martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

Visual Basic for Electronics Engineering Applications

Visual Basic for Electronics Engineering Applications
Vincent Himpe

Visual Basic is in the first place a Visual programming language. In today’s world of graphical user interfaces and windowing environments this is simply a must. More and more users demand a simple and easy to use interface to the software. Visual Basic enables the programmer to write just this kind of application. The programmer himself however needs not to be deprived of these things. Visual basic is really ‘visual’ both during development and runtime stage.

Index table
  • Visual Basic For the Research & Development LAB
  • Introduction
  • Conventions used in this manual
  • Chapter 1: The Visual Basic Background
  • Chapter 2: Exploring the Visual Basic environment
  • Chapter 3: The Basic Objects and Controls
  • Chapter 4: Events and Methods
  • Chapter 5: The Basic language itself
  • Chapter 6: Creating a user interface
  • Chapter 7: Attaching code to your form
  • Chapter 8: Running and debugging a program
  • Chapter 9: Distributing a program
  • Chapter 10: Multi-module projects
  • Chapter 11: A couple of case studies
  • The Advanced World of Visual Basic
  • Introduction to Part II
  • Chapter 12: One step beyond
  • Chapter 13: Graphics
  • Chapter 14: Communicating to the world around us
  • Part III: Master Programming with Visual Basic
  • Chapter 15: Digging into Windows
  • Chapter 16: ActiveX Control Creation
  • Chapter 17: Building better programs
  • Chapter 18: The Windows registry
  • Chapter 19: Scripting interpreters
  • Chapter 20: Classes
  • Part IV: Visual Basic for the Engineering Lab
  • Chapter 20: The Computer
  • Chapter 21: Controlling Standard PC ports
  • Chapter 22: The Printerport In Detail
  • Chapter 23 The Serial Port In Detail
  • Chapter 24: Plug-In boards
  • Chapter 25: The GPIB bus
  • Chapter 26: Vision
  • Chapter 27: Designing Test Programs
  • Chapter 28: Special Programming techniques
  • Chapter 29: Building user interfaces

