domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

PIC Microcontrollers Di Jasio Wilmshurst Ibrahim PIC Microcontrollers

Lucio Di Jasio
Tim Wilmshurst
Dogan Ibrahim
John Morton
Martin P. Bates
Jack Smith
D. W. Smith
Chuck Hellebuyck

The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written over the past few years and creates a one-stop reference for engineers involved in markets from communications to embedded systems and everywhere in between. 
PIC design and development a natural fit for this reference series as it is one of the most popular microcontrollers in the world and we have several superbly authored books on the subject. This material ranges from the basics to more advanced topics. There is also a very strong project basis to this learning. The average embedded engineer working with this microcontroller will be able to have any question answered by this compilation. He/she will also be able to work through real-life problems via the projects contained in the book. The Newnes Know It All Series presentation of theory, hard fact, and project-based direction will be a continual aid in helping the engineer to innovate in the workplace.

Newnes lo sabe todo, la Series toma lo mejor de nuestros autores han escrito en los últimos años, y crea una referencia única para los ingenieros que participan en los mercados de las comunicaciones en los sistemas embebidos y en todas partes en el medio.

PIC diseño y desarrollo de un paso natural para esta serie de referencia ya que es uno de los microcontroladores más populares en el mundo y tenemos varios libros magníficamente autor sobre el tema. Este material va desde lo básico hasta temas más avanzados. Hay también una base de proyecto muy fuerte a este aprendizaje. El ingeniero de media incrustado trabajar con este microcontrolador será capaz de tener cualquier pregunta contestada por esta compilación. Él / ella también será capaz de trabajar a través de problemas reales a través de los proyectos contenidos en el libro. Newnes lo sabe todo, la Serie presentación de la teoría, basado en proyectos dirección será una ayuda constante para ayudar al ingeniero de innovar en el lugar de trabajo.

