miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

Wireless Security Know It All

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Know It All

Praphul Chandra
Alan Bensky
Tony Bradley
Chris Hurley
Steve Rackley
John Rittinghouse
James F. Ransome
Timothy Stapko
George L. Stefanek
Frank Thornton
Jon Wilson

What is it that makes a wireless medium so unique? What are the problems of operating in the wireless medium and how are they overcome? What are the different types of wireless networks in use today?
How does each one of them work and how do they differ from each other? The aim of this chapter is to answer these questions so as to establish a context in which wireless security can be studied in the following chapters.

¿Qué es lo que hace un medio inalámbrico tan único? ¿Cuáles son los problemas de funcionamiento en el medio inalámbrico y cómo se superaron? ¿Cuáles son los diferentes tipos de redes inalámbricas en uso hoy en día? ¿De qué manera cada uno de ellos trabajan y en qué se diferencian unos de otros? El objetivo de este capítulo es responder a estas preguntas con el fin de establecer un contexto en el que se estudia la seguridad inalámbrica en los siguientes capítulos.

  • I: Wireless Technology.
  • Wireless Fundamentals. 
  • Wireless Network Logical Architecture. 
  • Wireless Network Physical Architecture. 
  • Radio Communication Basics. 
  • Infrared Communication Basics. 
  • Wireless LAN Standards. 
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • II: Security Defi 
  • Security Defi ned. 
  • Standardizing Security. 
  • Secure Sockets Layer. 
  • Cryptography. 
  • Managing Access. 
  • Security and the Law. 
  • Intrusion Process. 
  • Security Policy. 
  • III. Wireless Network Security.
  • Security in Traditional Wireless Networks
  • Wireless LAN Security. 
  • Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 
  • Implementing Basic Wireless Security. 
  • Implementing Advanced Wireless Security. 
  • IV: Other Wireless Technology.
  • Home Network Security. 
  • Wireless Embedded System Security. 
  • RFID Security. 
  • Wireless Policy Essentials. 
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  • I: Wireless Technology.
  • Wireless Fundamentals. The Wireless Medium. Wireless Networking Basics.
  • Wireless Network Logical Architecture. The OSI Network Model. Network Layer Technologies. Data Link Layer Technologies. Physical Layer Technologies. Operating System Considerations. Summary.
  • Wireless Network Physical Architecture. Wired Network Topologies—A Refresher. Wireless Network Topologies. Wireless LAN Devices. Wireless PAN Devices. Wireless MAN Devices.
  • Radio Communication Basics. Mechanisms of Radio Wave Propagation. Open Field Propagation. Diffraction. Scattering. Path Loss. Multipath Phenomena. Flat Fading. Diversity Techniques. Noise. Communication Protocols and Modulation. Summary. References.
  • Infrared Communication Basics. The Ir Spectrum. Infrared Propagation and Reception. Summary.
  • Wireless LAN Standards. The 802.11 WLAN Standards. The 802.11 MAC Layer. 802.11 PHY Layer. 802.11 Enhancements. Other WLAN Standards. Summary.
  • Wireless Sensor Networks. Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks. Individual Wireless Sensor Node Architecture. Wireless Sensor Networks Architecture. Radio Options for the Physical Layer in Wireless Sensor Networks. Power Consideration in Wireless Sensor Networks. Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks. Future Developments. References.
  • II: Security Defi nitions and Concepts.
  • Attacks and Risks. Threats to Personal Privacy. Fraud and Theft. Internet Fraud. Employee Sabotage. Infrastructure Attacks. Malicious Hackers. Malicious Coders. Industrial Espionage. Social Engineering. Endnotes.
  • Security Defi ned. What Is Security?. What Can We Do?. Access Control and the Origins of Computer. Security Theory. Security Policies. Data Integrity and Authentication. Recommended Reading.
  • Standardizing Security. Protocol Madness. Standardizing Security—A Brief History. Standardized Security in Practice. Cryptography and Protocols. Other Security Protocols.
  • Secure Sockets Layer. SSL History. Pesky PKI. PKI Alternatives. SSL under the Hood. The SSL Session. SSL in Practice.
  • Cryptography. Do We Need Cryptography?. Hashing—Low Security, High Performance. To Optimize or Not to Optimize. Choosing Cryptographic Algorithms. Tailoring Security for Your Application.
  • Managing Access. Access Control. Password Management. Endnotes.
  • Security and the Law. The 1996 National Information Infrastructure. Protection Act. President’s Executive Order on Critical. Infrastructure Protection. The USA Patriot Act of 2001. The Homeland Security Act of 2002. Changes to Existing Laws. Investigations. Ethics. Endnotes.
  • Intrusion Process. Profi ling to Select a Target or Gather Information. Social Engineering. Searching Publicly Available Resources. War-driving, -Walking, -Flying, and -Chalking. Exploitable WLAN Confi gurations. How Intruders Obtain Network Access to a WLAN. Password Gathering and Cracking Software. Share Enumerators. Using Antennas and WLAN Equipment. Denial-of-Service Attacks and Tools. Rogue Devices as Exploitation Tools. Endnotes.
  • Security Policy. Best Practice #1. Best Practice #2. Best Practice #3.
  • III. Wireless Network Security.
  • Security in Traditional Wireless Networks. Security in First Generation TWNs. Security in Second Generation TWNs. Security in 2.5 Generation TWNs. Security in 3G TWNs. Summary.
  • Wireless LAN Security. Introduction. Key Establishment in 802.11. Anonymity in 802.11. Authentication in 802.11. Confi dentiality in 802.11. Data Integrity in 802.11. Loopholes in 802.11 Security. WPA. WPA2 (802.11i).
  • Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Introduction. Bluetooth.
  • Implementing Basic Wireless Security. Introduction. Enabling Security Features on a Linksys. WAP11 802.11 b Access Point. Filtering by Media Access Control (MAC) Address. Enabling Security Features on a Linksys BEFW. SR 802.11 b Access Point/Router. Enabling Security Features on a Linksys WRT54G. 802.1 lb/g Access Point/Router. Enabling Security Features on a D-Link DI-. AirPlus 2.4 GHz Xtreme G Wireless Router with 4-Port Switch. Confi guring Security Features on Wireless Clients. Summary. Solutions Fast Track.
  • Implementing Advanced Wireless Security. Introduction. Implementing WiFi Protected Access (WPA). Implementing a Wireless Gateway with Reef Edge Dolphin. Implementing a VPN on a Linksys WRV54G VPN. Broadband Router. Implementing RADIUS with Cisco LEAP. Understanding and Confi guring 802.1X RADIUS Authentication. Summary. Solutions Fast Track.
  • IV: Other Wireless Technology.
  • Home Network Security. Introduction. The Basics of Wireless Networks. Basic Wireless Network Security Measures. Additional Hotspot Security Measures. Summary. Additional Resources.
  • Wireless Embedded System Security. Wireless Technologies. Bluetooth. ZigBee. Wireless Technologies and the Future.
  • RFID Security. Introduction. RFID Security in General. RFID Radio Basics. Why Use RFID?. RFID Architecture. Data Communications. Physical Form Factor (Tag Container). Threat and Target Identifi cation. Management of RFID Security. Summary. Links to Sites.
  • Wireless Policy Essentials. A.1 Wireless Position Statement. Risk Assessment Policy. Audit Policy. Acceptable Use Policy. Network Policy. De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) Policy. Router Policy. Extranet Policy. Remote Access Policy. Dial-In Access Policy. VPN Communication Policy. Wireless Communication Policy. Server Policy. Password Policy. Application Password Policy. Anti-Virus Policy. Policy Exception Form. Glossary.

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