lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

Lessons in Electric Circuits - Vol 5 – Reference

Lessons in Electric Circuits - Vol 5 – Reference

Tony R. Kuphaldt

Fuente: Open Book Project

The Open Book Project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topics. The advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web are making collaboration among educators on a global scale possible for the first time. We want to harness this exciting technology to promote learning and sharing.

  • Useful Equations And Conversion Factors. 
  • Resistor Color Codes. 
  • Conductor And Insulator Tables. 
  • Algebra Reference. 
  • Trigonometry Reference. 
  • Calculus Reference
  • Using The Spice Circuit Simulation Program. 
  • Troubleshooting - Theory And Practice. 
  • Circuit Schematic Symbols. 
  • Periodic Table Of The Elements. 

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  • USEFUL EQUATIONS AND CONVERSION FACTORS. DC circuit equations and laws. Series circuit rules. Parallel circuit rules. Series and parallel component equivalent values. Capacitor sizing equation. Inductor sizing equation. Time constant equations. AC circuit equations. Decibels. Metric prefixes and unit conversions. Data.
  • RESISTOR COLOR CODES. Example #1 to #6.
  • CONDUCTOR AND INSULATOR TABLES. Copper wire gage table. Copper wire ampacity table. Coefficients of specific resistance. Temperature coefficients of resistance. Critical temperatures for superconductors. Dielectric strengths for insulators. Data.
  • ALGEBRA REFERENCE. Basic identities. Arithmetic properties. Properties of exponents. Radicals. Important constants. Logarithms. Factoring equivalencies. The quadratic formula. Sequences. Factorials. Solving simultaneous equations.
  • TRIGONOMETRY REFERENCE. Right triangle trigonometry. Non-right triangle trigonometry. Trigonometric equivalencies. Hyperbolic functions.
  • CALCULUS REFERENCE. Rules for limits. Derivative of a constant. Common derivatives. Derivatives of power functions of e. Trigonometric derivatives. Rules for derivatives. The antiderivative (Indefinite integral). Common antiderivatives. Antiderivatives of power functions of e. Rules for antiderivatives. Definite integrals and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Differential equations.
  • USING THE SPICE CIRCUIT SIMULATION PROGRAM. Introduction. History of SPICE. Fundamentals of SPICE programming. The command-line interface. Circuit components. Analysis options. Quirks. Example circuits and netlists.
  • TROUBLESHOOTING - THEORY AND PRACTICE. Questions to ask before proceeding. General troubleshooting tips. Specific troubleshooting techniques. Likely failures in proven systems. Likely failures in unproven systems. Potential pitfalls.
  • CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC SYMBOLS. Wires and connections. Power sources. Resistors. Capacitors. Inductors. Mutual inductors. Switches, hand actuated. Switches, process actuated. Switches, electrically actuated (relays). Connectors. Diodes. Transistors, bipolar. Transistors, junction field-effect (JFET). Transistors, insulated-gate field-effect (IGFET or MOSFET). Transistors, hybrid. Thyristors. Integrated circuits. Electron tubes.
  • PERIODIC TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS. Table (landscape view). Table (portrait view). Data.
Lecciones de Circuitos Eléctricos - Vol. 5 - Referencia.
Tony R. Kuphaldt

El Proyecto Libro Abierto está dirigido a la comunidad educativa y busca incentivar y coordinar la colaboración entre estudiantes y profesores para el desarrollo de alta calidad, los libros de texto de libre distribución y materiales educativos sobre una amplia gama de temas. El advenimiento de la Internet y la World Wide Web están haciendo la colaboración entre los educadores a escala mundial es posible, por primera vez. Queremos aprovechar esta excitante tecnología para promover el aprendizaje y el compartir.

  • Ecuaciones útiles y factores de conversión.
  • Códigos de colores de resistores.
  • Conductor y aislante.
  • Álgebra de referencia.
  • Trigonometría de referencia.
  • Cálculo de referencia
  • Utilizando PSpice  programa de simulación.
  • Solución de problemas - teoría y práctica.
  • Símbolos del circuito esquemático.
  • Tabla Periódica de los Elementos.

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