  • An Introduction to PIC Microcontrollers.
  • The PIC Microcontroller Family. 
  • Introducing the PIC 16 Series and the 16F84A. 
  • Parallel Ports, Power Supply and the Clock Oscillator. 
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using Assembly Language.
  • Starting to Program—An Introduction to Assembler. 
  • Building Assembler Programs. 
  • Further Programming Techniques. 
  • Prototype Hardware. 
  • More PIC Applications and Devices. 
  • The PIC12F50x Series (8-pin PIC Microcontrollers
  • Intermediate Operations Using the PIC12F675. 
  • Using Inputs. 
  • Keypad Scanning. 
  • Program Examples. 
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using PicBasic.
  • PicBasic and PicBasic Pro Programming
  • Simple PIC Projects. 
  • Moving On with the 16F876. 
  • Communication. 
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using MBasic.
  • MBasic Compiler and Development Boards. 
  • The Basics—Output.
  • The Basics—Digital Input. Introduction. 
  • Introductory Stepper Motors. 
  • Digital Temperature Sensors and Real-Time Clocks. 
  • Infrared Remote Controls. 
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using C.
  • Getting Started. 
  • Programming Loops
  • More Pattern Work, More Loops
  • Interrupts
  • Taking a Look Under the Hood. 
  • Appendices.
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  • An Introduction to PIC Microcontrollers.
  • The PIC Microcontroller Family. 12-bit Instruction Word. 14-bit Instruction Word. 16-bit Instruction Word. Inside a PIC Microcontroller.
  • Introducing the PIC 16 Series and the 16F84A. The Main Idea—the PIC 16 Series Family. An Architecture Overview of the 16F84A. A Review of Memory Technologies. The 16F84A Memory. Some Issues of Timing. Power-Up and Reset. What Others Do—the Atmel AT89C2051. Taking Things Further—the 16F84A On-Chip Reset Circuit.
  • Parallel Ports, Power Supply and the Clock Oscillator. The Main Idea—Parallel Input/Output. The Technical Challenge of Parallel Input/Output. Connecting to the Parallel Port. The PIC 16F84A Parallel Ports. The Clock Oscillator. Power Supply. The Hardware Design of the Electronic Ping-Pong.
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using Assembly Language.
  • Starting to Program—An Introduction to Assembler. The Main Idea—What Programs Do and How We Develop Them. The PIC 16 Series Instruction Set, with a Little More on the ALU. Assemblers and Assembler Format. Creating Simple Programs. Adopting a Development Environment. An Introductory MPLAB Tutorial. An Introduction to Simulation. Downloading the Program to a Microcontroller. What Others Do—A Brief Comparison of CISC and RISC Instruction Sets. Taking Things Further—The 16 Series Instruction Set Format.
  • Building Assembler Programs. The Main Idea—Building Structured Programs. Flow Control—Branching and Subroutines. Generating Time Delays and Intervals. Dealing with Data. Introducing Logical Instructions. Introducing Arithmetic Instructions and the Carry Flag. Taming Assembler Complexity. More Use of the MPLAB Simulator. The Ping-Pong Program. Simulating the Ping-Pong Program—Tutorial. What Others Do—Graphical Simulators.
  • Further Programming Techniques. Program Timing. Hardware Counter/Timer. Interrupts. More Register Operations. Special Features. Program Data Table. Assembler Directives. Special Instructions. Numerical Types.
  • Prototype Hardware. Hardware Design. Hardware Construction. Demo Board. Demo Board Applications.
  • More PIC Applications and Devices. 16F877 Application. 16F818 Application. 12F675 Application. 18F452 Application.
  • The PIC12F50x Series (8-pin PIC Microcontrollers). Differences from the PIC16F54. Example Project: PIC Dice.
  • Intermediate Operations Using the PIC12F675. The Inner Differences. Interrupts. EEPROM. Analog to Digital Conversion. Comparator Module. Final Project: Intelligent Garden Lights.
  • Using Inputs. Switch Flowchart. Program Development. Scanning (Using Multiple Inputs). Switch Scanning. Control Application—A Hot Air Blower.
  • Keypad Scanning. Programming Example for the Keypad.
  • Program Examples. Counting Events. Look-Up Table. 7-Segment Display. Numbers Larger than 255. Long Time Intervals. One Hour Delay.
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using PicBasic.
  • PicBasic and PicBasic Pro Programming. PicBasic Language. PicBasic Pro Language. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Interface and Commands. Interrupts. Recommended PicBasic Pro Program Structure. Using Stepping Motors. Using Servomotors.
  • Simple PIC Projects. Project #1—Flashing an LED. Project #2—Scrolling LEDs. Project #3—Driving a 7-Segment LED Display.
  • Moving On with the 16F876. Project #4—Accessing Port A I/O. Project #5—Analog-to-Digital Conversion. Project #6—Driving a Servomotor.
  • Communication. Project #7—Driving an LCD Module. Project #8—Serial Communication. Project #9—Driving an LCD with a Single Serial Connection.
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using MBasic.
  • MBasic Compiler and Development Boards. The Compiler Package. BASIC and Its Essentials. Development Boards. Programming Style. Building the Circuits and Standard Assumptions. Pins, Ports and Input/Output. Pseudo-Code and Planning the Program. Inside the Compiler.
  • The Basics—Output. Pin Architectures. LED Indicators. Switching Inductive Loads. Low Side Switching. Isolated Switching. Fast Switching—Sound from a PIC.
  • The Basics—Digital Input. Introduction. Switch Bounce and Sealing Current. Hardware Debouncing. Software Debouncing. Isolated Switching. Reading a Keypad. Reference.
  • Introductory Stepper Motors. Stepper Motor Basics. Programs.
  • Digital Temperature Sensors and Real-Time Clocks. DS18B20 Temperature Sensor. Reading Multiple Sensors on the Same Bus. DS1302 Real-Time Clock. Combination Date, Time and Temperature. Ideas for Modifi cations to Programs and Circuits.
  • Infrared Remote Controls. Common Encoding Standards. IR Receiver. Characterizing Wide/Narrow Pulse Intervals. Decoding a REC-80 Controller. Ideas for Modifi cations to Programs and Circuits.
  • Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using C.
  • Getting Started. The Plan. Checklist. Coding. Review. Books. Links.
  • Programming Loops. The Plan. Checklist. Coding. Using the Logic Analyzer. Review. Books. Links.
  • More Pattern Work, More Loops. The Plan. Checklist. Coding. Testing with the Logic Analyzer. Using the Explorer16 Demonstration Board. Review. Books. Links.
  • NUMBERS. The Plan. Checklist. Coding. Notes for C Experts. Measuring Performance. Review. Links.
  • Interrupts. The Plan. Checklist. Coding. Managing Multiple Interrupts. Review. Books. Links.
  • Taking a Look Under the Hood. The Plan. Checklist. Coding. Review. Books. Links.
  • Appendices. The PIC 16 Series Instruction Set.. The Electronic Ping-Pong. DIZI-2 Board and Lock Application. Program M.. Program N. Program O. Program P. Program Q. Useful PIC Data. PIC 16F84A Data Sheet. 

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