domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

MORE Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius: 40 NEW Build-it-Yourself Projects
MORE Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius: 40 NEW Build-it-Yourself Projects
Robert Iannini
More evil and excitement! Low-cost projects you can build!
Now mad scientists everywhere can provoke even more mayhem, and have even more slightly wicked fun! In these pages, famed electronics author Bob Iannini provides fully detailed and diagrammed plans for 40 exciting new projects. Seriously impressive, these projects can be made at home, at very low cost compared to their entertainment value and other benefits. Many can be made for less than $100. Exploring the edge of science fiction, Iannini brings today's most thrilling electronics into reach for the home hobbyist.
Más mal y emoción! Proyectos de bajo costo que usted puede construir!
Ahora, los científicos locos en todas partes puede provocar aún más caos, y divertirse aún más poco malvados! En estas páginas, el famoso autor de electrónica Bob Iannini ofrece planos muy detallados y diagramado para 40 nuevos proyectos emocionantes. Seriamente impresionante, estos proyectos se pueden hacer en casa, a un costo muy bajo en comparación con su valor de entretenimiento y otros beneficios. Muchos se pueden hacer por menos de $ 100. Explorando el límite de la ciencia ficción, Iannini trae electrónica más emocionantes de hoy en cerca para el la casa de los aficionados.

  • Battery-Powered Infrared Pulsed Laser
  • High-Speed Laser Pulse Detector
  • Ultra-Bright Green Laser Project
  • 115 VAC, 5- to 50-Watt Pulsed Infrared Laser
  • Laser Property Guard
  • 30-Milliwatt, 980-Nanometer Infrared Laser
  • High-Voltage, High- Frequency Driver Module
  • Negative Ion Machine with Reaction-. Emitting Rotor
  • Kirlian Imaging Project
  • Plasma Etching and Burning Pen
  • How to Electrify Objects and Vehicles
  • Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Gun
  • Microwave Cannon.
  • Induction Heater
  • 50-Kilovolt Laboratory DC Supply
  • Magnetic High-Impact Cannon
  • Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil Project
  • Universal Capacitance Discharge Ignition (CDI) Driver
  • Long-range Telephone Conversation Transmitter
  • Line-Powered Telephone Conversation Transmitter
  • Remote Wireless FM Repeater
  • Tracking and Homing Transmitter
  • Snooper Phone Room-Listening Device
  • Long-Range FM Voice Transmitter
  • FM Pocket Radio and TV Disrupter
  • Ozone Generator for Water Treatment
  • Therapeutic Magnetic Pulser
  • Noise Curtain Generator
  • Mind-Synchronizing Generator
  • Alternative Health Multiwave Machine
  • Mind Mangier
  • 500-Milligram Ozone Air Purification System
  • Invisible Pain-field Generator
  • Canine Controller
  • Ultrasonic Phaser Pain-Field Generator
  • Magnetic Distortion Detector
  • Body Heat Detector
  • Ion and Field Detector
  • Light Saber Recycling Stand
  • Andromeda Plasma Lamp
Consulta el Libro (58 MB) por TurboBit y MediaFire:

