sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

Coleccion Evil Genius

Colección Evil Genius

101 Outer Space Projects for the Evil Genius
101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius
123 PIC Microcontroller Experiments for the Evil Genius
123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius
15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius
22 Radio and Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius
30 Arduino Projects For The Evil Genius
46 Science Fair Projects for the Evil Genius
50 Awesome Auto Projects for the Evil Genius
50 Green Projects for the Evil Genius
50 Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius
51 High-Tech Practical Jokes for the Evil Genius
Bike Scooter And Chopper Projects For The Evil Genius
Bionics for the Evil Genius
Electronic Circuits for the Evil Genius 57 Lessons with Projects
Electronic Circuits for the Evil Genius 64 Lessons with Projects
Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius 28 Build-It-Yourself Projects.
Electronic Games for the Evil Genius
Electronic Sensors for the Evil Genius
Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius
Mechatronics for the Evil Genius
Mind Performance Projects For The Evil Genius
More Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius 40 NEW Build-it-Yourself
PICAXE Microcontroller Projects for the Evil Genius
Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius
Recycling Projects for the Evil Genius
Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius
Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius
TinyAVR Microcontroller Projects For The Evil Genius

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viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

TinyAVR Microcontroller Projects For The Evil Genius

TinyAVR Microcontroller Projects For The Evil Genius
Dhananjay V. Gadre -Nehul Malhotra
Create fiendishly fun TINYAVR microcontroller projects.
This wickedly inventive guide shows you how to conceptualize, build, and  program 34 tinyAVR microcontroller devices that you can use for either entertainment or practical purposes. After covering the development process, tools, and power supply sources, tinyAVR Microcontroller Projects for the Evil Genius gets you working on exciting LED,  graphics LCD, sensor, audio, and alternate energy projects. 
Crear proyectos con microcontroladores TINYAVR endiabladamente divertidos
Esta guía de malvada inventiva muestra cómo conceptualizar, construir, y un programa de 34 microcontroladores tinyAVR que se pueden utilizar ya sea para entretenimiento o con fines prácticos. Después de cubrir el proceso de desarrollo, herramientas y fuentes de alimentación, proyectos tinyAVR microcontroladores para el genio malvado se está trabajando en la apasionante LED, LCD gráfico, sensores, audio, y los proyectos de energía alternativa.
  • Tour de Tiny
  • LED Projects
  • Advanced LED Projects
  • Graphics LCD Projects
  • Sensor Projects
  • Audio Projects
  • Alternate Energy Projects
  • C Programming for AVR Microcontrollers
  • Designing and Fabricating PCBs
  • Illuminated LED Eye Loupe
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  • Tour de Tiny. About the Book. Atmel’s tinyAVR Microcontrollers. tinyAVR Devices. tinyAVR Architecture. Elements of a Project. Power Sources. Hardware Development Tools. Software Development. Making Your Own PCB. Hello World! of Microcontrollers.
  • LED Projects. LEDs. Types of LEDs. Controlling LEDs. Flickering LED Candle. RGB LED Color Mixer. Random Color and Music Generator. LED Pen.
  • Advanced LED Projects. Multiplexing LEDs. Charlieplexing. Mood Lamp. VU Meter with 20 LEDs. Voltmeter. Celsius and Fahrenheit Thermometer. Autoranging Frequency Counter. Geek Clock. RGB Dice. RGB Tic-Tac-Toe.
  • Graphics LCD Projects. Principle of Operation. Nokia 3310 GLCD. Temperature Plotter. Tengu on Graphics Display. Game of Life. Tic-Tac-Toe. Zany Clock. Rise and Shine Bell.
  • Sensor Projects. LED as a Sensor. Thermistor. LDR. Inductor as Magnetic Field Sensor. LED as a Sensor and Indicator. Valentine’s Heart LED Display with Proximity Sensor. Electronic Fire-free Matchstick. Spinning LED Top with Message Display. Contactless Tachometer. Inductive Loop-based Car Detector and Counter. Electronic Birthday Blowout Candles. Fridge Alarm.
  • Audio Projects. Tone Player. Fridge Alarm Redux. RTTTL Player. Musical Toy.
  • Alternate Energy Projects. Choosing the Right Voltage Regulator. Building the Faraday Generator. Experimental Results and Discussion. Batteryless Infrared Remote. Batteryless Electronic Dice. Batteryless Persistence-of-Vision Toy.
  • C Programming for AVR Microcontrollers. Differences Between ANSI C and Embedded C. Data Types and Operators. Efficient Management of I/O Ports. A Few Important Header Files. Functions. Interrupt Handling. Arrays. More C Utilities.
  • Designing and Fabricating PCBs. EAGLE Light Edition. EAGLE Windows. EAGLE Tutorial. Adding New Libraries. Placing the Components and Routing. Roland Modela MDX-20 PCB Milling Machine.
  • Illuminated LED Eye Loupe. Version 2 of the Illuminated LED Eye Loupe. Version 3 of the Illuminated LED Eye Loupe.

