sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

Energias Eficientes - Energia Global y Eficiente

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi5kKzabq3synSDs4cjaQFkKuBj5LkWI4h809HqblXaplExBnfRK1oEL5CrJSeEXJpCb-jWHctK9VuyrSOBZdx_MsJtlY6xm272b6_Gia21Z5d-P8chMFaSjSEm2O2FcNAdYb4kG-1wzF4/s128/Energias%20Eficientes.jpg Energias Eficientes 
Capitulo 1 Energia Global y Eficiente

Fuente: Canal Encuentro


¿Cómo se obtiene la energía? ¿Cómo se distribuye? ¿Cómo debemos cuidarla? Los científicos nos explican cuáles son las siete formas existentes de obtención de energía, y nos dan consejos prácticos para el uso eficiente de la electricidad y el gas.

Sinopsis: Enrique y Mariana Moravia, una pareja de científicos, nos llevan a diferentes plantas generadoras de energía de la Argentina para explicarnos cómo se genera, transporta y distribuye este recurso en nuestro país. Un recorrido por los procesos que involucran la energía eléctrica y el gas, desde su generación hasta su uso en el hogar.

Consulta el Video .AVI (157 MB) por:
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viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013

Robot Builder's Bonanza

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjubp-tB44jfMMHAmqihBHWlL9wFpGqFP08POg4Dl0f8dvfzATAYrEQKu32a-6a87UVXKnA-aNZhSLvjnOx-kMVs9uya4rqWPCKPmoL7aKYZinA1IoYL-26nUW8hdDMoaf4k3y8YxWjW_0/s128/Robot%20Builder's%20Bonanza%20McComb%20Predko.jpg Robot Builder's Bonanza 
Gordon McComb Myke Predko


Robotics Book Of All Time Super-Charged By A Famous New Co-Author And Updated To Reflect State-Of-The-Art Advances
Everybody's favorite amateur robotics book is bolder and better than ever -- and now features the field's "grand master" Myke Predko as the new author! Author duo McComb and Predko bring their expertise to this fully-illustrated robotics "bible" to enhance the already incomparable content on how to build -- and have a universe of fun -- with robots. Projects vary in complexity so everyone from novices to advanced hobbyists will find something of interest.
New To This Edition:
30 completely new projects
All projects have been revamped to be more customizable
More visual -- illustrations of the final product are right at the beginning of the chapter

Libro de Robótica de todos los tiempos súper cargado por un nuevo famoso Co-Autor y actualizado para reflejar el estado de la técnica de avances
Todo el mundo del libro favorito de la robótica amateur es más audaz y mejor que nunca - y ahora cuenta con el campo de la "gran maestro" Myke Predko como el nuevo autor! Autor dúo McComb y Predko aportar su experiencia a este todas las ilustraciones, la robótica "biblia" para mejorar el contenido ya incomparable sobre cómo construir - y tienen un universo de diversión - con robots. Los proyectos varían en complejidad, para que todos, desde los principiantes a los aficionados avanzados encontrarán algo de interés.
Nuevo en esta edición:
30 proyectos completamente nuevos 
Todos los proyectos se han renovado para ser más personalizable
Más visuales - ilustraciones del producto final estan justo al principio del capítulo

  • The Robot Experimenter
  • Anatomy of a Robot
  • Structural Materials
  • Buying Parts
  • Electronic Components
  • Tools
  • Electronic Construction Techniques
  • Plastic Platforms
  • Wooden Platforms
  • Metal Platforms
  • Hacking Toys
  • An Overview of Robot “Brains”
  • Programming Fundamentals
  • Computer Peripherals
  • The BASIC Stamp 2 Microcontroller
  • Remote Control Systems
  • Batteries and Robot Power Supplies
  • Principles of Robot Locomotion
  • Choosing the Right Motor
  • Working with DC Motors
  • Principles of Robot Locomotion
  • Choosing the Right Motor
  • Working with DC Motors
  • Working with Stepper Motors
  • Working with Servo Motors
  • Building a Roverbot
  • Building a Heavy-Duty Six-Legged Walking Robot
  • Advanced Robot Locomotion Systems
  • Reaching Out with Robot Arms
  • Building a Revolute Coordinate Arm
  • Experimenting with Gripper Designs
  • The Sense of Touch
  • Object Detection
  • Sound Input and Output
  • Robot Vision
  • Navigation
  • Fire Detection Systems
  • Experimenting with Tilt and Gravity Sensors
  • to Chew Up Your Furniture
  • Robot Tasks, Operations, and Behaviors
  • Integrating the Blocks
  • Failure Analysis
  • Setting Up Workshops, Demonstrations, and Competitions
  • Appendix 
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Para los que usan Gestores de Descarga

