lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

Power Supplies for All Occasions
Power Supplies for All Occasions
M.C. Sharma
Editorial BPB
The power supply is an unsung hero of electronic equipment with its behind-the-scenes contribution Every electronic equipment needs a power supply. However, most of the effort usually goes into circuit design or printed board design, and the power supply, is just an after-thought. This is unfortunate because even a well-designed and assembled project may operate on borderline if the power supply is unable to supply the correct voltages at the required currents. This problem is compounded in larger projects. The power supply therefore, deserves special attention.
La fuente de alimentación es un héroe anónimo de equipos electrónicos, detrás de las escenas a la contribución de todos los equipos electrónicos requiere una fuente de alimentación. Sin embargo, la mayor parte del esfuerzo por lo general entra en el diseño de circuitos o el diseño de placa de circuito impreso, y la fuente de alimentación, es sólo un pensamiento posterior. Esto es lamentable, ya que incluso un proyecto bien diseñado y montado podrá operar en el límite, si la fuente de alimentación es incapaz de suministrar las tensiones correctas en las corrientes requeridas. Este problema se agrava en grandes proyectos. La fuente de alimentación por lo tanto, merece una atención especial.
  • Batteries for Electronics
  • Unregulated Supplies
  • Voltage Regulators
  • Current Regulators
  • Switching Regulators
  • AC Regulators
  • Inverters And Converters
  • Practical Designs
  • Economic Battery Eliminator
  • Transistor Protector
  • Power Supply with Active Filter
  • 'Battery Low' Indicator
  • Remote Battery Automatic Switch-off
  • Power Supply for Stereo System
  • Volt Supply
  • Cassette Recorder Supply
  • Active Voltage Splitter
  • High Power Variable Zener
  • All Silicon Regulated Supply
  • Discrete High power Regulator
  • Voltage Regulator Using Op-Amp
  • Power Supply for Experimenters
  • Zero to 30V Regulator
  • Dual Regulated Supply
  • IC Regulator with Foldback Limiting
  • 12Volt, 3A Regulator
  • +5 Volt Regulator
  • Fixed Positive Voltage Regulator
  • Fixed Negative Voltage Regulator
  • A Constant Current Regulator
  • SCR Crow-Bar
  • Resettable Fuse
  • Solid State Loads
  • Amateur Transmitter Power Supply
  • Variable High Voltage Supply
  • Vacuum Tube Voltage Regulator
  • Discrete High Voltage Supply
  • High Voltage Regulator Using IC
  • DC to DC Converter
  • High Power Sine Wave Inverter
  • Appendix.
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