lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius: 28 Build-It-Yourself Projects
Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius: 28 Build-It-Yourself Projects
Robert E. Iannini
Electronics fans have waited a long time for this book. Not since 1983 has author Bob Iannini published a collection of his amazing projects -- all of them fun, easy, and inexpensive to make at home and, best of all, seriously exciting and impressive!
Iannini takes the stuff of science fiction and science future and brings it down to size for the home hobbyist. Full of easy-to-follow plans and clear diagrams and schematics, and respectful of your wallet, Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius...
Los fans de la electrónica han esperado mucho tiempo para este libro. No es desde el año 1983 el autor Bob Iannini publicó una colección de sus proyectos asombrosos,  todos ellos divertidos, fácil y barata de hacer en casa y, lo mejor de todo, emocionante e impresionante en serio!
Iannini toma las cosas de la ciencia ficción y el futuro la ciencia y la lleva hasta el tamaño para el hogar aficionado. Totalmente fáciles de seguir, planos y diagramas y esquemas claros y respetuosos de su billetera, aparatos electrónicos para el genio malvado..
  • Antigravity Project
  • Low-Power Electrokinetic Gun
  • High-Energy Pulser
  • Mass Accelerator
  • Plasma Thermal Gun
  • Wire-Exploding Project
  • Magnetic Can Crushing
  • Handheld Burning C02 Gas Laser
  • Handheld Burning Diode Laser Ray Gun
  • Long-Range Optical Laser Project
  • Handheld, Ultrabright Green Laser
  • Laser Property- Protection Fence
  • Laser Window Bounce Listening Device
  • Twelve-Inch-Spark Tesla Coil
  • Two- Inch-Spark Tesla Coil with Timer
  • Tesla Plasma and Ion Projects
  • Solid-State Tesla Coil
  • Thirty- Inch-Spark Tesla Lightning Generator
  • Traveling-. Plasma Jacob's Ladder
  • Amazing Plasma Tornado Generator
  • Plasma Lightsaber
  • Ion Ray and Charge Gun
  • See-in-the-Dark Project
  • Fish Stunning and Wormer Project
  • Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Generator
  • Ultrasonic Microphone
  • Phaser Pain Field Gun
  • Pain Field Property-Protection Guard
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  • Antigravity Project. Theory of Operation. Construction Steps. Board Assembly Steps. Testing Steps. Tethering Setup. Lifter Troubleshooting Guide. Problem: The Lifter Is Not Moving, and I Don't Hear a Hissing Noise. The Lifter Is Not Moving, and the High-Voltage Supply Seems Completely Dead. The Lifter Is Not Moving, and I Do Hear a Hissing Noise. The Lifter Is Moving a Little but Is Not Taking Off. The Lifter Is Moving but Has a Lot of Electrical Arcing. The Lifter Is Lifting Off, but When Arcing Occurs It Suddenly Drops or Loses Height. The Lifter Is Lifting off and "Bouncing" the Tether, but Thrust Is Not Stable. Arcing Is Occurring Between the Ground Wire and the HV Wire. The Lifter Lifts Off and Immediately Shorts the HV and Ground Wires. The Lifter Lifts Off and Immediately Pulls to One Side. The Corona Wire Flutters During Liftoff and Causes Thrust Problems. The Foil Skirt Flutters During Liftoff and Causes Thrust Problems. The Lifter Hisses but Just Will Not Lift Off. Author's Note: General Troubleshooting Guidelines.
  • Low-Power Electrokinetic Gun. Basic Theory. First and Preferred Method. Second Method. Circuit Description. Board Assembly Steps. Fabrication. Electrical Pretest. Obtaining More Velocity (Under No Condition Point or Shoot Toward a Person).
  • High-Energy Pulser. System Description. Circuit Theory of Operation. Special Note. Construction Steps. Final Assembly. Electrical Pretest. Main Test. Helpful Mathematical Relationships with This Equipment.
  • Mass Accelerator. Theory of Operation. Setup and Operation of the Mass Accelerator.
  • Plasma Thermal Gun. Theory of Operation. Assembly Steps of the Thermal Gun. 
  • Wire-Exploding Project. Theory of Operation. Setup and Operation. 
  • Magnetic Can Crushing. Setup and Operation. 
  • Handheld Burning C02 Gas Laser. Basic Description. Theory of Operation. Circuit Operation. Assembly Steps. Laser Head Construction. Testing Your Laser. Special Optional Focusing Lens. Battery Operation. Cleaning Output Optics. Purging the Cooling System. Operating Time. Increasing Power Output. General-Purpose Test Fixture for Line-Powered Circuits.