  • The Robot Experimenter. The Building-Block Approach. Basic Skills. Ready-Made, Kits, or Do-It-Yourself?. The Mind of the Robot Experimenter.
  • Anatomy of a Robot. Tethered versus Self-Contained. Mobile versus Stationary. Autonomous versus Teleoperated. The Body of the Robot. Power Systems. Locomotion Systems. Arms and Hands. Sensory Devices. Output Devices. Smart versus Dumb Robots. The Concept of Robot Work.
  • Structural Materials. Paper. Wood. Plastics. Metal Stock. Quick Turn Mechanical Prototypes. Fasteners. Scavenging: Making Do with What You Already Have. Finishing Your Robot’s Structure.
  • Buying Parts. Hobby and Model Stores. Craft Stores. Hardware Stores. Electronic Stores. Electronics Wholesalers and Distributors. Samples from Electronics Manufacturers. Specialty Stores. Shopping the Surplus Store. Finding Parts on the Internet.
  • Electronic Components. Cram Course in Electrical Theory. Wire Gauge. Fixed Resistors. Variable Resistors. Capacitors. Diodes. Transistors. Grounding Circuitry. Integrated Circuits. Schematics and Electronic Symbols.
  • Tools. Safety. Setting Up Shop. Basic Tools. Electronic Tools.
  • Electronic Construction Techniques. Soldering Tips and Techniques. Breadboards. Prototyping PCBs. Point-to-Point Prototyping Wiring. Wire-Wrapping. Quick Turn Prototype Printed Circuit Boards. Headers and Connectors. Eliminating Static Electricity. Good Design Principles.
  • Plastic Platforms. Types of Plastics. Working with Plastics. Building the Minibot.
  • Wooden Platforms. Choosing the Right Wood. The Woodcutter’s Art. Cutting and Drilling. Finishing. Building a Wooden Motorized Platform.
  • Metal Platforms. Working with Metal. Build the Buggybot. Test Run.
  • Hacking Toys. A Variety of Construction Sets. Specialty Toys for Robot Hacking. Robots from Converted Vehicles.
  • An Overview of Robot “Brains”. Brains from Discrete Components. Brains from Computers and Microcontrollers. Types of Computers for Robots. Inputs and Outputs.
  • Programming Fundamentals. Important Programming Concepts. Robotics Programming. Graphical Programming.
  • Computer Peripherals. Sensors as Inputs. Input and Output Methodologies. Motors and Other Outputs. Sample Output Circuits. Digital Inputs. Interfacing Analog Input. Analog-to-Digital Converters. Digital-to-Analog Conversion. Expanding Available I/O Lines. Bitwise Port Programming.
  • The BASIC Stamp 2 Microcontroller. Choosing the Right Stamp for Your Application. Inside the BASIC Stamp. Developer’s Options. Understanding and Using PBASIC. Sample Interface Applications. BS2 Application Design Suggestions.
  • Remote Control Systems. Controlling Your Robot with a PC Joystick or Control Pad. Building a Joystick Teaching Pendant. Commanding a Robot with Infrared Remote Control. Using Radio Control Instead of Infrared.
  • Batteries and Robot Power Supplies. Remember: Safety First!. Increasing Robot Performance. Combining Batteries. Types of Batteries. Battery Ratings. Battery Recharging. Recharging the Robot. Battery Care. Power Distribution. Voltage Regulation. Battery Monitors. A Robot Testing Power Supply.
  • Principles of Robot Locomotion. First Things First: Weight. Tips for Reducing Weight. Beware of the Heavy Frame. Construction Robots with Multiple Decks. Frame Sagging Caused by Weight. Horizontal Center of Balance. Vertical Center of Gravity. Locomotion Issues. Motor Drives. Steering Methods. Calculating the Speed of Robot Travel. Round Robots or Square?.
  • Choosing the Right Motor. AC or DC?. Continuous or Stepping?. Servo Motors. Other Motor Types. Motor Specifications. Gears and Gear Reduction. Pulleys, Belts, Sprockets, and Roller Chain. Mounting the Motor. Connecting to the Motor Shaft.
  • Working with DC Motors. The Fundamentals of DC Motors. Reviewing DC Motor Ratings. Motor Control. Motor Speed Control. Odometry: Measuring Distance of Travel. Battery Monitors. 3 V Zener Battery Monitor. Zener/Comparator Battery Monitor. Using a Battery Monitor with a Microprocessor. A Robot Testing Power Supply.
  • Principles of Robot Locomotion. First Things First: Weight. Tips for Reducing Weight. Beware of the Heavy Frame. Construction Robots with Multiple Decks. Frame Sagging Caused by Weight. Horizontal Center of Balance. Vertical Center of Gravity. Locomotion Issues. Motor Drives. Steering Methods. Differential. Car-Type. Tricycle. Omnidirectional. Calculating the Speed of Robot Travel. Round Robots or Square?.
  • Choosing the Right Motor. AC or DC?. Continuous or Stepping?. Servo Motors. Other Motor Types. Motor Specifications. Gears and Gear Reduction. Pulleys, Belts, Sprockets, and Roller Chain. Mounting the Motor. Connecting to the Motor Shaft.
  • Working with DC Motors. The Fundamentals of DC Motors. Reviewing DC Motor Ratings. Motor Control. Motor Speed Control. Odometry: Measuring Distance of Travel.
  • Working with Stepper Motors. Inside a Stepper Motor. Design Considerations of Stepper Motors. Controlling a Stepper Motor.
  • Working with Servo Motors. How Servos Work. Servos and Pulse Width Modulation. The Role of the Potentiometer. Rotational Limits. Special-Purpose Servo Types and Sizes. Gear Trains and Power Drives. Typical Servo Specs. Connector Styles and Wiring. Circuits for Controlling a Servo. Modifying a Servo for Continuous Rotation. Basic Modification Instructions. Applying New Grease. Testing the Modified Servo. A Caution on Modifying Servos. Software for Running Modified Servos. Limitations of Modified Servos. Modifying by Removing the Servo Control Board. Attaching Mechanical Linkages to Servos. Attaching Wheels to Servos. Mounting Servos on the Body of the Robot. Attaching Servos with Glue. Attaching Servos with Screws or Bolts.
  • Building a Roverbot. Building the Base. Motors. Support Casters. Batteries. Riser Frame. Street Test.
  • Building a Heavy-Duty Six-Legged Walking Robot. Frame. Legs. Motors. Batteries. Testing and Alignment.
  • Advanced Robot Locomotion Systems. Making Tracks. Steering Wheel Systems. Six-Wheeled Robot Cart. Building Robots with Shape-Memory Alloy.
  • Reaching Out with Robot Arms. The Human Arm. Arm Types. Activation Techniques.
  • Building a Revolute Coordinate Arm. Design Overview. Shoulder Joint and Upper Arm. Elbow and Forearm. Refinements. Position Control.
  • Experimenting with Gripper Designs. The Clapper. Two-Pincher Gripper. Flexible Finger Grippers. Wrist Rotation.
  • The Sense of Touch. Mechanical Switch. Switch Bouncing. Optical Sensors. Mechanical Pressure Sensors. Experimenting with Piezoelectric Touch Sensors. Other Types of Touch Sensors.
  • Object Detection. Design Overview. Noncontact Near-Object Detection. Contact Detection. Soft Touch and Compliant Collision Detection.
  • Sound Input and Output. Cassette Recorder Sound Output. Electronically Recorded Sound Output. Sirens and Other Warning Sounds. Sound Control. Audio Amplifiers. Speech Recognition. Speech Synthesis. Sound Input Sensors.
  • Robot Vision. Simple Sensors for Vision. One-Cell Cyclops. Multiple-Cell Light Sensors. Using Lenses and Filters with Light-Sensitive Sensors. Introduction to Video Vision Systems. Vision by Laser Light. Going beyond Light-Sensitive Vision.
  • Navigation. A Game of Goals. Following a Predefined Path: Line Tracing. Wall Following. Odometry: The Art of Dead Reckoning. Compass Bearings. Ultrasonic Distance Measurement. “Where Am I?”: Sighting Landmarks. Exploring Other Position-Referencing Systems.
  • Fire Detection Systems. Flame Detection. Using a Pyroelectric Sensor to Detect Fire. Smoke Detection. Heat Sensing. Firefighting.
  • Experimenting with Tilt and Gravity Sensors. Sensors to Measure Tilt. Using an Accelerometer to Measure Tilt. Constructing a Dual-Axis Accelerometer Robotic Sensor. Alternatives to Store-Bought Accelerometers. to Chew Up Your Furniture. Sensing the Environment: Protecting the Furniture and the Robot. Movement Algorithms. Communicating with the Robot.
  • Robot Tasks, Operations, and Behaviors. “What Does My Robot Do?: A Design Approach. Reality versus Fantasy. Understanding and Using Robot Behaviors. Multiple Robot Interaction. The Role of Subsumption Architecture.
  • Integrating the Blocks. Basic Program Structure. Allocating Resources. Getting a Program’s Attention Via Hardware. Task-Oriented Robot Control.
  • Failure Analysis. Types of Failures. The Process of Fixing Problems.
  • Setting Up Workshops, Demonstrations, and Competitions. Choosing the Venue. Competition Events. Alerting the Public and the Media. 
  • Appendix. Further Reading. Hobby Robotics. LEGO Robotics and LEGO Building. Technical Robotics, Theory, and Design. Artificial Intelligence and Behavior-Based Robotics. Mechanical Design. Electronic Components. Microcontroller/Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing. Electronics How-To and Theory. Power Supply Design and Construction. Lasers and Fiber Optics. Interfacing to Computer Systems. Magazines. Classic Robot Fiction. Sources. Selected Specialty Parts and Sources. General Robotics Kits and Parts. Electronics/Mechanical: New, Used, and Surplus. Microcontrollers, Single-Board Computers, Programmers. Radio Control (R/C) Retailers. Servo and Stepper Motors, Controllers. Ready-Made Personal and Educational Robots. Construction Kits, Toys, and Parts. Miscellaneous. Robot Information on the Internet. Electronics Manufacturers. Shape-Memory Alloy. Microcontroller Design. Robotics User Groups. General Robotics Information. Books, Literature, and Magazines. Surplus Resources. Commercial Robots. Video Cameras. Ultrasonic Range Finders. LEGO Mindstorms Sources on the Web. Servo and Stepper Motor Information. Quick Turn Mechanical and Electronics Parts Manufacturers.

