common-emitter amplifier. The common-collector amplifier. The common-base amplifier. Biasing techniques. Input and output coupling. Feedback. Amplifier impedances. Current mirrors. Transistor ratings and packages. BJT quirks. JUNCTION FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS. Introduction. The transistor as a switch. Meter check of a transistor. Active-mode operation. The common-source amplifier. The common-drain amplifier. The common-gate amplifier. Biasing techniques. Transistor ratings and packages. JFET quirks.
  • INSULATED-GATE FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS. Introduction. Depletion-type IGFETs. Enhancement-type IGFETs. Active-mode operation. The common-source amplifier. The common-drain amplifier. The common-gate amplifier. Biasing techniques. Transistor ratings and packages. IGFET quirks. MESFETs. IGBTs.
  • THYRISTORS. Hysteresis. Gas discharge tubes. The Shockley Diode. The DIAC. The Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR). The TRIAC. Optothyristors. The Unijunction Transistor (UJT). The Silicon-Controlled Switch (SCS). Field-effect-controlled thyristors.
  • OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS. Introduction. Single-ended and differential amplifiers. The "operational" amplifier. Negative feedback. Divided feedback. An analogy for divided feedback. Voltage-to-current signal conversion. Averager and summer circuits. Building a differential amplifier. The instrumentation amplifier. Differentiator and integrator circuits. Positive feedback. Practical considerations: common-mode gain. Practical considerations: offset voltage. Practical considerations: bias current. Practical considerations: drift. Practical considerations: frequency response. Operational amplifier models. Data.
  • PRACTICAL ANALOG SEMICONDUCTOR CIRCUITS. Power supply circuits. Amplifier circuits. Oscillator circuits. Phase-locked loops. Radio circuits. Computational circuits. Measurement circuits. Control circuits.
  • ELECTRON TUBES. Introduction. Early tube history. The triode. The tetrode. Beam power tubes. The pentode. Combination tubes. Tube parameters. Ionization (gas-filled) tubes. Display tubes. Microwave tubes. Tubes versus Semiconductors.
Lecciones de Circuitos Eléctricos - Vol. 3 - Semiconductores
Tony R. Kuphaldt

El Proyecto Libro Abierto está dirigido a la comunidad educativa y busca incentivar y coordinar la colaboración entre estudiantes y profesores para el desarrollo de alta calidad, los libros de texto de libre distribución y materiales educativos sobre una amplia gama de temas. El advenimiento de la Internet y la World Wide Web están haciendo la colaboración entre los educadores a escala mundial es posible, por primera vez. Queremos aprovechar esta excitante tecnología para promover el aprendizaje y el compartir.

  • Amplificadores y dispositivos activos.
  • Dispositivo de estado sólido teoría
  • Diodos y rectificadores.
  • Transistores bipolares de unión
  • transistores  de compuerta aislada  de efecto campo.
  • Tiristores.
  • Amplificadores Operacionales
  • Práctica circuitos de semiconductores analógicos.
  • Filtros activos.
  • Motores CC.
  • Convertidores de frecuencia y motores CA.
  • Tubos electrónicos

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