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius

Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius
Thomas Petruzzellis
Evil never sounded so clear.
Listen up! Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius has everything you need to build and customize both wired and wireless phone gadgets that not only save you money, but also improve the quality of your life! 
Using easy-to-find parts and tools for creating both retro and modern phone projects, this do-it-yourself guide begins with some background on the development of the landline phone and the cell. You'll review basic building techniques, such as installing components, building circuits, and soldering. Then you'll dive into the projects, which, while they range from easy to complex, are all designed to optimize your time and simplify your life!
El mal nunca había sonado tan claro.
Escuchen! Proyectos de teléfono para el Genio Malvado tiene todo lo necesario para crear y personalizar ambos aparatos telefónicos alámbricos e inalámbricos, que no sólo le ahorrará dinero, sino también mejorar la calidad de tu vida!
Utilización fácil de encontrar las piezas y herramientas para la creación de los dos proyectos de teléfono retro y moderno, este hágalouno mismo guía comienza con algunos antecedentes sobre el desarrollo de la línea de teléfono fijo y la célular. Vas a revisar las técnicas básicas de construcción, tales como la instalación de componentes, circuitos de construcción y soldadura. A continuación, a bucear en los proyectos, que, al mismo tiempo van desde fácil a lo complejo, están diseñadas para optimizar su tiempo y simplificar su vida!
  • Telephone History.
  • How the Telephone Works.
  • Identifying Electronic Components.
  • Reading Schematics.
  • Electronic Parts Installation and Soldering.
  • Telephone Privacy Guard.
  • Modem Protector.
  • Telephone Amplifiers and Projects. Magnetic Phone Pickup. Direct Connect.
  • Phone Recorder Switch Project.
  • Telephone Conferencer Unit.
  • The Frustrator.
  • Hold Circuits and Projects. Telephone Hold and Line-in-Use. Basic Music-on-Hold. Universal Hold Circuit. Automatic Music-on-Hold.
  • Telephone Ringer Projects. Silent Cellular Phone Ringer. Remote Telephone Ringer. Telephone Ring Detector. Wireless Telephone Ringer. Telephone Ring Generator.
  • Phone Line Status Circuits and Projects. Phone In-Use Indicator. Cut Phone Line Detector. Phone Line-in-Use Relay. Controller. Single Phone Line Status Light. Two-Line Phone Status Indicator. Smart Phone Light. Telephone Line Vigilant.
  • Telephone and Phone Line Testers. Simple Telephone Line Tester. Off-Line Telephone Tester. Telephone Line Tester. Telephone Line Simulator.
  • FM Telephone Transmitter.
  • Telephone Project.
  • Talking/Musical Telephone Ringer.
  • Telephone Tollsaver.
  • Infinity Bug/Transmitter Project.
  • Radio Phone Patch.
  • Telephone Phone Intercom.
  • Speaker-Phone Project.
  • Telephone Scrambler.
  • Telephone Tattletale.
  • DTMF Telephone Controller Project.
  • The BASIC STAMP Microcontroller.
  • DTMF Touch-Tone Generator/Decoder Display.
  • Caller-ID/Blocker Project.
  • Page-Alert. Alarm Switch/Sensor Module. Temperature/Voltage Level Module.
  • Tele-Alert Project. Motion Module. Listen-in Module.
  • Remote Temperature Monitor.
  • Appendix: Electronic Parts Suppliers.
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miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012

Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius: 50 Build-it-yourself Projects

Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius: 50 Build-it-yourself Projects
Gavin D. J. Harper  -Nelson Willie
Follow the sun, to more evil fun!
Let the sun shine on your evil side - and have a wicked amount of fun on your way to becoming a solar energy master! In this guide, the popular evil genius format ramps up your understanding of powerful, important, and environmentally friendly solar energy - and shows you how to build real, practical solar energy projects you can use in your home, yard - even on the road!
In Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius, high-tech guru Gavin Harper gives you everything you need to build more than 50 thrilling solar energy projects. You'll find complete, easy-to-follow plans, with clear diagrams and schematics, so you know exactly what's involved before you begin.
Siga el sol, a la diversión más malvada!
Que el sol brille en su lado malo - y tienen una cantidad malvados de diversión en su camino a convertirse en un maestro de la energía solar! En esta guía, las popular del genio malos formato rampas arriba su comprensión de la importancia de gran alcance, y la energía solar ecológica-y le muestra cómo construir proyectos reales y prácticas de energía solar se pueden utilizar en el hogar, jardín - incluso en la carretera!
En proyectos de energía solar para el genio malvado, el gurú de alta tecnología Gavin Harper le da todo lo necesario para construir más de 50 proyectos emocionantes de energía solar. Usted encontrará completa y fácil de seguir planos, con diagramas y esquemas claros, para que sepas exactamente lo que está involucrado antes de empezar.
  • Why Solar?
  • The Solar Resource
  • Positioning Your Solar Devices
  • Solar Heating
  • Solar Cooling
  • Solar Cooking
  • Solar Stills
  • Solar Collectors
  • Solar Pumping
  • Solar Photovoltaics
  • Crystals
  • Photochemical Solar Cells
  • Solar Engines
  • Solar Electrical Projects
  • Tracking the Sun
  • Solar Transport
  • Solar Robotics?
  • Solar Hydrogen Partnership
  • Photosynthesis—Fuel from the Sun
  • Appendix
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  • Why Solar?
  • The Solar Resource
  • Positioning Your Solar Devices. Build a Solar-Powered Clock!. Build Your Own Heliodon. Experimenting with Light Rays and Power
  • Solar Heating. Build Your Own Flat Plate Collector. Solar Heat Your Swimming Pool. Useful Circuits for Solar Heating
  • Solar Cooling. Solar-Powered Ice-Maker
  • Solar Cooking. Build a Solar Hot Dog Cooker. Build a Solar Marshmallow Melter. Cook Eggs on Your Driveway Using the Sun. Build a Solar Cooker. Build a Solar Camping Stove
  • Solar Stills. Build a Window-Sill Demonstration Solar Still. Build a Pit-Type Solar Still. Build a Solar Basin Still
  • Solar Collectors. Build Your Own “Solar Death Ray”. Build Your Own Parabolic Dish Concentrator. Experiment with Fresnel Lens Concentrators
  • Solar Pumping. Build a Solar-Powered Fountain
  • Solar Photovoltaics. Grow Your Own “Silicon”
  • Crystals. Build Your Own “Thin-Film” Solar Cell. Experimenting with the Current–Voltage Characteristics of a Solar Cell. Experimenting with Current–Voltage Characteristics of Solar Cells in Series. Experimenting with Solar Cells in Parallel. Experiment with the “Inverse Square Law”. Experimenting with Different Types of Light Sources. Experimenting with Direct and Diffuse Radiation. Measurement of “Albedo Radiation”
  • Photochemical Solar Cells. Build Your Own Photochemical Solar Cell
  • Solar Engines. Build a Solar Bird Engine. Make a Radial Solar Can Engine
  • Solar Electrical Projects. Build Your Own Solar Battery Charger. Build Your Own Solar Phone Charger. Build Your Own Solar-Powered Radio. Build Your Own Solar-Powered Torch. Build Your Own Solar- Powered Warning Light. Build Your Own Solar- Powered Garden Light
  • Tracking the Sun. Simple Solar Tracker
  • Solar Transport. Build Your Own Solar Car. Hold Your Own Solar Car Race. Souping Up Your Solar Vehicle. Supercharge Your Solaroller. Build Your Own Solar Airship
  • Solar Robotics?. Assembling Your Photopopper Photovore
  • Solar Hydrogen Partnership. Generating Hydrogen Using Solar Energy. Using Stored Hydrogen to Create Electricity
  • Photosynthesis—Fuel from the Sun. Proving Biofuel Requires Solar Energy. Proving Biofuel Requires Water. Looking at the Light-Absorption Properties of Chlorophyll. Make Your Own Biodiesel
  • Appendix A: Solar Projects on the Web
  • Appendix B: Supplier’s Index