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Programming And Customizing The Pic Microcontroller

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiOXiIcdQAGKufTxF8wlUKiJRqwgZ5WU3EzMYc6Y5yjGWH2S_PB8qMnIpDhjUuTYOruCyY2nXM9KGfSKGNl9GnXR3_ehbL0bON6frDCaz6bJ-y87jiQjp0Fy3voOKlhajCXNFESCNfpF0c/s128/Programming%20And%20Customizing%20The%20Pic%20Microcontroller%20Myke%20Predko%203%C2%BA.jpg Programming And Customizing The Pic Microcontroller 
Myke Predko


Tap into the latest advancements in PIC technology with the fully revamped Third Edition of McGraw-Hill's Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller. Long known as the subject's definitive text, this indispensable volume comes packed with more than 600 illustrations, and provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand coverage of the PIC microcontroller's hardware and software schemes.
With 100 experiments, projects, and libraries, you get a firm grasp of PICs, how they work, and the ins-and-outs of their most dynamic applications.
Written by renowned technology guru Myke Predko, this updated edition features a streamlined, more accessible format, and delivers:
Concentration on the three major PIC families, to help you fully understand the synergy between the Assembly, BASIC, and C programming languages

Acceda a los últimos avances en tecnología de PIC con la edición totalmente renovada Tercera Programación McGraw-Hill y personalización del microcontrolador PIC. Conocida desde hace tiempo como texto definitivo del sujeto, en este volumen indispensable viene embalado con más de 600 ilustraciones, y provee información integral, fácil de entender la cobertura de hardware del microcontrolador PIC y los sistemas de software.
Con 100 experimentos, proyectos y librerías, obtenga una sólida comprensión de los PIC, cómo funcionan, y los pros y contras de sus aplicaciones más dinámicas. Escrito por el reconocido gurú de la tecnología Myke Predko, esta edición actualizada presenta un formato ágil, más accesible, y ofrece:
La concentración en las tres familias principales de PIC, para ayudarle a comprender plenamente la sinergia entre el ensamblador, BASIC y lenguajes de programación C

  • Embedded Microcontrollers
  • The Microchip PIC Microcontroller
  • Software Development Tools
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers
  • Emulators and Debuggers
  • The Microchip PIC MCU Processor Architecture
  • Using the PIC MCU Instruction Set
  • Assembly-Language Software Techniques
  • Basic Operating Features
  • Macro Development
  • Building and Linking
  • Bootloaders
  • Real-Time Operating Systems
  • Debugging Your Applications
  • PIC Microcontroller Application Design and Hardware Interfacing
  • PIC MCU Optional Hardware Features
  • PIC MCU Input and Output Device Interfacing
  • Motor Control
  • Practical PC Interfacing
  • PIC Microcontroller Application Basics
  • Projects
  • Appendix
  • Glossary
Consulta el Libro (9 MB) por:
Para los que usan Gestores de Descarga

