miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

Electronic Musical Projects

Electronic Musical Projects
P.K. Sood
Editorial BPB
The history of electronic music is probably as old as the modern popular music One of the earliest pioneers in the field was Dr Harry Olson of RCA Laboratories who probably developed the earliest laboratory prototype of the present day electromusic wizard 'The Sound Synthesizer'. Such effects like tremolo or vibrato were present even before the coming of present myriads of electronic devices. Later on they were substituted with their mere reliable electronic counterparts. Other effects like fuzz, waa-waa phasing reverberation etc came into wide practice with the popularity of guitars, which the teenagers could play with little practice Electronic music suddenly caught up in the sixties with its introduction by the then current rebel groups like 'The Beatles' and 'The Rolling Stones Others just followed the way.
La historia de la música electrónica es probablemente tan antigua como la música popular moderna Uno de los primeros pioneros en el campo fue el Dr. Harry Olson, de los Laboratorios RCA, que probablemente se desarrolló el prototipo de laboratorio antes de la actual asistente electromusico 'El sintetizador de sonido'. Tales efectos como tremolo o vibrato estuvieron presentes incluso antes de la llegada de millares de dispositivos electrónicos actuales. Posteriormente fueron sustituidos por sus equivalentes electrónicos simples fiables. Otros efectos, como fuzz waa-waa etc eliminación progresiva de reverberación se puso en práctica todo con la popularidad de las guitarras, que los adolescentes pueden jugar con la música electrónica con poca práctica pronto atrapados en los años sesenta con su introducción por los grupos rebeldes vigentes en ese momento como "The Beatles 'y' los Otros Rolling Stones apenas siguieron el camino.
  • Transistorised Audible Metronome
  • Drum Beat Simulator Metronome 
  • Audio Visual 1C Metronome
  • Accented Beat Metronome
  • Guitar Practice Accompaniment Drummer
  • Bass Booster For Electric Guitar
  • Treble Boost Preamplifier
  • Presence Boost For Musical Instrument
  • Connecting Pickups To Guitar
  • Simple Preamplifier for Electric Guitar 
  • Multi Control Tone for Guitarists
  • Complete Guitar Preamplifier
  • Guitar Practice Power Amplifier 
  • Guitar Envelope Control 
  • Guitar Fuzz Box 
  • Simple Waa-Waa Unit
  • Electromechanical Echo and Reverberation 
  • Guitar Tremolo Unit
  • Simple Sustain for Guitar
  • A Single Tansistor Phaser
  • A Professional Mini Phaser 
  • Four Piece Electronic Bongo
  • Electronic Percussion Box
  • Electronic Steam Whistle
  • Marine Diesel Sound Simulator
  • Rain Effects Synthesiser
  • Wind Sound Generator
  • Novel Sounds Generator 
  • Wailing Siren Circuit 
  • Build This Opto Electronic Organ With Tremolo
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