martes, 31 de julio de 2012

Recycling Projects for the Evil Genius
Russel Gehrke
Have some thoroughly green evil fun!
This wickedly inventive guide explains how to create a variety of practical, environmentally friendly items you can use for yourself or resell for profit. Recycling Projects for the Evil Genius is filled with detailed directions on how to successfully complete each green project and discusses important safety issues.
Using easy-to-find components and tools, this do-it-yourself book shows you how to brew up green cleaners, transform all types of paper into building materials, safety rid your home and yard of pests, and much more--all on the cheap!
Pasar un divertido mal rato completamente verde!
Esta guía de perversamente inventiva se explica cómo crear una variedad de artículos prácticos, respetuosos del medio ambiente que puede utilizar para usted o para revender con fines de lucro. Proyectos de reciclaje para el Genio Malvado está llena de instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo llevar a cabo con éxito cada proyecto verde y discute cuestiones importantes de seguridad.
Uso fácil de encontrar componentes y herramientas, este libro de hágalo usted mismo le muestra cómo preparar a los limpiadores verdes, transformar todo tipo de papel en los materiales de construcción, la seguridad de librar su hogar y el jardín de las plagas, y mucho más - todo barato!
  • My Shade of Green
  • Recycling the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  • Greening Up Household Cleaners
  • Greening Up with Safer Pest Controls
  • Recycling Plastics and Composite Projects
  • Recycling Paper and Cardboard Fiber Projects
  • Solar-Powered Compost Projects
  • Clean with Green Projects
  • Home-Friendly Green Pest and Weed Control Projects
  • Just-for-Fun Projects and 101 Cool Tips
  • Making Money with the Items You’ve Made and Sources
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  • My Shade of Green. Tell Me About the Good Ol’ Days. Out of the Box. It’s a Brick House. Paper or Plastic?. Safer Chemicals. Mean Green. My Shade of Green.
  • Recycling the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Collection. Which Way Did It Go?. Buried Treasure in Our Trash. Recycling Half-Truths. Wants versus Needs. Recycling and the Poor. When Recycling Goes Down a Questionable Path. Re-recycled Investment. Recycling Your Waste Stream at Home. Cash in Your Trash.
  • Greening Up Household Cleaners. What We Are Cleaning. How Do Cleaners Work?. What’s in Dirt?. What’s in Dust Besides Dirt?. What Makes Things Stick or Stain?. Can’t You Smell That Smell?. Raising a Stink. Smoke Odor Tips. Refrigerator Odor Tips. Garbage Disposal Odor Tips. Basic Cleaner Types. Store-Bought Cleaners and Their Potential Dangers. Hidden Dangers of Cleaners. It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane—No, It’s a Superbug. To Air Is Human. It’s a Wash. A Little Big Deal. Take Control. The Easy Life. Your Shade of Clean.
  • Greening Up with Safer Pest Controls. Weed-Free Lawns?. Good Weed. The Pest Things in Life Are Free. Pest Recognition. The Pest Offense Is a Good Defense. What’s Bugging You. The Buzz on Pesticides. Some Groups of Chemical Products Considered to Be Pesticides. Pesticide Usage Tips. Pesticide Storage Tips. Pesticide-Free Pest-Control Tips. Pest-Control Goals.
