jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Programming And Customizing The Pic Microcontroller

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Myke Predko


Tap into the latest advancements in PIC technology with the fully revamped Third Edition of McGraw-Hill's Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller. Long known as the subject's definitive text, this indispensable volume comes packed with more than 600 illustrations, and provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand coverage of the PIC microcontroller's hardware and software schemes.
With 100 experiments, projects, and libraries, you get a firm grasp of PICs, how they work, and the ins-and-outs of their most dynamic applications.
Written by renowned technology guru Myke Predko, this updated edition features a streamlined, more accessible format, and delivers:
Concentration on the three major PIC families, to help you fully understand the synergy between the Assembly, BASIC, and C programming languages

Acceda a los últimos avances en tecnología de PIC con la edición totalmente renovada Tercera Programación McGraw-Hill y personalización del microcontrolador PIC. Conocida desde hace tiempo como texto definitivo del sujeto, en este volumen indispensable viene embalado con más de 600 ilustraciones, y provee información integral, fácil de entender la cobertura de hardware del microcontrolador PIC y los sistemas de software.
Con 100 experimentos, proyectos y librerías, obtenga una sólida comprensión de los PIC, cómo funcionan, y los pros y contras de sus aplicaciones más dinámicas. Escrito por el reconocido gurú de la tecnología Myke Predko, esta edición actualizada presenta un formato ágil, más accesible, y ofrece:
La concentración en las tres familias principales de PIC, para ayudarle a comprender plenamente la sinergia entre el ensamblador, BASIC y lenguajes de programación C

  • Embedded Microcontrollers
  • The Microchip PIC Microcontroller
  • Software Development Tools
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers
  • Emulators and Debuggers
  • The Microchip PIC MCU Processor Architecture
  • Using the PIC MCU Instruction Set
  • Assembly-Language Software Techniques
  • Basic Operating Features
  • Macro Development
  • Building and Linking
  • Bootloaders
  • Real-Time Operating Systems
  • Debugging Your Applications
  • PIC Microcontroller Application Design and Hardware Interfacing
  • PIC MCU Optional Hardware Features
  • PIC MCU Input and Output Device Interfacing
  • Motor Control
  • Practical PC Interfacing
  • PIC Microcontroller Application Basics
  • Projects
  • Appendix
  • Glossary
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  • Embedded Microcontrollers. Microcontroller Types. Internal Hardware. Applications. Processor Architectures. Instructions and Software. Peripheral Functions. Memory Types. Microcontroller Communication. Device Packaging. Application Development Tools.
  • The Microchip PIC Microcontroller. Accessing the Microchip Web Site. PIC Microcontroller Feature Summary. Features Unique to the PIC Microcontroller. PIC Microcontroller Families.
  • Software Development Tools. Tools Overview. High Level Languages. Microchip MPLAB IDE.
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers. Hex File Format. Code Protection. Parallel Programming. PIC ICSP Programmer Interface. Microchip Programmers. My Programmers. Third-Party Programmers.
  • Emulators and Debuggers. MPLAB ICE-2000. MPLAB REAL ICE. MPLAB ICD 2 Debugger. The Emu-II. Other Emulators.
  • The Microchip PIC MCU Processor Architecture. The CPU. Hardware and File Registers. The PIC Microcontroller’s ALU. Data Movement. The Program Counter and Stack. Reset. Interrupts. Architecture Differences.
  • Using the PIC MCU Instruction Set. Setting Up the MPLAB IDE Simulator with a Test Template. PIC MCU Instruction Types. The Mid-Range Instruction Set. Low-End PIC Microcontroller Instruction Set. PIC18 Instruction Set.
  • Assembly-Language Software Techniques. Sample Template. Labels, Addresses, and Flags. Subroutines with Parameter Passing. Subtraction, Comparing and Negation. Bit AND and OR. 16-Bit Operations. MulDiv, Constant Multiplication and Division. Delays. Patch Space. Structures, Pointers, and Arrays. Sorting Data. Interrupts. Reentrant Subroutines. Simulating Logic. Event-Driven Programming. State Machine Programming. Porting Code Between PIC Microcontroller Device Architectures. Optimizing PIC Microcontroller Applications. A Baker’s Dozen Rules to Follow That Will Help to Avoid Application Software Problems.
  • Basic Operating Features. Power Input and Decoupling. Configuration Fuses. OPTION Register. TMR0. Interrupt Operation. The Right PIC Microcontroller to Learn On.
  • Macro Development. PIC Microcontroller Assembly-Language Macros. The Difference Between Defines and Macros. The Assembler Calculator. Multiline C Macros. Conditional Assembly/Compilation. Using Defines and Conditional Assembly for Application Debug. Debugging Macros. Structured Programming Macros.
  • Building and Linking. Creating Linked Applications.
  • Bootloaders. Bootloader Requirements. Mid-Range Bootloaders. PIC18 Bootloaders.
  • Real-Time Operating Systems. Low-End and Mid-Range RTOSs. PIC18 RTOS Design.
  • Debugging Your Applications. Document the Expected State. Characterize the Problem. Hypothesize and Test Your Hypothesis. Propose Corrective Actions. Test Fixes. Release Your Solution. Debug: An Application to Test Your Debug Skills.
  • PIC Microcontroller Application Design and Hardware Interfacing. Requirements Definition. PIC Microcontroller Resource Allocation. Effective User Interfacing. Project Management. Power Management. Reset. Interfacing to External Devices.
  • PIC MCU Optional Hardware Features. Mid-Range Built-in EEPROM/Flash Access. TMR1. TMR2. Compare/Capture/PWM (CCP) Module. Serial I/O. Analog I/O. Parallel Slave Port (PSP). In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP).
  • PIC MCU Input and Output Device Interfacing. LEDs. Switch Bounce. Matrix Keypads. LCDs. Analog I/O. Audio Output. Relays and Solenoids. Asynchronous (NRZ) Serial Interfaces. Synchronous Serial Interfaces.
  • Motor Control. Dc Motors. Stepper Motors. R/C Servo Control.
  • Practical PC Interfacing. PC Software Application Development Tools. Serial Port. Parallel Port.
  • PIC Microcontroller Application Basics. Jumping Around. Some Basic Functions. Analog Input/Output. I/O with Interrupts. Serial I/O.
  • Projects. Low-End Devices. Mid-Range Devices. PIC18 Devices.
  • Appendix.
  • Resources. Microchip. Books to Help You Learn Moreabout the PIC Microcontroller. Useful Books. Recommended PIC Microcontroller Websites. Periodicals. Other Websites of Interest. Part Suppliers.
  • PIC Microcontroller Summary. Feature to Part Number Table. Instruction Sets. I/O Register Addresses. Device Pinouts.
  • Useful Tables and Data. Electrical Engineering Formulas. Mathematical Formulas. Mathematical Conversions. ASCII.
  • Miscellaneous Electronic Reference Information. Basic Electronic Components and Their Symbols. Test Equipment.
  • Basic Programming Language. PICBASIC.
  • C Programming Language. Common Library Functions. PICC Library Functions. Microchip C18 Library Functions.
  • Reuse, Return, and Recycle. Useful Snippets. Mykemacs.inc. Sixteen-Bit Numbers.
  • Glossary.

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