miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

Robots Androids and Animatrons

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjiEv4BKYUQhxWnTVWMKzjg2frAAXVb94ORGXFzXRSQAJD2TaXOlTfAD2g_D-MQQporzO77i7pToYR9lBXLqJP72qEhvzfnRspEx4EDB10m-3pDcWW-b2KHH5OiI4B5xxievrioMEMg3yA/s128/Robots%20Androids%20and%20Animatrons%2012%20Incredible%20Projects%20You%20Can%20Build%20John%20Iovine.jpg Robots Androids and Animatrons 
12 Incredible Projects You Can Build 
John Iovine

There are many interesting and fun things to do in electronics, and one of the most enjoyable is building robots. Not only do you employ electronic circuits and systems, but they must be merged with other technologies. Building a robot from scratch involves the following: Power supply systems; Motors and gears for drive and motion control; Sensors; Artificial intelligence.
Each one of these technologies has numerous books dedicated to its study. Naturally, a comprehensive look at each technology isn't possible in one book, but we will touch upon these areas, and you will gain hands-on knowledge and a springboard for future experimentation.
Robotics is an evolving technology. There are many approaches to building robots, and no one can be sure which method or technology will be used
years from now. Like biological systems, robotics is evolving following the Darwinian model of survival of the fittest.

Hay muchas cosas interesantes y divertidas que hacer en la electrónica, y una de las más divertidas es la construcción de robots. No sólo se puede utilizar circuitos electrónicos y sistemas, pero deben ser fusionado con otras tecnologías. La construcción de un robot desde cero implica lo siguiente: sistemas de la alimentación, motores y engranajes para el control de la unidad y movimiento, sensores, inteligencia artificial.
Cada una de estas tecnologías tiene numerosos libros dedicados a su estudio. Naturalmente, una visión completa de cada tecnología no es posible en un solo libro, pero vamos a tocar estas áreas, y usted ganará el conocimiento práctico y el estímulo para la experimentación futuro.
La robótica es una tecnología en evolución. Hay muchos enfoques para la creación de robots, y nadie puede estar seguro de qué método o tecnología será utilizada
años a partir de ahora. Al igual que los sistemas biológicos, la robótica se está desarrollando siguiendo el modelo darwiniano de la supervivencia del más apto.

