jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Mathematical Models of Electric Machines


Mathematical Models of Electric Machines 
I. P. Kopylov
Editorial MIR

The level of advancement in technological culture primarily depends on the development of energy sources for the needs of man. The use of steam and particularly electricity over the last one hundred years brought industrial rrevolution and grave a tremendous impetus to the development of society. In the last few decades worldwide production of electric energy has increased a hundredfold. 

The electric power of generating plants has grown to 2700 mln kw. If the rates of growth of generated energy remain the same, in 50 years from now the output of energy will reach 0.2% of the total energy the earth receives from the sum. Electric generators produce almost all the electric energy used, two-thirds of which is fed to electric motors to be converted to mechanical energy. Each year industry turns out tens of millions of electric machines and trasformers. In serial production now are turbine-driven generators of 500, 800, and 12000 MW, hydroelectric generators of 700 MW, and transformers rated at 1000 MVA. Today, motors and generators are an essential part of the fabriv of living, serving diverse purposes in industry, agriculture, and in the home.
  • Introduction to Electromechanics.
  • Electromechanical Energy Conversion Involving a Circular Field.
  • Generalized m-n Winding Converter. 
  • Typical Equations of Electric Machines. 
  • Energy Conversion Involving Nonsinusoidal and Asymmetric Supply Voltages. 
  • Multiwinding Machines. 
  • Models of Electric Machines with Nonlinear Parameters
  • Asymmetric Energy Converters. Types of Asymmetry in Electric Machines. 
  • The Equations for Electric Machines of Various Designs.
  • Application of Experimental Design to Electric Machinery Analysis. 
  • Synthesis of Electric Machines. 
  • Automated Design of Electric Machines.                 

Consulta el Libro (37 MB) por:

  • Introduction to Electromechanics. Historical Development. The Laws of Electromechanical, Energy Conversion Application of Field Equations to the Solution of Problems in Electromechanics. The Primitive Four-Winding Machine. Application of Computers to the Solution of Problems in Electromechanics.
  • Electromechanical Energy Conversion Involving a Circular Field. The Equations of the Generalized Electric Machine. Steady-State Equations. Application of Analog Computers to the Analysis of Electric Machines. Transient Processes in Electric Machines. The Effect of Parameters on the Dynamic Characteristics of Induction Machines.
  • Generalized m-n Winding Converter. The Infinite Arbitrary Spectrum of Fields in the Air Gap. The Generalized Energy Converter. The Equations of the Generalized Energy Converter.
  • Typical Equations of Electric Machines. Transition from Simple to More Complex Equations. Energy Conversion Involving an Elliptic. Field. Elliptic-Field Steady-State Conditions.
  • Energy Conversion Involving Nonsinusoidal and Asymmetric Supply Voltages. The Equations of Electric Machines. The Solution of Equations Involving Asymmetric Supply Voltages The Thyristor Voltage Regulator-Induction Motor System Pulse Electromechanical Energy Converters.
  • Multiwinding Machines. The Equations of Multiwinding Machines. The Equations of Synchronous Machines. The Equations of Direct Current Machines. The Double Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor. The Effect of Eddy Currents. The Induction Machine Model Including Stator and Rotor Eddy Currents. The Effect of Manufacturing Factors on Electric Machine Performance.
  • Models of Electric Machines with Nonlinear Parameters. The Analysis of Electric Machines with Nonlinear Parameters. The Effect of Saturation. The Effect of Current Displacement in the Slot. Energy Conversion Problems Involving Independent Variables The Analysis of Operation of a Real Electric Machine.....
  • Asymmetric Energy Converters. Types of Asymmetry in Electric Machines. Electrical and Magnetic Asymmetry. Spacial Asymmetry. Single-Phase Motors. The Electric Machine as an Element of the System.
  • The Equations for Electric Machines of Various Designs. The Mathematical Models of Energy Converters with a Few Degrees of Freedom. Linear Energy Converters. Energy Converters with Liquid and Gaseous Rotors. Other Types of Energy Converters. Electric-Field and Electromagnetic-Field Energy Converters. Principles of Dual-Inverse Electrodynamics. The Equations for electric-field Energy Converters. Parametric Electric-Field Energy Converters. Piezoelectric Energy Converters. Electromagnetic-Field Energy Converters.
  • Application of Experimental Design to Electric Machinery Analysis. General Information on the Theory of Experimental Design The Technique of Experimental Design Applied in Electromechanics. Transition from Experimental Design to Optimization....
  • Synthesis of Electric Machines. Optimization of Energy Converters. Optimization Methods. Geometric Programming. Design of Electric Machines by Geometric Programming.,..
  • Automated Design of Electric Machines. General Points on the Evolution of the Systems of Automated Design. Software of Automated Design Systems. Hardware of Automated Design Systems.  


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