  • Embedded Microcontrollers. Microcontroller Types. Internal Hardware. Applications. Processor Architectures. Instructions and Software. Peripheral Functions. Memory Types. Microcontroller Communication. Device Packaging. Application Development Tools.
  • The Microchip PIC Microcontroller. Accessing the Microchip Web Site. PIC Microcontroller Feature Summary. Features Unique to the PIC Microcontroller. PIC Microcontroller Families.
  • Software Development Tools. Tools Overview. High Level Languages. Microchip MPLAB IDE.
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers. Hex File Format. Code Protection. Parallel Programming. PIC ICSP Programmer Interface. Microchip Programmers. My Programmers. Third-Party Programmers.
  • Emulators and Debuggers. MPLAB ICE-2000. MPLAB REAL ICE. MPLAB ICD 2 Debugger. The Emu-II. Other Emulators.
  • The Microchip PIC MCU Processor Architecture. The CPU. Hardware and File Registers. The PIC Microcontroller’s ALU. Data Movement. The Program Counter and Stack. Reset. Interrupts. Architecture Differences.
  • Using the PIC MCU Instruction Set. Setting Up the MPLAB IDE Simulator with a Test Template. PIC MCU Instruction Types. The Mid-Range Instruction Set. Low-End PIC Microcontroller Instruction Set. PIC18 Instruction Set.
  • Assembly-Language Software Techniques. Sample Template. Labels, Addresses, and Flags. Subroutines with Parameter Passing. Subtraction, Comparing and Negation. Bit AND and OR. 16-Bit Operations. MulDiv, Constant Multiplication and Division. Delays. Patch Space. Structures, Pointers, and Arrays. Sorting Data. Interrupts. Reentrant Subroutines. Simulating Logic. Event-Driven Programming. State Machine Programming. Porting Code Between PIC Microcontroller Device Architectures. Optimizing PIC Microcontroller Applications. A Baker’s Dozen Rules to Follow That Will Help to Avoid Application Software Problems.
  • Basic Operating Features. Power Input and Decoupling. Configuration Fuses. OPTION Register. TMR0. Interrupt Operation. The Right PIC Microcontroller to Learn On.
  • Macro Development. PIC Microcontroller Assembly-Language Macros. The Difference Between Defines and Macros. The Assembler Calculator. Multiline C Macros. Conditional Assembly/Compilation. Using Defines and Conditional Assembly for Application Debug. Debugging Macros. Structured Programming Macros.
  • Building and Linking. Creating Linked Applications.
  • Bootloaders. Bootloader Requirements. Mid-Range Bootloaders. PIC18 Bootloaders.
  • Real-Time Operating Systems. Low-End and Mid-Range RTOSs. PIC18 RTOS Design.
  • Debugging Your Applications. Document the Expected State. Characterize the Problem. Hypothesize and Test Your Hypothesis. Propose Corrective Actions. Test Fixes. Release Your Solution. Debug: An Application to Test Your Debug Skills.
  • PIC Microcontroller Application Design and Hardware Interfacing. Requirements Definition. PIC Microcontroller Resource Allocation. Effective User Interfacing. Project Management. Power Management. Reset. Interfacing to External Devices.
  • PIC MCU Optional Hardware Features. Mid-Range Built-in EEPROM/Flash Access. TMR1. TMR2. Compare/Capture/PWM (CCP) Module. Serial I/O. Analog I/O. Parallel Slave Port (PSP). In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP).
  • PIC MCU Input and Output Device Interfacing. LEDs. Switch Bounce. Matrix Keypads. LCDs. Analog I/O. Audio Output. Relays and Solenoids. Asynchronous (NRZ) Serial Interfaces. Synchronous Serial Interfaces.
  • Motor Control. Dc Motors. Stepper Motors. R/C Servo Control.
  • Practical PC Interfacing. PC Software Application Development Tools. Serial Port. Parallel Port.
  • PIC Microcontroller Application Basics. Jumping Around. Some Basic Functions. Analog Input/Output. I/O with Interrupts. Serial I/O.
  • Projects. Low-End Devices. Mid-Range Devices. PIC18 Devices.
  • Appendix.
  • Resources. Microchip. Books to Help You Learn Moreabout the PIC Microcontroller. Useful Books. Recommended PIC Microcontroller Websites. Periodicals. Other Websites of Interest. Part Suppliers.
  • PIC Microcontroller Summary. Feature to Part Number Table. Instruction Sets. I/O Register Addresses. Device Pinouts.
  • Useful Tables and Data. Electrical Engineering Formulas. Mathematical Formulas. Mathematical Conversions. ASCII.
  • Miscellaneous Electronic Reference Information. Basic Electronic Components and Their Symbols. Test Equipment.
  • Basic Programming Language. PICBASIC.
  • C Programming Language. Common Library Functions. PICC Library Functions. Microchip C18 Library Functions.
  • Reuse, Return, and Recycle. Useful Snippets. Mykemacs.inc. Sixteen-Bit Numbers.
  • Glossary.

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

Programming and Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEikZA38fykaQg-6WkO5KoOGhSjL8vdmDwFR8bhk_c4bkSOkg1Pb_SzPpdQwczuuZ-fB0L2aiZjDcIVufeQfPGvtbycNMwIzDdux2wXFg3_JDwst19FYCvkDcwJsh85iSk-tWcSN_QaLYLs/s128/Programming%20and%20Customizing%20PICmicro%20Microcontrollers%202ed.jpg Programming and Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers + CD rom
Myke Predko

This book is a fully updated and revised compendium of PIC programming information. Comprehensive coverage of the PICMicros' hardware architecture and software schemes will complement the host of experiments and projects making this a true, "Learn as you go" tutorial. New sections on basic electronics and basic programming have been added for less sophisticated users along with 10 new projects and 20 new experiments. New pedagogical features have also been added such as "Programmers Tips" and "Hardware Fast FAQs". 
CD-ROM:The CD-ROM will contain all source code presented in the book, software tools designed by Microchip and third party vendors for applications and the complete data sheets for the PIC family in PDF format.Key Features:
* Printed Circuit Board for a PICMicro programmer included with the book! This programmer will have the capability to program all the PICMicros used by the application.
* Twice as many projects including a PICMicro based Webserver
* Twenty new "Experiments" to help the user better understand how the PICMicro works. 
* An introduction to Electronics and Programming in the Appendices along with engineering formulas and PICMicro web references.