  • Battery-Powered Infrared Pulsed Laser. Theory of Operation. Circuit Theory of Operation. Current Monitor. Charging Circuits. Chassis Assembly. Assembly Testing. Final Assembly. Special Note.
  • High-Speed Laser Pulse Detector. Circuit Description. System Assembly. Assembly Testing. Final Assembly. Special Note. Special Note on Photo Detectors.
  • Ultra-Bright Green Laser Project. Assembly Steps.
  • 115 VAC, 5- to 50-Watt Pulsed Infrared Laser. Theory of Operation. Circuit Theory of Operation. Notes on SCR. Notes on the Storage Capacitor. Notes on Layout Wiring. Notes on Circuit Monitoring. Assembly Steps. Assembly Testing. Final Assembly Steps.
  • Laser Property Guard. System Installation Suggestions.
  • 30-Milliwatt, 980-Nanometer Infrared Laser. Assembly. Collimator and Final Assembly.
  • High-Voltage, High-. Frequency Driver Module. Electrical and Mechanical Specifications. Circuit Description. Construction. Board Assembly Steps. Testing Steps.
  • Negative Ion Machine with Reaction-. Emitting Rotor. Benefits of Negative Ions. Circuit Description. Assembly Steps.
  • Kirlian Imaging Project. Assembly Steps. Testing Steps for the Circuit.
  • Plasma Etching and Burning Pen. Driver Circuit Description. Drive Circuit Assembly. Driver Board Testing. Mechanical Assembly. Sample Demonstration.
  • How to Electrify Objects and Vehicles. Supplementary Electrification Data and Information. Assembly of Suggested Power Sources. Circuit Description of Pulsed Shocker. Construction Steps for Pulsed Shocker. Notes Pulsed Shocker. Construction of Continuous Shocker.
  • Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Gun. Basic Theory Simplified. Circuit Description. Circuit Assembly.
  • Microwave Cannon.
  • Induction Heater. Circuit Operation. Project Assembly. Project Testing. Using the Heater Project.
  • 50-Kilovolt Laboratory DC Supply. Basic Description. Circuit Operation. Assembly of the Driver Section. Pretesting the Driver Section. Assembly of the Multiplier Section. Final Testing. Applications.
  • Magnetic High-Impact Cannon. Theory of Operation. Circuit Theory. Assembly Steps. Circuit Testing. Assembly of the Completed System. Testing and Operation of the Cannon.
  • Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil Project. Basic Description. Assembly Steps. Testing and Operating.
  • Universal Capacitance Discharge Ignition (CDI) Driver. Circuit Description. Assembly Steps. Test Steps. Notes on Operation.
  • Long-range Telephone Conversation Transmitter. Circuit Description. Assembly of the Circuit Board.
  • Line-Powered Telephone Conversation Transmitter. Circuit Description. Assembly of the Circuit Board.
  • Remote Wireless FM Repeater. Circuit Description. Assembly.
  • Tracking and Homing Transmitter. Circuit Description. Assembly of the Circuit Board.
  • Snooper Phone Room-Listening Device. Circuit Operation. Construction Steps. Final Assembly. Testing Steps.
  • Long-Range FM Voice Transmitter. Circuit Description. Assembly Steps.
  • FM Pocket Radio and TV Disrupter. Circuit Theory. Assembly Steps.
  • Ozone Generator for Water Treatment. Introduction to the Benefits of Ozone. Ozone for Water Applications. Ways to Generate Ozone.
  • Therapeutic Magnetic Pulser. Circuit Description. Assembly.
  • Noise Curtain Generator. Circuit Description. Assembly Steps. Testing Steps.
  • Mind-Synchronizing Generator. Information on Mind Control. Operating a Mind Machine. Circuit Theory. Assemble the Board.
  • Alternative Health Multiwave Machine. Theory of Operation. Construction of the Multiwave Coil and Antenna. Operation.
  • Mind Mangier. Circuit Operation. Construction Steps. Testing.
  • 500-Milligram Ozone Air Purification System. The Story of Ozone. Ozone for Treating Air. Construction Steps . Special .
  • Invisible Pain-field Generator. Circuit Description. Construction.
  • Canine Controller. Device Description. Circuit Description. Circuit Assembly. Testing the Circuit.
  • Ultrasonic Phaser Pain-Field Generator. Basic Device Description. Circuit Theory. Construction Steps. Testing the Assembly. Basic Operating Instructions. Information on the System. A Word of Caution. General Information on Ultrasonics. Application Supplement.
  • Magnetic Distortion Detector. Circuit Description. Assembly Steps. Pretesting the Sense Head. Construction of the Control Box. Control Box Protesting. Applications. Optional Ultra-Sensitive Vibration and Tremor Detector.
  • Body Heat Detector. Description. Body Heat Detector Modes. Circuit Description. Assembly Instructions. Operating Instructions. Final.
  • Ion and Field Detector. Circuit Description. Construction Steps. Applications.
  • Light Saber Recycling Stand. Circuit Description. Assembly. Parts Fabrication. Operation.
  • Andromeda Plasma Lamp. Circuit Description. Assembly Board Wiring.

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