  • Recycling Plastics and Composite Projects. Two Characterizations of Plastic. What Is What?. Ode to the Code. Number 7 Plastics: Miscellaneous. Risk Management. Board with Plastics. Products Made with Recycled Plastics. Make Your Own Wafer Board–Style Plastic Lumber. Mass-Production Method. Make a Square Panel Out of Your Plastic Wafer Board. Make a Birdhouse Out of Plastic Lumber. How to Use It. Make a Recycled-Plastic Landscape Block. The Plastic Recipe. Mass Production. Make Recycled-Asphalt-Shingle Paver Bricks. Background. Summary of the Invention. Make a Road-Patch Compound from Recycled Asphalt Roofing Shingles. Potholes. How to Use Your Road-Patch Compound.
  • Recycling Paper and Cardboard Fiber Projects. Farm-Fresh Paper. Pulp Friction. Paper Cuts. Types of Paper Found in Our Homes. The Paper Trail. Make Concrete Papier-Mache. Mass Production. Safety First. First Aid for Contact Chemical Burns. Protect Your Eyes. Waterproofing. Make and Use Landscape Block Molds. How to Use the Mold. Build a Concrete Papier-Mache Landscape Wall or Raised-Bed Garden. Make a Concrete Papier-Mache Shed or Animal Shelter. Make a Large Concrete Papier-Mache Planter. Make a Concrete Papier-Mache Flower Pot or Decorative Bowl. Make a Concrete Papier-Mache Birdbath. Location, Location, Location. I Thought I Saw a Tweety Bird. Make Concrete Papier-Mache Stepping Stones. Make a Concrete Papier-Mache Stepping Stone Walkway. Make a Concrete Papier-Mache Tabletop.
  • Solar-Powered Compost Projects. Compost. Requirements for Organic Decomposition. Materials for Composting. Materials to Avoid in a Compost Pile. Location. Preparing the Compost Pile. Use of Compost to Improve Soil. Charcoal Is Also Beneficial for Soil. Make Your Own Garden-Friendly Charcoal from Biomass Waste. How to Use Your Charcoal. Make a Shopping Bag Composter. Solar-Powered Bag Composter. How to Use It. Build a Barrel Composter. Diagnosing Composting Problems. Build a Raised-Bed Composter That Turns into a Garden. Build a Solar-Powered Compost Tea Brewer. Compost Tea Tips.
  • Clean with Green Projects. Cleaners. Anatomy of a Cleaner. Laundered Money. Cut Your Cleaning Cost by 90 Percent or More. Home Basic or Base 50:1 Concentrate. Make Your Own Rain Barrel. How to Use Your Barrel. How to Make or Find Your Surfactant (Soap). Making Soap (Surfactant). Where to Find Lye (Sodium Hydroxide). Alternatives to Waste Fryer Oil. Making a Concentrated Base “Basic” Cleaner. How to Use It. Testing Your Base Cleaner’s pH Level. Finding pH Strips. Making a Base Liquid pH-Balanced Laundry Soap. That’s a pHact, Jack. How to Use Your Laundry Soap. Making a Base Surface-Cleaner Spray. How to Use Your Surface-Cleaner Spray. Making a Base Floor Cleaner. Nonwooden Floors. Wood, Laminant, and Marble Floors. Making a Base Carpet Shampoo. How to Clean with the Shampooer. Making a Base Carpet Spot and Stain Remover. How to Use Your Carpet Spot and Stain Remover. Making a Base Glass Cleaner. How to Use Your Base Glass Cleaner. In the Newspaper. Window Washing Rules. Making a Base Disinfectant Surface Cleaner. How to Use Your Disinfectant Surface Cleaner. Making a Base Abrasive Toilet Bowl Cleaner. How to Clean the Inside of the Toilet Bowl. Making a Base Rust and Mineral Stain Remover. How to Use It. Making a Base Mold and Mildew Remover. Prevention Is Best. How to Use It. Making a Base Oven Cleaner. How to Use It. Make Your Own Supercleaning Citrus Fruit Enzymes. Fruit Enzymes. Does This