Este libro es un compendio actualizado y revisado la información de programación de PIC. Cobertura integral de la arquitectura de hardware microPIC 'y esquemas de software complementará la serie de experimentos y proyectos que hacen esto una realidad "Aprender sobre la marcha" tutorial. Nuevas secciones en electrónica básica y la programación básica se han añadido para los usuarios menos sofisticados, junto con 10 nuevos proyectos y 20 nuevos experimentos. Las nuevas funciones pedagógicas también se han añadido, como "Consejos Programadores" y "Preguntas frecuentes hardware rápido". CD-ROM: el CD-ROM que contiene todo el código fuente se presenta en las herramientas de software de libro, diseñado por Microchip y de otros proveedores de aplicaciones y las hojas de datos completas para la familia PIC en PDF Características format.Key:
* Placa de circuito impreso para un programador PIC incluido en el libro! Este programador tendrá la capacidad para programar todas las microPIC utilizada por la aplicación.
* El doble de proyectos que incluyen un servidor web basado en PIC
* Veinte nuevos "experimentos" para ayudar al usuario a comprender mejor cómo funciona el PIC.
* Introducción a la electrónica y la programación en los Apéndices, junto con las fórmulas de ingeniería y referencias PICmicro web.

  • Microcontrollers
  • The Microchip PICmicro MCU
  • The PICmicro MCU Processor Architecture
  • The PICmicro MCU Instruction Set
  • PICmicro MCU Hardware Features
  • PICmicro MCU Application Design and Hardware Interfacing
  • PC Interfacing
  • PICmicro MCU Application Software Development Tools
  • PICmicro MCU Assembly-Language Soft-Ware Development Techniques
  • Macro Development
  • Designing Your Own PICmicro MCU Application
  • Debugging Your Applications
  • Programming PICmicro MCUs
  • Emulators
  • Experiments
  • Projects
  • Real Time Operating Systems
  • Microchip Datasheets 
Consulta el Libro + CD (156 MB) por:
Para los que usan Gestores de Descarga




  • Microcontrollers. Microcontroller Chips. Programmable Logic Devices. Deciding Which Device to Use in Your Application.
  • The Microchip PICmicro MCU. Device and Feature Summary. The MP LAB IDE. FUZZYtech. KEELOQ. The Parallax Basic Stamp. PICmicro MCU-Compatible Devices.
  • The PICmicro MCU Processor Architecture. The CPU. The PICmicro MCU's ALU. Data Movement. The Program Counter and Stack. Reset. Interrupts. Architecture Differences.
  • The PICmicro MCU Instruction Set. The Mid-Range Instruction Set. Other PICmicro MCU Instruction Sets.
  • PICmicro MCU Hardware Features. Power Input and Decoupling. Reset. Watchdog Timer. System Clock/Oscillators. Configuration Registers. Sleep. Hardware and File Registers. Parallel Input/Output. Interrupts. Prescaler. The OPTION Register. Mid-Range Built-in EEPROM/Flash Access. TMR1 and TMR2. Serial I/O. Analog I/O. Parallel Slave Port (PSP). 17Cxx External Memory Connections. In-Circuit Serial Programming (ISCP). Future Devices.
  • PICmicro MCU Application Design and Hardware Interfacing. Estimating Application Power Requirements. Reset. Interfacing to External Devices. LEDs. Switch Bounce. Matrix Keypads. LCDs. Analog I/O. Relays and Solenoids. DC and Stepper Motors. RIC Servo Control. Serial Interfaces.
  • PC Interfacing. PC Interface Software. Serial Ports. Parallel Port. Keyboard and Mouse Ports. ISA Bus.
  • PICmicro MCU Application Software Development Tools. Software-Development Tools. High-Level Languages. MPSIM.INI. Stimulus (.STI) Files. FUZZYtech. Version Support Tools. The MPLAB IDE.
  • PICmicro MCU Assembly-Language Soft-Ware Development Techniques. Creating and Supporting Your Code. PICmicro MCU Programming Tips. Interrupts. Event-Driven Programming. State Machine Programming. Porting Code Between PICmicro MCU Device Architectures. Optimizing PICmicro MCU Applications. A Baker's Dozen Rules to Help Avoid Application Software Problems.
  • Macro Development. The Difference Between Defines and Macros. The Assembler Calculator. Conditional Assembly. Debugging Macros. Structured Programming Macros.
  • Designing Your Own PICmicro MCU Application. Requirements Definition. PICmicro MCU Resource Allocation. Effective User Interfacing. Project Management.
  • Debugging Your Applications. Characterizing Problems. Hypothesizing and Testing Your Hypothesis. Simulating Applications.
  • Programming PICmicro MCUs. Hex File Format. Code-Protect Features. Low-End Programming. Mid-Range and ICSP Serial Programming. PIC17Cxx Programming. PIC18Cxx Programming. PICSTART Plus and PRO MATE II. The El Cheapo. The YAP-II. Third-Party Programmers.
  • Emulators. MPLABICE-2000. The PICMaster. MPLAB-ICD. The EMU-II. Other Emulators.
  • Experiments. Tools and Parts. PICmicro MCU Processor Execution. Jumping Around. Data. Subroutines. Table Data. Playing with the Hardware. Analog Input/Output. I/O with Interrupts. Serial I/O. Debugging.
  • Projects. Low-End Devices. Mid-Range Devices. PIC17Cxx Devices. PIC18Cxx Devices.
  • Real Time Operating Systems. RTOSO1: Simple PIC18Cxx RTOS. RTOS02: Multitasking Application Example. In Closing.
  • Glossary.
  • Useful Tables and Data. Physical Constants. Audio Notes. "Touch-Tone" Telephone Frequencies. Electrical Engineering Formulas. DC Electronics Formulas. AC Electronics Formulas. Mathematical Formulas. Mathematical Conversions. ASCII. ASCII Control Characters. IBM Extended ASCII Characters.
  • PICmicro MCU Application Debugging Checklist.
  • Resources. Microchip. Contacting the Author. Buying Project Kits Presented in this Book. PICmicro MCU Books. Useful Books. My Favorite PICmicro MCU Web Sites. Periodicals. Web Sites of Interest. . PICmicro MCU Product and Service Suppliers.
  • UMPS.
  • GPASM/GPSIM LINUX PICmicro MCU Application Tools.
  • PCB Boards.
  • CD-ROM. Accessing the CD-ROM Files. Rentron Articles.
  • Microchip Datasheets.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