  • Handheld Burning Diode Laser Ray Gun. Applications. Basic Theory. Circuit Theory. Assembly Steps. Circuit Pretest. Safety. General Handling. Static Electrical Damages (ESD). Excessive Forward Voltage. Excessive Forward Current. Reverse Currents. High Temperature.
  • Long-Range Optical Laser Project.
  • Handheld, Ultrabright Green Laser. Applications. Circuit Description. Assembly Steps. Electrical Pretest. Collimation and Final Assembly.
  • Laser Property- Protection Fence. Special Note. Circuit Description. Construction Steps for the Receiver and Controller. Construction Steps for the Laser Beam Generator.
  • Laser Window Bounce Listening Device. Special Note. Basic Theory. Project Description. Project Construction. Laser Transmitter. Circuit. Construction of the Electronics Assembly Board. Assembly Is Ready for Pretest. Special Note. Final Enclosure and Optics. Fabrication. Final Assembly. Test-Tone Module Construction. Laser Receiver. Circuit Theory. Construction Steps. Unit Is Ready for Pretest. Final Assembly. Laser Receiver Is Ready for Final Testing. System Application, Safety, and Legality. Setup Using Direct Reflection. Assembly of a Field-Worthy, Integrated System. Parts and Fabrication Description.
  • Twelve-Inch-Spark Tesla Coil. Use Caution Around Sensitive Electronic Equipment. Tesla Coil. Brief Theory. Introduction to Your Easy-to-Build Tesla Coil. Circuit Theory. Construction Steps. Special Application and Operation. Experiments Using Your Coil.
  • Two- Inch-Spark Tesla Coil with Timer. Circuit Theory. Construction Steps. Electrical Pretest. Final Assembly.
  • Tesla Plasma and Ion Projects. Experiments and Applications Using Plasma. Circuit Theory. Construction. Pretest. Mechanical Assembly. Test and Function Selection. Experiments and Applications Using Plasma. Experiments and Applications Using Ions.
  • Solid-State Tesla Coil. Circuit Theory. Assembly. Test Steps.
  • Thirty- Inch-Spark Tesla Lightning Generator. Basic Points to Consider Before Building This Project. Brief Theory of Operation. Circuit Description. Description of Major Components. LS1 Secondary Coil. Output Terminal. LP1 Primary Coil. Coupling. SPKGAP Spark Gap Switch. C3 Primary Capacitor. CHK1—RF Choke. Assembly Steps. Testing Steps. 
  • Traveling-. Plasma Jacob's Ladder. Origin. Basic Description. Circuit Descriptions. Assembly Steps. Testing the Circuit.
  • Amazing Plasma Tornado Generator. Theory of Operation. Project Description. Assembly Instructions. Application and Operation. Special Note.
  • Plasma Lightsaber. Circuit Theory. Construction. Construction Steps. Mechanical Assembly Steps. Test Points and Troubleshooting Suggestions. Special Batteries. Applications.
  • Ion Ray and Charge Gun. Circuit Operation. Construction Steps. Board Assembly Steps. Testing Steps. Mechanical Assembly. Operation and Applications. Experiments. Negative Ion Information. 
  • See-in-the-Dark Project. General Description. Basic Theory. Circuit Description. Circuit Assembly. Circuit Board Testing. Fabrication and Mechanical Assembly. 
  • Fish Stunning and Wormer Project. General Description. Circuit Description. Construction Steps. Subassembly Pretest. Final Assembly. Operation. Verification of Operation.
  • Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Generator. Basic Description. Project Objective. Hazards. Theory. Capacitor. Inductor. Spark Switch. Exploding Wire Disruption Switch (High-Power, High-Frequency Pulse). RFC1 Radio Frequency Choke. R1 Resistor. Charger. Assembly. Application. Sources. 
  • Ultrasonic Microphone. Applications. Circuit Description. Construction Steps. Electrical Pretest. Special Note: Utilizing a Standing Wave. Supplementary Application Note. Recording.
  • Phaser Pain Field Gun. Circuit Theory. Construction Steps. Subassembly Pretest. Final Assembly.
  • Pain Field Property-Protection Guard. Project Description. Driver Circuit Description. Detection Circuit Description. Construction. Final Assembly. Test Procedure. Testing Detector-Sensing Circuit. Special Application and Setup. A Word of Caution. General Information on Ultrasonics  . 

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