Smell Bad to You?. How This Enzyme Recipe Works (From My Perspective, Anyway). How to Use Your Fruit Enzyme as a General Cleaner. How to Use Your Fruit Enzyme Cleaner as a Laundry Detergent Booster. How to Use Your Fruit Enzyme Cleaner as a Super Stain Lifter. Make Your Own Citrus Oil Extract. How to Use It. Make Your Own Plant Oil–Based Heavy-Duty Solvent. Why Castor Oil?. Castor Oil. How to Use It. Make Your Own Heavy-Duty Hand Cleaner. How to Use It. Make Your Own Green Furniture Polish. How to Use It. How to Remove Stains. Know Your Stains. Mechanics of Stain Removal. Know Your Basic Tannin (Plant-Derived) Stains. Know Your Basic Oil-Based Stains. Know Your Basic Pigment Stains. Know Your Combination Pigment and Oil Stains. Know Your Combination Protein and Pigment Stains. Know Your Unique Stains. How to Clean Odds and Ends.
  • Home-Friendly Green Pest and Weed Control Projects. Control Issues. Pesty Pesky Weeds. Weed the People. Make Your Own Weed Killer. Weed Killer Active Ingredient. Weed Killer Active Ingredient. Weed Killer Inactive Ingredient. Weed Killer Inactive Ingredient. How to Use It. Making Your Own Creepy Crawly Controls. Remember, It’s a Bug Eat Bug World Out There. Making Your Own Pest Controls. The Many Uses of Boric Acid. Shh … It’s a Secret. How to Use Boric Acid. Make a Puffer to Kill Roaches. How to Use It. Die Roach Die!. Make a Boric Acid Flea Control. How to Use It. Make a Boric Acid Ant Control. Making Boric Acid Chalk to Control Crawling Pests. Garlic as a Pest Control. Make a Garlic Concentrate for Multiple Pest Control Use. Make a Garlic Insecticide Soap. Make a Garlic Insecticide Flour Spray. Make a Garlic and Vegetable–Based Horticultural Oil. Make a Pepper Spray to Control Chewing Insects. Make a Castor Oil–Based Mole Control. How to Use It. How to Make a Beer Trap for Slugs. Stopping Slugs: Rough ’em Up. Capture and Kill Fleas with Christmas Tree Lights. What to Buy If You Can’t Make Your Own Pest Controls. Understanding All Types of Pesticide Risk. Read and Understand. A List of Pesticides That Contain Natural Ingredients.
  • Just-for-Fun Projects and 101 Cool Tips. 101 Cool Tips from A to Z. Use Recycled Aluminum Foil to Quick Clean Your BBQ Grill. Making a Walkway from Used Brick Pieces. Making Old Candles into New. Making a Weed Block with Recycled Carpet. Clothes Hanger. Build a Recycled CD Scarecrow. Recycling a Garden Hose into a Soaker Hose. Make Outdoor Oil Candles from Recycled Glass Bottles. Making a Campfire Starter from Lint. How to Use It. Paper Egg Carton Planter. How to Use It. Make a Dog Training Device. How to Use It. Make Sun Tea in a Recycled Plastic Bottle. Make a Plastic Bag Dispenser for Your Car. Make a Cat Bed from Plastic Grocery Bags. Make Homemade Paper from Recycled Paper. Make a Pinata from Recycled Paper. Make the Pinata. How to Use It. Make a Device to Help You Park in the Garage. Make a Better Tire Swing. Make Seedling Starters from Toilet Paper Tubes. Build a Solar-Powered Hydrogen Firecracker. Direct Current Events. Got Gas?. Build a Wind-Powered Scarecrow.
  • Making Money with the Items You’ve Made and Sources. What’s the Plan, Stan?. Who Else Is Out There?. Help Them Find You. Word of Mouth. Business Cards. Brochures. Direct Mail. Newspapers. How to Find Your Market. The Price Is Right. Up and Up. Places to Sell Homemade Products. Third-Party Sites. Having Your Own Site. Sources.

Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius

Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius
Ian Cinnamon
Always wanted to be a genius game creator? This Evil Genius guide goes far beyond a typical programming class or text to reveal insider tips for breaking the rules and constructing wickedly fun games that you can tweak and customize to suit your needs!
In Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius, programming wunderkind Ian Cinnamon gives you everything you need to create and control 57 gaming projects. You’ll find easy-to-follow plans featuring Java, the most universal programming language, that run on any PC, Mac, or Linux computer.
Siempre quisiste ser un genio creador de juegos ? Esta guía de genio malvado va mucho más allá de la típica clase de programación o texto para revelar consejos de expertos para romper las reglas y la construcción de juegos perversamente divertidos que usted puede modificar y personalizar a sus necesidades!
En Video Juegos programación para el genio malvado, niño prodigio de la programación Ian Cinnamon le ofrece todo lo necesario para crear y controlar los juegos  de 57 proyectos. Usted encontrará fácil de seguir, que ofrecen planos Java, el lenguaje de programación más universales, que se ejecutan en cualquier PC, Mac, o Linux.
  • Java Jumpstart
  • This tutorial section systematically provides all basic skills necessary to program the games in this book ... and beyond.. The Repeater. Guess the Password. Number Cruncher. Number Cruncher Extreme. Crack the Code. Virtual Game Library. Virtual Game Library Pro Edition. Number Guesser
  • Racing Games
  • Radical Racing. The Track. The Cars. Collision!. Customizing
  • Screen Skier. The Slope. Practice Run. Expert Slope. Bulldozer. Competition
  • Board Games
  • Whack-an Evil Genius. The Lab. Quick! Get ’em!. Getting Smarter .... Showdown
  • Tic-Tac-Toe Boxing. The Ring. Fight!!!. Knock Out. Championship
  • Shoot-’Em-Up Games
  • Snake Pit. The Arena. Snake Bait. Snake Bite!. King Cobra
  • Space Destroyers. The Landscape. Lasers. Retaliation. Life and Death
  • Strategy Games
  • Bomb Diffuser. Bomb Squad Noob. Expert Diffuser. Kaboom!!!. Rising Through the Ranks
  • Trapper. Men on the Move. Setting the Trap. Trapped!. Showdown
  • Retro Games
  • Oiram. The Platform. Go, Oiram, Go. Bad Guys. Complicated World
  • Java Man. Java Man’s Universe. Java Man Lives!. C++ Attacks. Obituaries
  • Brain Busters
  • Memory. Grid Design. Match Time. Beat the Clock. Photo Finish
  • Ian Says. Color Quad. Brain Drain. More Rounds, More Frustration. Play. Accessories
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lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