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  • Visual Basic for Electronics Engineering Applications. 
  • A Crash Course To The World’s Premier RAD Tool. Developing test systems in no time.
  • Index table. Visual Basic For the Research & Development LAB. 
  • Introduction. 
  • Conventions used in this manual.
  • Chapter 1: The Visual Basic Background. Windows. Object Oriented Programming. Overview of the definitions.
  • Chapter 2: Exploring the Visual Basic environment. Starting a Visual basic project. The programming environment. Accessing functions with the Toolbar. The Object Browser (The Toolbox). The project navigator. The properties navigator. Form Viewer. Code Viewer. The Help system.
  • Chapter 3: The Basic Objects and Controls. The Form. The Controls. The Standard controls inside Visual basic. Common Dialog Control. Coram Control. Menu’s. Properties. Top, Left, Height, Width. Backcolor, ForeColor, Textcolor. Enabled and Visible. Index. Tabindex. TooltipText.
  • Chapter 4: Events and Methods. Tapping into Events. Click (Most controls). DblClick (Most controls). KeyPress (Most controls). MouseMove (Most controls). Activate (Form). Deactivate (Form). Unload (Form). Change (Textbox). Methods.
  • Chapter 5: The Basic language itself. Variables. Available Types in Visual Basic and how to declare them. Arrays. DIM. Ubound. Array. Types. Scope of Variables. Public / Global. Private. Static. Module level scope. Subroutines or Procedures. Functions. Constants. Base conversion. Logical Operators. Flow Control. If then else. If-then-else / elseif. For Next. While wend. Do Until. String manipulation Left$ - Right$ - Ltrim$ - Rtrim$. Right$. Ucase$. VAL and STR$. LEN. File Manipulation (Open - Close - Print - Input). Output mode. Input mode. PRINT constructions (file I/O). String style. Reading from a file. Determining file end. File names.
  • Chapter 6: Creating a user interface. Arrays of Objects and Controls.
  • Chapter 7: Attaching code to your form.
  • Chapter 8: Running and debugging a program. Running a program. Start , Break , Stop. Debugging a program. Examining Variables. Advanced Debugging: The Watch Window. Add Watch command. Add watch dialog box. Quick Watch command (Shift F9). Quick watch dialog box. Edit Watch Window. Using Breakpoints the Debug Object.
  • Chapter 9: Distributing a program. Specifying the Media.
  • Chapter 10: Multi-module projects. Multiple Forms. Modules. Accessing items from other parts of the program. Root structure analogy of a project.
  • Chapter 11: A couple of case studies. Case Study 1: A small Text Editor. Attaching Code. Designing the user interface. Writing Code. Attaching code to the user interface.
  • The Advanced World of Visual Basic. Introduction to Part II.
  • Chapter 12: One step beyond. Forms. Load. Unload. Show. Hide. Modal / Modeless forms. MDI forms. Menu’s. Popup menu’s. Adding images to menu’s. Enabling and Disabling Menu Commands. Displaying a Check Mark on a Menu Control. Making Menu Controls Invisible. Adding Menu Controls at Run Time. WindowList. CheckBoxes. OptionButtons or Radio Buttons. Grouping Radio Buttons. Timer objects. User entry objects. Keypress Event. Printing. Taking Advantage of the Windows95 Look.
  • Chapter 13: Graphics. Basic coordinate operations. CurrentX, CurrentY. Drawing setup. Drawwidth. DrawStyle. Fillcolour. Drawing primitives. PSet. Line. Circle. Saving and loading graphics. Loading Graphics. Coordinate systems. Scalemode. ScaleHeight , Scalewidth. ScaleLeft and ScaleTop.
  • Chapter 14: Communicating to the world around us. SendKeys : a simple way of communicating. AppActivate. Shell. DDE: another means of inter-program communication. LinkMode. Linkltem. Serial IO: Talking to world beyond the port. Inserting the object. Portopen. Handshaking. Settings. Outbuffersize , Inbuffersize. OutbufferCount, Inbuffercount. Parityreplace. DTRenable. OnComm Event. Commevent. Winsock: The world is not enough. UDP Basics. RemoteHost. State. Accept. GetData. Connectionrequest. DataArrival. Appendix II: Some more case studies. AlphaServer: A Telnet Server application. LoanCalc: Using Excel from your program. Case Study 3: Doodle A graphics program. Case Study 4: The dataterminal. Case Study 5: AlphaServe: A Telnet server. Case Study 6: LoanCalc: Using Excel in your applications. Conclusion.
  • Part III: Master Programming with Visual Basic. Introduction.
  • Chapter 15: Digging into Windows. Accessing DLL routines. On Passing parameters to procedures and functions. API programming. A simple API example.
  • Chapter 16: ActiveX Control Creation. Adding property’s and events. A closer look at the final code.
  • Chapter 17: Building better programs. The KISS Way. Atomic Programming. Naming objects. Error handling. The On Error Goto clause. The Err object. Resuming execution after handling the error. Syntax Errors (errors against the Basic syntax). Runtime errors. Flawed Programming logic errors.
  • Chapter 18: The Windows registry. Digging into the registry. Data Mining in the registry. GetSetting. SaveSetting. Make use of the registry.
  • Chapter 19: Scripting interpreters. Building A simple script interpreter. The script Parser. Parameter extraction. MSScript: A real script interpreter. Scripting language. Adding code to the script engine. Exposing Objects.
  • Chapter 20: Classes. The Class concept. Creating a Class. Instantiating objects from a class. A practical example. Appendix III A couple of Case studies. MiniBasic: A program editor for MS script. Additional Notes on the use of classes. Case Study 7: Killing Windows via an API call. Case Study 8: The LED ActiveX control. Case Study 9: MiniBasic: A program environment for MS script. Case Study 10: Additional notes on the use of Classes.
  • Part IV: Visual Basic for the Engineering Lab. Introduction.
  • Chapter 20: The Computer. The PC: A Hardware Description. The PC’s Input and Output Components. The Parallel port. The Serial port. The USB port. Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (Internet) . Field buses (CAN VAN etc). VXI / PXI / SCXI / Compact PCI etc. SCSI. The internal buses. EISA Bus. MICROCHANNEL Bus. PCI. AGP port. I2C Bus.
  • Chapter 21: Controlling Standard PC ports. The BIOS system area. Using DEBUG to snoop around. The Dump command. Hardware Access.
  • Chapter 22: The Printerport In Detail. Functional diagram. Bit-Banging interfaces. Serial protocol emulation. Printerport Control Using ClassWork. Special printerport modes. Bi-directional Parallel Ports. The IEEE 1284 Standard. Extended Capabilities Port.
  • Chapter 23 The Serial Port In Detail. System description. Flow Control. Hardware Flow Control. Software Flow Control. Which Flow Control Method Should I Use?. The UART. Basics of Asynchronous Serial Communications. UARTs and the PC Serial Port. RS-232 and Other Serial Conventions. RS232. Current Loop and Other Serial Standards. RS422 / RS423. Null modem cable. Full connection Null Modem Cable. Basic Serial Operations using MSCOMM.
  • Chapter 24: Plug-In boards. Description of the ISA bus. common interface chips. 8255. 8253/8254. Interfacing to ISA. Utility Lines. Bus Control Lines. Interrupt Request and DMA Lines. Basic interface schematic using 8255 I/O controller. Basic interface schematic using classic logic. Selecting an address for our card. Accessing our board.
  • Chapter 25: The GPIB bus. The GPIB bus structure. GPIB signals. Unitializing a GPIB system. EOI assertion. Common Command Set.
  • Chapter 26: Vision. GPIBcore. Installing GPIBcore. GPIB functions. GPIBinit. GPIBbye. GPIBopen. GPIBclose. GPIBtimeout. GPIBdefer. GPIBsinglestep. GPIBtroff. GPIBwrite. GPIBread. Other GPIB functions. GPIBcore I/O functions. 0UT. OUTW. INPW. GPIBcore Miscellaneous support functions. setBIT. clearBIT. flipBIT. BITset. BITclear. SwapBYTE. Microdelay. SStr$. Bin$. vVal. Instrument and IO libraries. ClassWork. The ClassWork concept. The ClassWork solution. Programming using ClassWork. A Sample ClassWork program. Developing ClassWork Modules. Module Header. Internal ClassWork variables. Initialize and Terminate events. Address assignment. AssignTo assignment. Global Lead-in code overview. General Rules for ClassWork module development. Properties. Methods (Sub). Methods (Function). Special Cases. ClassWork implementation of the HP34401 driver. TestBench.
  • Chapter 27: Designing Test Programs. Clean code. Modular programming. Documenting code. Use indentation and camelwriting. Accessing instruments and hardware. Accessing instruments. Accessing hardware in the computer. Collecting data versus Analyzing. Anatomy of a well structured test-program.
  • Chapter 28: Special Programming techniques. Stream Interpreting. Monolithic Program. Modular program. Creating the stream. Report generating on a printer. The Printers Collection. NewPage. EndDoc. Example.
  • Chapter 29: Building user interfaces. Build a splash screen and design a logo and icon.