PICMicro Microcontroller Pocket Reference

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjLUqIwh9CaqoPhhk1zUafBntum3qbuzvBC5apFzJBrBT10rdWqnO99vdidA4615NwLn2wZ7lSCnQzTmoFhQJxqo8nn7yQmVmoFMn_oy5WfSs4uPsVpvKhWh2Ay4XNEHmgJtwh542I41ng/s128/PICMicro%20Microcontroller%20Pocket%20Reference%20Michael%20Predko.jpg PICMicro Microcontroller Pocket Reference 
Michael Predko

Device, code, and circuit data on one of the most popular microcontrollers around--it's in your pocket with this guide. You'll never again get stuck in the World Wide Wait or shuffle through coffee-stained printouts, looking for the facts you need. Used alone or with Myke Predko's, Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller, this data source saves you from searching for:
*Complete pin-out mappings
*Device feature comparisons
*Processor instructions
*Multitier data tables
*Frequently used code snippets
*Clock tables

*Power consumption tables
*Debugging hints
*Common external device interfaces with sample code

Dispositivo, código y los datos del circuito en uno de los microcontroladores más populares - está en el bolsillo de esta guía. Nunca más voy a quedar atrapado en la Espera Mundial o mezclar a través de las impresiones manchadas de café, en busca de la información que necesita. Se usa solo o con Myke Predko, Programming y personalización del microcontrolador PIC, este fuente de datos que salva de la búsqueda de:
* Completa pin-out-mapeos
* Comparaciones de características de dispositivo
* Las instrucciones del procesador
* Las tablas de datos de varios niveles
* Frecuentes fragmentos de código utilizados
* Tablas de reloj
* Tablas de consumo de energía
* Pistas de depuración
* Comunes interfaces de dispositivos externos con código de ejemplo