  • In the beginning. 
  • Artificial life and artificial intelligence
  • Power. 
  • Sensors. Signal conditioning. 
  • Intelligence. 
  • Speech-controlled mobile robot. 
  • Behavioral-based robotics, neural networks, nervous nets and subsumption architecture. 
  • Telepresence robot
  • Mobile platforms. 
  • Walker robots. Why build walkers?. 
  • Solar-ball robot. 
  • Underwater bots
  • Aerobots. 
  • Robotic arm and IBM PC interface and speech control. 
  • Android hand. Advantages of the air muscle. 
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  • In the beginning. Why build robots?. Purpose of robots. Exploration. Industrial robots going to work. Design and prototyping. Hazardous duty. Maintenance. Fire-fighting robots. Medical robots. Nanotechnology. War robots. Robot wars. Civilian uses for robotic drones. Domestic. What we haven't thought of yet—the killer application. More uses.
  • Artificial life and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence. Evolution of consciousness in artificial intelligence. Is consciousness life?. Artificial life. Nanorobotics are we alive yet?. A little history. Greater than I. The locked cage. Biotechnology. Neural networks—hype versus reality. What are neural networks?. What is artificial intelligence?. Using neural networks in robots. Tiny nets. Neural-behavior-based architecture.
  • Power. Photovoltaic cells. Building a solar engine. Batteries. Battery power. Battery voltage. Primary batteries. Secondary batteries. In general. Building a NiCd battery charger. Building a solar-powered battery charger. Fuel cells—batteries with a fuel tank. If not now, when?.
  • Movement and drive systems. Air muscles. Applications. How air muscles work. Nitinol wire. Solenoids. Rotary solenoids. Stepper motors. Stepper motor circuit. Servo motors. DC motors. DC motor H-bridge. Pulse-width modulation.
  • Sensors. Signal conditioning. Comparator example. Voltage divider. Light sensors (sight). Photoresistive. Photoresistive light switch. Photoresistive neuron. Photovoltaic. Infrared. DTMF IR communication/remote control system. DTMF. Machine vision. Body sense. Direction—magnetic fields. Testing and calibration. Computer interface. 1525 electronic analog compass. GPS. Speech recognition. Sound and ultrasonics. Ultrasonic receiver section. Ultrasonic transmitter section. Arranging the ultrasonic sensors. Touch and pressure. Piezoelectric material. Switches. Bend sensors. Heat. Pressure sensor. Smell. Humidity. Testing sensors. Building a tester robot. Improving the tester robot.
  • Intelligence. Microchip's PIC microcontroller. Why use a microcontroller?. PIC programming overview. Software installation. Step 1: Writing the BASIC language program. Step 2: Using the compiler. Step 3: Programming the PIC chip. First BASIC program. Programming the PIC chip. The EPIC programming board software. Testing the PIC microcontroller. Wink. Troubleshooting the circuit. PICBASIC Pro Compiler. New IDE features. Software installation. First PICBASIC Pro program. The EPIC programmer and CodeDesigner. Wink. Moving forward—applications. Reading switches—logic low. Reading switches—logic high. Reading comparators. Reading resistive sensors. Servo motors. Servo sweep program. Fuzzy logic and neural sensors. Fuzzy logic. Building a fuzzy logic light tracker. Parts list for programming the microcontroller. Parts list for fuzzy light tracker and neural demonstration.
  • Speech-controlled mobile robot. Project 1: Programmable speech-recognition circuit. Learning to listen. Speaker-dependent and speaker-independent speech recognition. Recognition style. Building the speech-recognition circuit. Project 2: Interface circuit. Walkie-talkies. Acoustic coupling. Training and controlling the mobile robot. New board features. Project 3: General speech-recognition interfacing circuit. Connection to speech kit. How it works. Creating a more useful output. Operation. Improving recognition. Match environment and equipment. Speech-controlled robotic arm. Parts list for speech-recognition circuit. Parts list for interface circuit.
  • Behavioral-based robotics, neural networks, nervous nets,. and subsumption architecture. Robotics pioneer. Fours modes of operation. Observed behavior. Building a Walter tortoise. Program. Behavior. Parts list for the Walter tortoise robot. Suppliers. Building an intelligent photovore robot. Behavior. Adding behavior (feeding). Still more behavior (resting). Emergent behavior. BEAM robotics. BEAM competition. Electronic flotsam. Competitions. Getting the BEAM guide. Join in.
  • Telepresence robot. What's in a name?. What is telepresence?. System substructure. A little on R/C models. Eyes. Construction. 2.4-GHz video system. Driving via telepresence. Talk. Adding realistic car controls. Improving the telepresence system. Stereo-vision. Digital compass. Rumble interface. Tilt interface. Greater video range. More models. Parts list for the telepresence robot.
  • Mobile platforms. Stepper motors. Stepper motor construction and operation. Resolution. Half stepping. Other types of stepper motors. Real world. UCN-5804. Using the UCN-5804. Connecting a wheel to a stepper motor shaft. Building a stepper microcontroller. First stepper circuit. Stepper motors. First test circuit and program. Second PICBASIC program. Troubleshooting. Using a PIC microcontroller and a UCN-5804 stepper motor IC. Parts list for the stepper motor controller.
  • Walker robots. Why build walkers?. Imitation of life. Six legs—tripod gate. Creating a walker robot. Three-servo walker. Function. Construction. Mounting the servo motors. Linkage. Center servo motor. Electronics. Microcontroller program. PICBASIC program. Parts list for the walker robot.
  • Solar-ball robot. Gearbox. Robot construction. Electronics. How it works. Putting it all together. Locomotion. Advancing the design. Adding higher behavior module. Parts list for the solar-ball robot. Electronics.
  • Underwater bots. Dolphins and tunas. Swimming with foils. Paddles and rows. What have we learned so far?. Jumping in. Submarine. Swimming by use of a tail. The robotic android fish. Learn more about it. Parts list for robotic fish.
  • Aerobots. Lighter-than-air aircraft background. Blimp systems. The Robot Group Austin, Texas. WEB Blimp—University of California, Berkeley. Designing telepresence blimps as avatars and golems. To the moon. Blimp parameters. The blimp kit. Helium. Helium versus hydrogen. Size. Construction. CCD camera. TV transmitter. Radio-control system. Parts list for the blimp. Internet access.
  • Robotic arm and IBM PC interface and speech control. Robotic arm. Basic motor control. PC interface construction. How the interface works. Connecting the interface to the robotic arm. Installing the Windows. program. Using the Windows. program. Creating script files. Animatronics. Limitations. Finding home. Connecting manual control to interface. DOS-level keyboard program. Speech control for robotic arm. Programming the speech-recognition interface. Parts list for the PC interface. Parts list for the speech-recognition interface.
  • Android hand. Advantages of the air muscle. Uses. How the air muscle works. Components of the air muscle system. Attaching the air muscle to mechanical devices. Using the air pump adaptor. Have a Coke or Pepsi. Building the first demo device. Building the second mechanical device. IBM interface. BASIC program. More air. Safety first. Android hand. The thumb. Going further. Parts list for the air muscle. Parts list for the IBM interface. 

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