Visual Basic para Aplicaciones de Ingeniería Electrónica
Vincent Himpe

Visual Basic es, en primer lugar un lenguaje de programación Visual. En el mundo actual de las interfaces de usuario gráficas y entornos de ventanas se trata simplemente de una necesidad. Cada vez más usuarios la demanda de una interfaz simple y fácil de usar con el software. Visual Basic permite a los programadores a escribir esta clase de aplicación. El propio programador sin embargo no tiene que ser privado de estas cosas. Visual Basic es muy "visual" tanto durante la fase de desarrollo y tiempo de ejecución.

  • Visual Basic para el Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo
  • Introducción
  • Convenciones utilizadas en este manual
  • Capítulo 1: Antecedentes de Visual Basic
  • Capítulo 2: Análisis del entorno de Visual Basic
  • Capítulo 3: Los objetos y controles básicos
  • Capítulo 4: Eventos y Métodos
  • Capítulo 5: El lenguaje Basic se
  • Capítulo 6: Creación de una interfaz de usuario
  • Capítulo 7: Asociación de código a su formulario
  • Capítulo 8: Ejecución y depuración de un programa
  • Capítulo 9: Distribución de un programa
  • Capítulo 10: Multi-módulo de proyectos
  • Capítulo 11: Un par de estudios de caso
  • Capítulo 12: Un paso más allá
  • Capítulo 13: Gráficos
  • Capítulo 14: La comunicación con el mundo que nos rodea
  • Capítulo 15: Excavando en Windows
  • Capítulo 16: Creación de controles ActiveX
  • Capítulo 17: Creación de mejores programas
  • Capítulo 18: El Registro de Windows
  • Capítulo 19: intérprete de secuencias de comandos
  • Capítulo 20: Clases
  • Capítulo 20: La Computadora
  • Capítulo 21: Control estándar los puertos de PC
  • Capítulo 22: Printerport En Detalle
  • Capítulo 23 el puerto serie en Detalle
  • Capítulo 24: Plug-In boards
  • Capítulo 25: bus GPIB
  • Capítulo 26: Visión
  • Capítulo 27: Diseño de programas de prueba
  • Capítulo 28: Técnicas especiales de programación
  • Capítulo 29: Las interfaces de usuario de construcción

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