  • Conventions Used in This Book 
  • PICmicro MCU Part Number Feature Comparison 
  • Device Pinouts 
  • PICmicro MCU Instruction Sets 
  • PICmicro MCU Processor Architectures 
  • PICmicro MCU Register Mappings 
  • Built-In Hardware Features 
  • PICmicro MCU Hardware Interfacing 
  • PICmicro MCU Programming 
  • PC Interfaces 
  • Useful Code “Snippets’’ 
  • 16-Bit Numbers 
  • PICmicro MCU Operations Tables 
  • PICmicro MCU Application Debugging Checklist 
  • PICmicro MCU Application Software Development Tools 
  • Visual Basic 
  • Constants and Data Tables 
  • Miscellaneous Electronics 
  • Formulas 
Consulta el Libro (6 MB) por:
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  • Conventions Used in This Book.
  • PICmicro MCU Part Number Feature Comparison. Feature to Part Number Table.
  • Device Pinouts. Low-End. Mid-Range. PIC17Cxx. PIC18Cxx.
  • PICmicro MCU Instruction Sets. Parameters. Low-End Instruction Set. Mid-Range Instruction Set. PIC17Cxx Instruction Set. PIC18Cxx Instruction Set. Microchip Special Instruction Mnemonics. Parallax PICmicro MCU Instruction Set.
  • PICmicro MCU Processor Architectures. The PICmicro MCU’s Arithmetic Logic Unit. Low-End PICmicro MCUs. Register access. STATUS register. Program counter. Mid-Range PICmicro MCUs. Register access. STATUS register. Program counter. Interrupt operation. Interrupt handler skeleton. PIC17Cxx. Register access. STATUS register. Program counter. Interrupt operation. Interrupt handler skeleton. PIC18Cxx. Register access. STATUS register. Program counter. Interrupt operation. Interrupt handler skeleton.
  • PICmicro MCU Register Mappings. Low-End PICmicro MCUs. Mid-Range PICmicro MCUs. PIC17Cxx. PIC18Cxx.
  • Built-In Hardware Features. Configuration Registers. Oscillators. Sleep. Option Register. Input/Output Ports and TRIS Registers. Watchdog Timer. TMR0. Prescaler. TMR1. TMR2. Compare/Capture/PWM(CCP) Module. USART Module. SSP Module. SPI operation. I2C operation. Built-In ADC. Built-In Comparators. Parallel Slave Port. Built-In EEPROM Data Memory Access. EPROM Program Memory Access. Flash Program Memory Access. External Parallel Memory.
  • PICmicro MCU Hardware Interfacing. Power. Reset. Digital Logic Interfacing. Parallel Bus Device Interfacing. Button Interfacing. Switch Matrix Keypad/Keyboard Interfacing. Combining Input and Output. Simulated “Open Collector’’/“Open Drain’’ I/O. LEDs. Multisegment LED displays. LCD Interfaces. I2C Bit Banging “Master’’ Interface. RS-232 Interfaces. RS-485/RS-422. Asynchronous Serial I/O Software Routines. Dallas Semiconductor One-Wire Interface. Reading Potentiometer Using Parallel I/O Pins. Motor Drivers. R/C Servo Control. Audio Output. AC Power Control. Hall-Effect Sensors. Sony Infrared TV Remote Control.
  • PICmicro MCU Programming. “Hex’’ File Format. Low-End PICmicro MCU Programming. Mid-Range Serial Programming. PIC17Cxx Programming. PIC17Cxx ICSP Programming. PIC18Cxx Programming. Microchip ICSP Programming Connector. Third Party/Downloadable Programmers.
  • PC Interfaces. Memory Map. I/O Space Map. Interrupt Function by Number. ISA Bus. ISA pinouts. Interrupts. Keyboard and Mouse Ports. Connector specification. Keyboard operation with timing diagrams. Keyboard scan codes. Keyboard controller commands. BIOS interfaces. Keyboard commands. Serial Port. Connector pinouts. 8250 block diagram. Serial port base addresses. 8250 registers. Interrupts. Interrupt 14h–RS-232 communications APIs. Parallel Port. Block diagram/connector. Base registers. Registers. Data output waveform. BIOS interfaces.
  • Useful Code “Snippets’’. Jumping Outside the Current Page. Tables. Conditional Branching. Time Delays. Negating the Contents of a Register. Incrementing/Decrementing “w’’. Rotating a Byte in Place. Copy Bits from One Register to Another. Converting a Nybble to ASCII. Converting an ASCII Byte to a Hex Nybble. Using T0CKI as an Interrupt Source Pin. Dividing by Three. Sixteen-Bit Pulse Measurement with 5-Cycle Delay. Detect a Change in a Register. Test a Byte within a Range. Convert ASCII to Upper Case. Swap the Contents of “w’’ with a Register. Swap the Contents of Two Registers. Compare and Swap if Y_ X. Counting the Number of “1’’s in a Byte. Generating Parity for a Byte. Keeping a Variable within a Range. Swapping Bit Pairs. Bitwise Operations. Constant Multiplication. Constant Division.
  • 16-Bit Numbers. Defining 16 Bit Numbers. Increments and Decrements. Addition/Subtraction. Bitwise Operations on Constants and Variables. Comparisons with 16-Bit Variables. Multiplication. Division.
  • PICmicro MCU Operations Tables. I/O Pin Current Capabilities. RC Oscillator Component Values. LP Oscillator Operating Characteristics. XT Oscillator Operating Characteristics. HS Oscillator Operating Characteristics.
  • PICmicro MCU Application Debugging Checklist.
  • PICmicro MCU Application Software Development Tools. Microsoft Compatible Editor “Ctrl’’ Key Combinations. MPSIM.INI. MPLAB. Stimulus (.STI) files. MPLAB assembler directives. Standard Declaration and Include (“.inc’’) Files. Linking–Linked Applications. Application Code Template. The BASIC Language. Microsoft BASIC Enhancements. PicBasic. Visual Basic. MSComm control. The “C’’ Language. Declarations. Statements. Operators. Directives. “Backslash’’ characters. Common C functions. PICmicro MCU enhancement functions.
  • Constants and Data Tables. Mathematical and Physical Constants. ASCII control characters. ANSI display control sequences. IBM PC extended ASCII characters. Windows ASCII characters. EBCDIC. Audio Notes. “Touch-Tone’’ Telephone Frequencies. Modem “AT’’ Commands. Modem registers. Morse Code. Phonetic Alphabets. “Ten’’ Radio Codes.
  • Miscellaneous Electronics. Resistor Color Coding. Electromagnetic Spectrum. Radar bands. Digital Logic. Gates. Flip flops.
  • Formulas. DC Electronics Formulas. AC Electronics Formulas. Mathematical Formulas. Boolean Arithmetic. Conversions.
  • Resources. Microchip. PICmicro MCU Books. Useful Books. PICList Internet List Server. Recommended PICmicro MCU Web Sites. Periodicals. Useful Web Sites. Hardware FAQs. Part Suppliers. Digi-Key. AP Circuits. Wirz Electronics. Tower Hobbies. Jameco. JDR. Newark. Marshall Industries. Mouser Electronics. Mondo-tronics Robotics Store.

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

PC Interfacing Pocket Reference

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhc-Sn0YE5y7exsOP1Jd-Dip9iMIjOxPkJ1qsoqa5FvETASkKhBhFiYJ-ip0Ka1XSL3IGvFSVW0t6OUUaJMMefpUo9c276zV7fcxugwvf8zoz-r_dWmK8Qe3gtj42HKYoVBODsr52n-Dk4/s128/PC%20Interfacing%20Pocket%20Reference%20Myke%20Predko.jpg PC Interfacing Pocket Reference
Myke Predko


PC interfacing answers ó in 60 seconds or less! The ultimate at a glance data finder for PC hardware and software engineers, PC Interfacing Pocket Reference, by Myke Predko, packs everything skilled developers need: traditional ASCII tables, memory and register addresses, and instruction sets plus BIOS, MS-DOS, DPMI and Windows APIs. You also get reference information for the leading PC programming languages ó PC assembly, BASIC, C and C++ ó as well as time-saving code snippets to use for developing your own applications. What ís more, you find: 
*Sample Windows device drivers (VxDs, WDMs, and DLLs)
*Hardware addresses and device block diagrams with connector pinouts 
*ISA, PCI, and USB bus information, along with Plug and Play and Interrupt and DMA interfacing 
*Conformance to Intel/Microsoft ìPC/9xî baseline specification

PC interfaz respuestas en 60 segundos o menos! La mejor vista en un buscador de datos por hardware de PC y los ingenieros de software, Referencia Interfaz PC de bolsillo, por Myke Predko, paquetes de desarrolladores calificados todo lo necesario: tablas ASCII tradicionales, la memoria y registrar direcciones y conjuntos de instrucciones además de BIOS, MS-DOS, y DPMI API de Windows. Usted también obtiene información de referencia para los principales lenguajes de programación para PC o PC de montaje, BASIC, C y C++ o, así como ahorro de tiempo fragmentos de código a utilizar para desarrollar sus propias aplicaciones. Lo que es más, usted encontrará:
* Ejemplo de controladores de dispositivos de Windows (VxD, WDM, y DLLs)
* Las direcciones de hardware y esquemas de bloques con espigas de conectores
* ISA, PCI, y la información del bus USB, junto con Plug and Play y la Interrupción e interfaz DMA
* Conformidad con Intel / Microsoft ìPC/9xî base especificación