PICAXE Microcontroller Projects for the Evil Genius

PICAXE Microcontroller Projects for the Evil Genius
Ron Hackett
Whip up some fiendishly fun  PICAXE microcontroller devices.
"Ron has worked hard to explain how the PICAXE system operates through simple examples, and I'm sure his easy-to-read, style will help many people progress with their PICAXE projects."
This wickedly inventive guide shows you how to program, build, and debug a variety of PICAXE microcontroller projects. PICAXE Microcontroller Projects for the Evil Genius gets you started with programming and I/O interfacing right away, and then shows you how to develop a master processor circuit.
Estimular algunos endiabladamente divertidos dispositivos microcontroladores PICAXE.
"Ron ha trabajado duro para explicar cómo el sistema PICAXE opera a través de ejemplos sencillos, y estoy seguro de que su estilo fácil lectura, contribuirán al progreso de muchas personas con sus proyectos PICAXE".
Esta guía de perversa inventiva que muestra cómo programar, construir y depurar una serie de proyectos microcontroladores PICAXE. Proyectos PICAXE microcontroladores para el genio malvado es comenzar con la programación y la E / S de la interfaz de inmediato, a continuación, muestra cómo el desarrollo de un circuito procesador maestro.
  • PICAXE Basics.
  • Introduction to PICAXE Programming and Projects
  • Introduction to Stripboard Circuits
  • Designing and Building a +5V Regulated Power Supply
  • Hardware Overview of the PICAXE M2-Class Processors
  • The Ins and Outs of PICAXE Interfacing
  • Introduction to ADC Inputs on M2-Class Processors
  • PICAXE Peripheral Projects.
  • Introduction to the PICAXE-20X2 Processor
  • Infrared Input from a TV Remote Control
  • Interfacing Parallel LCDs
  • Serializing a Parallel LCD
  • Interfacing Keypads
  • SPI Communication
  • Background Timing on the 20X2 Processor
  • Constructing a Programmable Multifunction Peripheral Device
  • Developing Software for the Evil Genius MPD
  • Octavius: An Advanced Robotics Experimentation Platform.
  • Birthing Octavius
  • Driving Octavius
  • Programming Octavius
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  • PICAXE Basics.
  • Introduction to PICAXE Programming and Projects. Choosing a PICAXE Processor. Interfacing a Project with Your Mac or PC. Using RevEd’s Free Programming Editor or AXEpad Software. Programming in PICAXE BASIC. Breadboards, Stripboards, and PC Boards. “Hello World”. Debugging a PICAXE Project.
  • Introduction to Stripboard Circuits. Designing Stripboard Circuits. Tools for Stripboard Circuit Construction. The USBS-PA3 PICAXE Programming Adapter. Hello Again.
  • Designing and Building a +5V Regulated Power Supply. Designing a +5V Regulated Power Supply for Breadboard Circuits. More Power, Scotty!.
  • Hardware Overview of the PICAXE M2-Class Processors. General-Purpose Variables. Storage Variables. Special-Function Variables. Cylon Eye.
  • The Ins and Outs of PICAXE Interfacing. PICAXE I/O Interfacing. Setting Up an Interrupt Routine. Mary.
  • Introduction to ADC Inputs on M2-Class Processors. Voltage Dividers. A Three-State Digital Logic Probe. 
  • PICAXE Peripheral Projects.
  • Introduction to the PICAXE-20X2 Processor. Advanced Features of the 20X2 Processor. Implementing the 20X2 Master Processor Circuit.
  • Infrared Input from a TV Remote Control. Reception and Transmission of Standard TV IR Signals. IR-Based Serial Communications. Simple IR Object-Detection. Experiment 1: A Simple TV-IR Input Circuit. Experiment 2: Interfacing the IR Circuit with the Master Processor. Constructing the TV-IR Input Module.
  • Interfacing Parallel LCDs. Understanding the Basics of HD44780-based LCDs. Experiment 1: Interfacing an HD44780-based Parallel LCD. Constructing an Eight-bit Parallel 16 x 2 LCD Board. Programming Challenge.
  • Serializing a Parallel LCD. Receiving Serial Data in the Background. Constructing a Serialized 16 x 2 LCD.
  • Interfacing Keypads. Decoding Matrix Keypads. Constructing a Serialized 4 by 4 Matrix Keypad.
  • SPI Communication. The MAX7219 8-Digit LED Display Driver. Constructing an SPI 4-Digit LED Display. Learning to Count.
  • Background Timing on the 20X2 Processor. Using Timer1 on the 20X2 Processor. “Deconstructing” a Matrix Keypad. Testing the “New and Improved” Keypad. Constructing a Countdown Timer.
  • Constructing a Programmable Multifunction Peripheral Device. The Evil Genius Multifunction Peripheral Device.
  • Developing Software for the Evil Genius MPD. Understanding the 20X2’s Built-in Comparator Hardware. Testing Our Comparator 1 Configuration. “We Interrupt This Program to Bring You a Keypress!”. A Simple MPD Operating System.
  • Octavius: An Advanced Robotics Experimentation Platform.
  • Birthing Octavius. Understanding Octavius. Building Octavius.
  • Driving Octavius. H-Bridge Motor Control Circuits. The L298 Dual H-Bridge Driver. Constructing an L298 Dual DC Motor Controller Board.
  • Programming Octavius. The MaxBotix LV-MaxSonar Ultrasonic Range Finders. Who’s in Charge Here?. Hail, Octavius!. Epilogue: What’s Next for Octavius?.