  • Conventions Used in This Book.
  • Data Tables. 
  • Miscellaneous Electronics
  • PC Addressing. Memory Map. 
  • Motherboard Basic Architecture. 
  • Processors. Architecture. 
  • 8086/8087 Processor Data Formats.
  • Adapter Card Busses. 
  • USB Bus. 
  • Boot Process. 
  • Video Interfaces. 
  • Keyboard/Mouse. 
  • I/O Peripherals. 
  • Diskette Subsystem. 
  • (E)IDE Disk Subsystem. 
  • Miscellaneous PC Hardware. 
  • PC Firmware. 
  • MS-DOS. 
  • MS-DOS Operation. 
  • Batch Files. 
  • MASM 6.11 Assembler
  • BASIC Language. 
  • C Language. 
  • Debuggers. 
  • Win32 Kernel/Operating System Architecture. 
  • Visual Basic. 
  • Visual C++. 
  • Windows Extensions and DPMI APIs.
  • Sample Routines
  • Basic HTML 
  • Appendix. 
Consulta el Libro (6 MB) por:
Para los que usan Gestores de Descarga

  • Conventions Used in This Book.
  • Data Tables. Mathematical and Physical Constants. ASCII. EBCDIC (Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code). Morse Code. Audio Notes. Touch Tone Telephone Frequencies. Phonetic Alphabets. Radio 10. Codes.
  • Miscellaneous Electronics. Resistor Color Coding. Electromagnetic Spectrum. Digital Logic.
  • Formulas. DC Electronics Formulas. Physical Formulas. Conversions. Speaker Output. SoundBlaster Output. Memory Allocation.
  • PC Addressing. Memory Map. I/O Space Map. Interrupt Function by Number.
  • Motherboard Basic Architecture. Block Diagram. Caching.
  • Processors. Architecture. Programming. Caches. Instruction Sets.
  • 8086/8087 Processor Data Formats.
  • Adapter Card Busses. ISA. PCI.
  • USB Bus. Connections to the PC. Data Packet Formats. Data Transfer Types. Device Enumeration. PC Host Configuration.
  • Boot Process. POST Operation. Bus ROM. Operating System Boot.
  • Video Interfaces. Video Modes with Character/Pixel Information. Character/Color Information. Display Adapter Connections. Display Scan Rates.
  • Keyboard/Mouse. Controller Rgister Definition. Connector Specification. Keyboard Operation with Timing Diagrams. Mouse Data Packet. Keyboard Controller Commands. Keyboard Commands. Keyboard Scan Codes.
  • I/O Peripherals. Serial Port. Parallel Port.
  • Diskette Subsystem. Standard Diskette Formats. Diskette Connector Pinouts. Block Diagram. Track/Sector Formatting. Boot Sector Specification.
  • (E)IDE Disk Subsystem. Disk Sizing. Block Diagram. Disk Connector Pinouts. SCSI Connector Pinouts.
  • Miscellaneous PC Hardware. Joystick. SoundBlaster. Power Supply. Program Segment Prefix. .COM File Format. Registers on .COM Application Start. .EXE File Format. Device Driver Header. Device Driver Attribute Word.
  • PC Firmware. Video Modes. Interrupt 11h: Equipment Determination. Interrupt 12h: Get Memory Size. Disk BIOS Status Byte. Modem-Status Register Bit Definition. System Services Protected-Mode Descriptor Table Format. Keyboard Flags Byte. Printer-Status Byte. Interrupt 19h: Bootstrap Loader. Interrupt 1Ah: System Timer and RTC Services. Interrupt 33h: Mouse Interrupt. BIOS System Variables.
  • MS-DOS. MS-DOS File Search. Memory Block Definition. File-Control Block Definition. Environment Information. Error Codes. COMMAND.COM. MS-DOS Interrupt APIs. Interrupt 2Fh - Multiplex Interrupt Standard Process Numbers. Interrupt 2Fh: Multiplex Interrupt Process Number Availability Check.
  • MS-DOS Operation. Directory/Filenames. File Wild Cards. MS-DOS Commands and Utilities. Redirecting I/O. CONFIG.SYS Commands. MS-DOS Common Device Drivers. MS-DOS Code Pages. EDLIN Editor.
  • Batch Files. Input Parameters. Wrappers. Statements. Variables. Reserved Words. Conditional Execution. Traditional FOR Loops.
  • MASM 6.11 Assembler. Command-Line Operations. Assembler Directives. Linking.
  • BASIC Language. Declarations. Statements. Operators. Microsoft Enhanced Statements. QBASIC Command-Line Options.
  • C Language. Declarations. Statements. Operators. Directives. Reserved Words. Escape Sequences. Streaming. Common C Functions.
  • Win32 Kernel/Operating System Architecture. USER, GDI and Kernel. WIN.INI. Windows Registry. Arenas. Rings. Virtual Memory Manager. V86 MODE. COM/OLE/ActiveX.
  • Windows Device Drivers. Dynamic Link Libraries (.DLL). Virtual Device Drivers (.VxDs). Win32 Device Models (.WDMs).
  • Visual Basic. Integrated Development Environment. Controls. MSComm.
  • Visual C++. Object-Orientated Programming. Microsoft Development Studio. Microsoft Function Classes (MFC). Suggested Visual C++ Debugging Process.
  • Windows Extensions and DPMI APIs.
  • Sample Routines. Far Conditional Jump Macro. Passing Parameters. Interrupt Handler Skeletons. Interrupt Vector Capture and Release. DMA Transfer Set Up. Batch File I/O Utilities. String Operations. Critical Timing Using the 8254. Tone Output on PC's Speaker. Video Output. Hex/ASCII Data Conversion. ASCII Lowercase to Uppercase Conversion. Keyboard Handlers. Mouse Handlers. Serial Port I/O. File I/O. Joystick Pot Read. SoundBlaster Register/DSP Access. Visual Basic MSComm Initialization. Visual Basic MSComm ''OnComm" Event Handler.
  • Basic HTML. URL Types. HTML Template. HTML Color Specification. HTML Tag Commands. 
  • Appendix. Glossary. Resources.